My life is a miracle…
Remember that?
I think it’s the beautiful energy in the air as my boys and I settle down for a good night’s rest. I know I’ll sleep well tonight because 1) I didn’t sleep at ALL last nite. 2) Having them in my bed makes me sleep like I’m on a cloud.
We decided to go for Chinese food on the way home today. As we pulled up to the light around the corner from the Chinese food place my boys asked if the radio station I had applied to ever called me back.
“No. I keep calling and emailing but they haven’t called me back yet,” I said as I glanced into the rear view mirror.
My younger son spoke up. “Well, why don’t you call the other one then. They’re better anyway.”
Not being one to waste time, I shrugged my shoulders and picked up my phone. The number was already saved (he..he..) so I called them up and asked to speak to the Promotions department. When they connected me I gave them my very best introduction and told them that their team would really benefit from having me.
“I’m glad you feel that way,” the gentleman replied. “But we’re not hiring right now.”
“Well, if you’re ever in need of a dynamic individual with experience as a journalist, a DJ and an entertainment host then you’ll need to call me.”
He paused before replying, “Why don’t you give me a call in the morning to schedule an appointment to meet with me?”
“I sure will! Have a beautiful day!”
I parked my car and jumped out, hugging my boys tightly! I really do have the best jits in the world!
I’m so happy right now! yeah yeah, I know…I usually write when I’m sad or confused because writing helps me to lay everything I’m feeling on the table and sort things out. But today…as my boys snuggle beneath the covers waiting for me to finish writing so that we can cuddle until we fall asleep..I’m feeling nothing but peace.
I love my friends. I love my sister. I love all the people in the world right now…
yeah, I know…there’s this little itsy bitsy thing I have to get over called EXTREME HATRED FOR MEN…but that’s just…you know…something I’ll deal with in time.
In other news…
Today I continued the rigorous work of releasing myself from the pressure of achieving greatness. It feels like its a gradual thing as I redefine what greatness is and try to just relax about shit.
Damn….I know I’m the shit…I can do anything and do it WELL. I don’t have to prove it to anyone, not even myself.
So today I decided to just…go with the flow a little more. I was mad at myself last week for not ever taking one project and sticking to it for a long time. You know, I’ll try something for a few months and then master it and move on cuz I’m bored and I want to do something new.
Well…what’s wrong with that?
Because I have done that so much I’ve enjoyed so many different careers and talents….
So there are obviously some things that I would love to do next and I don’t have to make millions doing them. I just have to ENJOY doing them… And I give myself permission to enjoy myself as I try out different things. Eventually one of them will stick, or who knows, maybe having experience in ALL of these areas will make me a better candidate for…whatever is in store for me.
So here’s a short bucket list of things I’d like to do sometime soon….as far as my career is concerned.
Ms. Tee’s FUTURE accomplishments
Congratulations Ms. Tee, you have just completed a Masters Degree in Counseling!
Congratulations Ms. Tee, you have just written and produced your first play!
Congratulations Ms. Tee, your first scholarly research article has just been published in a Family Therapy Journal!
Congratulations Ms. Tee, you have just been hired to host your own show on FM radio!
Awww SHOOT! Wow. I feel great just WRITING all of that! and even if it doesn’t happen…oh well… At least I’ll have fun trying…
I kinda like..love my life right now…
I hope this feeling lasts even after I drop my boys off to school tomorrow morning.