Checking IN
My laptop still isn’t fixed yet but I stole a moment and I’m trying to give an update but there is way too much to say.
I think I’ll leave the past 2 months alone though or maybe I’ll tell those stories if or when I need to.
I’m still working at Denny’s. Still love being a waitress. I’m still in school. Still learning so much about becoming a therapist. At the same time, I am feeling like it’s time for me to move on from this.
I know…crazy to spend more than a year in school and then stop…but…I don’t choose to do this, I just feel like it may be time. So here we go again, knowing it’s time to go but not knowing where I’m going next.
I won’t make a move without some kind of direction though so…we’ll see.
I’m still doing my radio show every Friday night and I’m enjoying hosting my internet talk show. Each week I get to award someone in this community for their efforts at making their dreams come true. I actually made the awards myself. ~smile~ It feels like heaven to be a part of this movement and I’ve fallen in love with the creative spirit of my city.
I attend open mics often to look for new artists to expose. I’ve met some really great rappers and poets. I found this one spot called The Literary Cafe in North Miami. Honestly, when I’m there, I’m just grateful to be alive and witness the coming together of such great spirits. I can’t remember ever having more fun than I have when I am in that cafe.
I have only performed once but it’s not even about all of that. It’s really about falling in love with each poet that graces the stage, about listening to the lyrics and the musical make up of each song that I hear. It’s about watching someone stand in front of a crowd filled with hope that their creative work will be appreciated. ~sigh~ It’s magic to me.
My sons are just great. Man….they remind me of their Daddy so much. They are kinda excited about their Daddy’s baby on the way. Watching his fiance’s growing belly makes them ask me more questions about their own birth and that bonds us a little more as they realize and appreciate that no matter what I’m their Mama.
Tamara is planning her 30th birthday party. I just booked a ticket to go to ATL for 5 days to help her celebrate. I’m getting kinda excited about going back there after being away for so long at the same time I’m nervous because I don’t like social obligations and this feels like one.
Kim turned 30 last week and I forgot to call her. I was so caught up in producing my internet show and she was so mad. But she said she was even more grateful for her husband because of how special he made her feel for her birthday.
As far as men goes…
I have not had the desire to be with anyone physically. Let me stop lieing, I’ve had the MENTAL desire but not the physical lust that accompanies it. I just can’t be aroused by casual encounters anymore. That sucks. I think my mind and my body are craving more.
Earlier this week I signed on with a local talent agency that an artist told me about. He’s been getting jobs through them for years and most recently he shot a video with John Legend and Rick Ross. After I took my pictures I was feeling pretty positive about this latest venture.
I have a feeling something good is going to come from this…
Bless u….
I Miss My Laptop
I’m sitting in front of my old desktop computer, which I gave to my roommates when I realized they didn’t have one, and I’m trying to write…but I can’t.
It’s probably just a mental thing but…man I miss my laptop.
I didn’t cherish him like I should have. I complained and banged and never gave him any rest. I always thought he’d be there for me but he hasn’t.
I miss….
Googling random topics
I miss…
Creating articles for websites
I miss it all…
I never realized how much my life was connected to the internet until it was gone.
And now I sit here uncomfortable cramped up trying to get these emotions out yet I can’t.
I’ve built up all of these walls around me without even thinking about it because I felt like I didn’t need physical connections since I had my baby, my laptop.
When will my missing parts come? I don’t know. Will they allow me to power on, to sing my song, to give my gift of language and love?
I miss my laptop.
But I am not my laptop.
Man…lemme go. This shit doesn’t even make any sense.
I wanna write so badly…
It’s not working.
Talking To Myself
So I was sitting on the ground outside today just…you know…um…thinking.
I have a lot going on and so much to think about and the sun relaxes me so much and I’m also energized by it. I’m wearing an oversized university sweatshirt, some oversized gray sweats and I am sitting cross-legged holding a book in front of me. My eyes are closed because I’m reciting my mantra.
My guyfriend walks up, smiles and says Hi. I reply cordially and bring my gaze back down to the pavement and continue reciting my mantra, ignoring him.
He pissed me off. I’m done with him. He knows better than to stop by without calling but I won’t give him the satisfaction of cursing him out.
He comes over and sits down in front of me and basically apologizes and asks me if I want to come hang with him. I turn him down. He walks away and comes back and asks again after asking for a hug. He knows I can’t resist that. A hug is better than secks because its non invasive, yet equally as intimate.
So I’m at his house right now and he and his friends are playing video games and I’m NOT in class because we’re on Spring Break. Damn it seems to come early but its the only break you get until the end of summer. School goes back to back.
I was reading this blog today and it had an article about how smart women have women in their corner who can speak for them. It was very well written but it made me sad because their is something in me that makes connections difficult. I am talented, blah, blah, blah- but something happens that makes people turned off by me when they meet me for real- like at first glance and first meeting and convo most people fall in love with me, but after they see how I REALLY think and live my life- they are dissappointed and walk away. The ones who do stay though- remain my partners for life- respect.
I’m not one to be upset about people walking in and out of my life because I have faith that anything that belongs to me (or anyone) can not be taken away. Divine spirits attract. Those that repel, just weren’t meant to be.
I’m trying and trying to go after my dreams- what I know- go for mine. Child…. It’s a wild ride as you meet people and you have to wonder if they have a genuine intention for good or bad, what they really want and at the same time you know I’m probably what you would call “naiive” because I never expect people to be dishonest or calculating. When I run across it I’m like DAYUMM, that’s crazy! I don’t expect it from others because I wouldn’t expect it from myself. I guess I try to see in others what I see in me. I think we all do. Our expectations can only come from assumptions based on our own capabilities. If we’re capable of it, someone else is too…right?
Anyway…I met a nice grown man last week. Nice, tall, dark chocolate. I was impressed by his resume, his swagger and everything and he was impressed and attracted to me. How about after getting to know me better, already he’s like, “I had to rethink my interest?” LOL!
~shaking my head~
I told you I’m a handful. But….it doesn’t matter. Like attracts like and nothing is bad. Rejection really is direction. I want someone who sees me for ME, thinks outside the box, doesn’t want to fit our relationship into a box and wants to join forces with me to help people achieve their dreams, to give them support and make some money in the process.
I see him as kind of a “sign” of land because Tamara and I were just talking about how we wanted to meet GROWN MEN, men over 35 who are situated and not just going for their dreams like we are. Men who don’t gossip or argue back and forth with women. Men who don’t have to ask ‘how much is it?’ cuz they got it and they know they can make more so it’s not a tragedy to spend. Men with a vision that is nearly half accomplished and men with respect for themselves and others, as well as the opinions of others. Men who are not afraid to love.
I think I’m about to start meeting some of them. I’ve been studying so many attract love books and sites and articles. I see a pattern. I’m gonna make up one of my own and I’m gonna test it out for myself and see what happens. I’m open minded about it, I think. I want to get over this fear of relationships. I want to have one and just get it over with so I can relax… No, that’s not what I really want. I was talking out of fear. What i really want is a guyfriend who loves me, is consistent and respectful in his words and actions, who adores me but doesn’t want to pressure me into anything and he’s comfortable simply BEING with me instead of measuring me for lifemate material.
I don’t want an obligation, I want to be someone choice. To me, marriage seems like a big ass LOCK with chains around it. geesh…Let me out! Don’t love me because you can’t go anywhere else, love me because you can do what you like and still you CHOOSE to be with me.
~sigh~ damn, I feel like i just went to the bathroom.
Yay! I am so excited right now. I’m doing so much and I am so proud of me. I’m not afraid of what is about to come into my life. I am not resistant to change at all.
Last night was really a battle for my peace of mind. Negativity sometimes surrounds me and I can feel the pull of my energy dragging me into this pit and the thoughts become stronger and stronger and last night I really had to FIGHT. I felt like there was a battle for control and my FutureMe won.
I know, it’s a wild concept to imagine but I believe I am stronger because of what happened last night. The good guys, angels, God, Universe, guides or whatever- have a stronger, more insistent voice. It sounds like the most daring, POSITIVE Me- The BITCH GET YO MIND RIGHT AND HANDLE THIS SHIT- Me. The bad guys or negative thoughts sound like a muffled voice that is very critical, kinda sound like the Yin Yang Twins.
So I spoke to both voices (thought patterns) and felt stupid questioning myself, inside my own mind, and then responding. ~smh~ But…I did it. I didn’t stop.
I was like, “Why should I listen to you? You sound just like me? I’m not crazy. This could be Me talking to Myself.”
And the Positive Voice convinced me that whether or not I’m imagining the whole thing, its best to listen to it because it is what is going to get me to where I’m going to be.
Anyway. I am producing my radio show, my internet show and I hooked up with this ultrasmart brother at the Literary Cafe I was telling you about and he’s allowing me to do a brief presentation about relationships during his Speed dating events every week. That is so amazing.
His talent- WOW! Oh, yeah, he was the one on my internet show who did the poetry. He owns the cafe. I hope we can get to know each other and respect each other because I would like to be a part of his vision. He has done things that I would LOVE to do, his own cafe, he’s been on HBO doing poetry. He’s a professional artist. Man…like…I wanna be like that. I know I can do that too. I just need to learn how not to build up walls with people so much. I don’t really mean harm, I’m really just trying to protect myself because once I love you it’s over…I’ll give you anything and really it doesn’t take much for me to love.
But…even if it happens again that just means the Universe is not ready for me to make that business connection that I want so badly. The right person will know how to deal with me because they will see the bigger picture and they’ll be like fuck her attitude and fuck her fears-we’re gonna make money. LOL!
Man…I still miss my laptop. Sorry if this story is lopsided because I don’t feel quite back to normal with my writing. I feel rusty, not only my fingers but also my brain. I feel detached from my gift because I have not been using it.
I’ma get my rythym back. In the meantime tune into the LIVE version of my show on Tuesday at 5pm eastern. It’s 30 minutes long and it’s more interesting than the 10 minute clips we post on youtube. I’m hosting and producing the show myself so show me some love.
Watch it HERE LIVE on Tuesday at 5pm eastern.
Non Traditional Thinking

I Want To Be In That Number
You ever look at the elite in this country? No…the seriously elite. Ofcourse not, you don’t really see them but they’re there and they are very few and very powerful.
Even when we look at the model of “successful” celebrities don’t we see the same people over and over again? Every magazine has the same people on the covers over and over again.
I wanted to walk among them, enjoying the responsibility and reach of those select few whose words and deeds mean more than the rest of ours. I wanted that so badly….so I’d never have to worry about food or housing or fighting for opportunities.
I don’t know how to get in there. I don’t know how to break free from whatever is holding me back IF anything is really holding me back. All I know is…no matter how much I try to fit into the systems that I am introduced to…I don’t fit.
I never fit.
It’s almost like a global club that won’t let me in and I know why….I won’t play their game. I don’t know how to really. I don’t know how to be anything other than who I am.
But you know…it would be so nice to one day…find my fit in this universe. The place where my personality, my drive, my inspiration, my creativity and my gift will allow me to prosper spiritually and financially.
I FEEL like I’m one of them. I just….can’t imagine ever fitting into a system.
I don’t know if I even need that anymore. Part of me just wants to say Hey…it is what it is. Let’s just enjoy what it is today and not even stress over tomorrow.
I don’t know…just rambling.
Stepping Up To The Mic
I nodded my head. What was I supposed to do? I get on the stage when the hosts ask me to.
This Week’s Show Clip
The Fight Club Awakening
Still Searching
Tonight’s radio show was crazy. I guess since it was the last day of Spring Break some of the equipment was put away so I couldn’t use the music on my laptop and a lot of other stuff wasn’t working. ~sigh~
I think I take my show too seriously. No one else gets as upset as I do when things don’t go smoothly. PLUS- my sons were wilding out and being KIDS. It really frustrated me though. I shouldn’t have let it get to me but when they interrupt me while I’m hosting my show I get so annoyed. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I’m sick, my entire body is aching and I’m just so worn out from producing TWO shows and trying to figure out what my next step in life is going to be.
Although I love what I’m learning in school, I’m not so sure this path is right for me. Most people go to grad school so they’ll make more money when they get out, but that’s just because they all expect to get traditional jobs. I don’t. I’m in grad school to learn. Honestly, I don’t see myself going through this entire program. I really don’t. I don’t think the academic environment is for me. It seems that to be successful in this environment you have to be a follower- you know, mimic the teacher, say “Yes sir and no sir” I haven’t learned how to do that yet. I want to put my own spin on everything I do and so far from what I’ve seen, it’s not allowed.
I know that I can be a handful at times because I expect the same things I give, consistency, support, encouragement but… ~sigh~
Whatever man…
As Tyler Durden would say, “Let the chips fall where they may.”
That is a very enlightening statement. Imagine going through life not worrying about your next step. Imagine just allowing things to happen and working with what you got. Imagine not trying to be perfect but just trying to give the best of you.
Wouldn’t life be more grand that way? I’m tired of pushing and pulling and trying to force things. Even though I definitely believe in the concept of deliberate creation there comes a point when you have to realize that sometimes your route is planned out for you and you can’t miss out on anything that’s coming if you approach life in a positive way.
Even though I have my BFF Tamara, somehow I still feel like I’m alone on this journey. But who else do I expect to be with me since I am my own guide and captain?
Just the other day I made the decision to change residences. I have no idea where I’m going or how I’m going to do it, but it’s an expressed desire and I believe it will be delivered. I even told my roommates that I am leaving by the end of April. Once you announce what you plan to do, it’s pretty much placing energy behind what you want so it HAS to manifest. Well, that’s what I believe.
What do I WANT to happen? Let’s see…I haven’t given it too much thought but I will now.
I’d like to get a place of my own, a very nice place for me and my sons to relax in and be comfortable. I’d like a big BED thats so comfy and fresh and I’d like it to come in a miraculous way. I’d like an opportunity to express myself creatively in a BIG way that is financially lucrative and brings with it a calm, pleasant, accomplished feeling.
Tonight I was trying to explain to my boys something that is quite difficult for adults to even understand. They keep asking to go to Wanna Do City where they can act out their fantasies as a chef, a police officer or a doctor.
“Why do you want to go to that place?” I asked them.
“Cuz. It’s fun.”
“Well, how do you FEEL when you’re having fun?”
“I feel good. Happy.”
“Well then, you don’t really have to go to that specific place in order to experience those feelings. You can feel like that at anytime.”
They weren’t buying it.
How do I want to FEEL?
Secure. Safe. Abundant. ALIVE.
Do I feel that way now?
Yes, in a way, but there’s so much more I can do in this world.
But if you have those things now then why are you still searching for them? You don’t continue to look for your keys when they are right in your hand do you?
Good point.
I want to connect with people who are positive, energetic and driven. People who have good hearts and want to see other people achieve their dreams. People who think outside of the box and enjoy meeting others who think that way too.
Hmm….I wonder what life will bring next.