One More Hit & Run

I know I said I wasn’t going to do it again.

But I did.

And I don’t feel bad about it.

Last night I laughed to myself as he walked me back to my car. My body felt airy, my face was shining and my chakras felt like they were all crystal clear.

I gave him a hug and he looked down at me and asked, “Are you really gonna stop talking to me after this?”

I gave him one last squeeze before opening my car door and then..driving away.

I deleted his name from my phone immediately and then relaxed on my ride home. He called and we chatted but I already knew that this would be the first and the last time for us.

One more one night stand. I think I’m the queen of the hit and run.

The crazy thing is, I don’t feel bad about it. But I feel like I should feel bad about it because society says I should be in a monogamous relationship by now. But I’m not. And I’m not even sure I want to be anymore.

If only I could get past this guilt about being abnormal in the sense that, I choose the men I want to do it with and we do it, and then I don’t want to talk to them anymore in life. And I’m fine with that. I don’t expect anything more.

I’m always safe. I haven’t been pregnant or on a pregnancy scare since I had my last Boo Boo. But when I listen to Tamara and she’s trying to tell me about the experience she has of being intimate with someone she cares about…I don’t understand it and I can’t relate…but in a way I want to know what she’s talking about…but in a way I don’t really care…but I kinda do…

For me, sex isn’t a necessity and it sure ain’t emotional or loving. Sex is fun sometimes. Like last night…Last night was pure fun. It was like taking some cold & cough medicine and waking up feeling FINE.

I’m still smiling. I’ll never forget him. Who am I kidding- yes I will.

But…Am I missing something?

I Make Myself Laugh


I just got off the phone with a classmate. She explained to me, in detail, how my paper is supposed to be organized. She even offered to meet with me before class tonight to show me one of her papers and look over mine. This is her last class before she goes into practicum, which means she’s going to start seeing clients. I’m so grateful that everyone is so helpful.

Angels do exist.

I really think I have writers block. I wish I could take this time to relax and focus on my school work but I’m not doing that. Everyday I wake up thinking about my next career move, I’m calling someone up to ask for their opinion on this career choice, I’m thinking about my kids and how I miss them, I’m thinking about how I’m going to make a home for us, I’m thinking about my editors and how my stories are being perceived, I’m thinking about my personal brand and how I’m not that good at making a good impression, especially with men that I don’t respect.

And most of all, I’m thinking about school and how everyone I know says they make straight A’s and I don’t even see that as a possibility because I can’t even write this damn paper. LOL! I make me laugh!

Oh Lord, maybe if just ONE aspect of my life was secured, I wouldn’t have so many other things to think about and I could focus all of my nervous energy on school, but since nothing is the way I want it to be, I’m constantly trying to come up with ways to push my life in order…and honestly, most of them are not things I’d really want to do.

“Just put something down on paper,” my advisor told me last week. “Start with that. Write something down and turn it in. We’ll work on it from there.”

Ok, I’ll do that. But besides that I have to take the MAT next month, two classes at MDC, the certification test for teachers and I don’t want to completely let go of writing articles because I need that money and I want to continue being a journalist.

You know what’s funny? I haven’t checked my stats over at Embrace Your Fantasy because I haven’t written on it in a while due to so many other pressing issues but…every single day I get a new subscriber. People are signing up for updates and I don’t even know where the traffic is coming from. I really want to continue writing for that. It helped to put me in a good mood and I loved the positive feedback.

Damn I wish I was a stay at home Mom!

Then I could work on websites all day and study, pick the kids up and hang with them, put them to bed and write some more.

I’m a lot less anxious than it seems. After all, I did get some the other day and…that was relaxing. ~smile~ I won’t have to date again for another 4 months or so…. The process of choosing someone to share myself with is annoying. But in the end, I’m happy and relaxed. I don’t hurt these men. Before I engage them, I make sure to find out if they want the same thing I do.

Ahhh…Writing it all out, releases the tension and makes me laugh. I’m gonna get there…wherever THERE is…LOL!

If I Were My Therapist

Tonight’s class came to an interesting plateau as we discussed the qualities of a solution-focused therapist.

When you think of going to therapy, you think of figuring out WHY something is happening. Just think about dealing with your friends’ problems, for the most part, the conversation is geared toward WHY someone else is behaving in a certain way. But think about it…once you figure out WHY, it still doesn’t help the issue, does it?

No. It doesn’t.

So in solution-focused therapy it teaches us not to focus on WHY the problem exists. Instead we focus on what we want to happen and how can we get from here to there.

Let’s try this out on me. If I were my therapist this is what I would say to myself…..

My issue:
Habitual one night stands

Why is this a problem?
I’m afraid that this has become a habit and if I ever meet someone that I really like, I may not know how to snap out of it and embrace him.

What do I want to happen?
I’d like to have a consistent sexual partner that I trust and respect and am friends with which could lead to more..or not. I don’t know.

What’s stopping me from having that?
My belief that men are only good for secks.

When have I ever noticed that men have contributed to my life in a positive way other than sexually?
Um…My children’s father takes good care of my children. I have guy friends who love me. Um…I don’t know.

Can I think of a situation where a man did something completely for me, just to make me happy wanting nothing in return?
Reggie. A few years ago Reggie bought me a pair of hair clippers so that I could cut my sons hair because I couldn’t afford it. Last year Michael bought me some candy for Valentines Day.

How did those acts make me feel?
I was delighted. But I also felt like they felt sorry for me or something because I’m not romantically involved with either of them so I don’t know why they did that.

Why would anyone need a reason to be nice to me?
~blank stare~

Do I believe that I deserve to have nice things done for me?
~blank stare~

Would I accept it if a man offered to do something nice for me?
Hell yeah! But I’d be suspicious.

Do I do nice things for other people?
Yes, I do. Whenever I can.

Why do I do them?
Because I feel like everyone deserves to be treated special sometimes. And if I meet someone who doesn’t have anyone to treat them special, I try to do that for them.

And how do I feel when someone tries to do something special for me?
That’s rare. But when it does happen, I tend to think they feel sorry for me.

What is there to feel sorry about?
I’m not the most successful person I know. And I’m not in an ideal situation in any area of my life. Most of the areas of my life I’m struggling to push through and I have no made any progress yet.

So, I’m not satisfied with myself in any area of my life and I’m feeling kind of down about it, right?

How do I think the men I meet will perceive me once they hear about my life circumstances?
I think they’d be dissappointed. I attract lots of men, but they won’t admire me as much once they see that my life is not together in any area.

Do I think that pushing them away will take away some of the pressure of them finding out who I really am and then becoming dissappointed?
Yes. I think so.

Is there any part of my life that I am proud of right now?

Well, you’ve sat down and had this conversation so obviously you’re fighting for a positive change? How did you get the strength to do that? What is it about you that makes you think you can change this behavior?
I want to stop doing that- the one night stands. Mostly because I want to be able to write about how I got over it and share the answer with others and I want my story to have a happy ending. All stories have happy endings right? A biography isn’t inspiring without it. What makes me think I can change this behavior? Well, I’ve changed other behaviors in the past and I can do it again. I just need to figure out how.

Do I ever think about having a positive experience because I deserve it and not just because it will help me to encourage others?
I don’t feel like my life is for me. I feel like my experiences and my gift of writing are for others to learn from and grow. I asked God to use me and I feel like He has so far. I just want to have a happy ending so everyone will know they can too.

What can I do to have a more positive experience with men?
I don’t know. Maybe expect more positive experiences.

Anything else?
I don’t know. You’re the therapist. Shouldn’t you be giving ME some answers?! Dang!

The next time I meet a man and I’m attracted to him what am I going to do, differently?
Not have secks???

So I’m willing to go from one night stands to abstinence? Will that solve the problem?
No. It won’t. Cuz eventually I’m going to do it again.

Would it be possible for me to wait until I meet a man who I trusted before I had secks with him?
No, that’s not possible. If I waited on that, I’d never have secks.

Would it be possible that I’m afraid of rejection so I reject them first?

WHat if I said that I can have secks with anyone I want to and not have to worry about whether or not he approved of my lifestyle?

Seriously. Consider this. If I’m looking for sexual pleasure then what does my job status or past have to do with an orgasm?

Come on…when I’m in there doing the grind and it’s good and my toes are curling and I’m sweating and he’s smacking that ass and calling me Samantha, do I think about my next paycheck?
Hell no!

Well, if I’m not into secks for the sake of an emotional romantic relationship, then all that’s left is the gratification from secks. Sooo…why are all of these external factors blocking me from enjoying a consistent partner? One has nothing to do with the other. If I want secks, I find someone who is willing to give it to me, why would I have to walk away, especially if it’s good?

Or could it be that I believe that they will only want me for secks, yet I want more but I don’t believe I can have it so I take what I can get and I run away? Is that possible?
Umm..WHat time is it?

Could it be that I really do want a relationship but I’m afraid that this is all I’m good for?
I think it’s time for me to go.

Could I give you some homework until our next session?

Ask 3 of my friends to give me a list of 3 things they admire about me. Then I have to come up with 3 qualities that I have that I like about myself. Keep a journal of the times when I demonstrate these qualities. Every night before bed, go down the list as I review my day and then write about the times when I found myself being or doing something admirable. By the next session, we’ll discuss the list. In the meantime, if I decide to have secks, make sure I don’t call the man back the next day.
Don’t call him?

No. But write down in my journal, 3 things he did to make me feel good. And then write down 3 things I did to make him feel good. Not just physically, emotionally too. We’ll discuss that in our next session as well.

to be continued….


I got it!

I finally figured it out. This research paper didn’t get the best of me. I finished it tonight. And I enjoyed it. All I did was relax and then..I told the story of what I learned and what researchers I learned it from.

That’s it.

I didn’t get any sleep last night worrying about finishing this paper. The last time I noticed the time it was 6:30am. I guess I fell asleep after that. When I woke up I was feeling so drained. I went to campus anyway and headed for the library to speak to the librarian who was so sweet and so patient with me as she taught me, once again, to use the search engines for journals.

On my way to the computer lab I saw a big truck with a sign that read: HIV Test Results in 20 minutes. I knocked on the door and stepped inside. 20 minutes later I walked out with a big bag of condoms and my paperwork to add to the other paperwork from previous years that proves I don’t have the virus that causes AIDS.

You ever asked a man to show you his paperwork? I have. They don’t mind giving it to you. At least none that I’ve encountered. I’ve taken HIV tests with about 3 0r 4 different men over the last 10 years, regardless of whether we are having unprotected secks or not. If they don’t have their paperwork, I suggest we get tested together. If they don’t want to get tested, I’ll stop doing it with them. They always get tested after I tell them that.

I also went to see my new therapist today. Don’t laugh. I changed because I wasn’t too comfortable with the other one. The new therapist is a man, a white man at that and he’s pretty young. He’s personable and methodic. He took me through my assessment with ease and then set goals for our sessions, informing me that he will teach me techniques for relaxing and dealing with anxiety as well as work through the fears I have of men.

He asked me about my relationships with men and I told him about my one night stand policy. He asked about the last time I did this and I told him about this past weekend. As I was talking he looked at me funny and I paused.

“You’re telling me that you are never going to speak to him again,” he said. “But at the same time, ever since we brought him up you’ve been smiling from ear to ear. Why is that?”

I laughed. “Cuz he was sooooo good! He knew what he was doing and I’m still floating off of that experience.”

“Why won’t you see him again?”

“Cuz I know he’s not what I want.”


“Because we went to lunch and this guy walks by and he actually laughed at the man’s pants. I don’t like that. I don’t think making fun of people is fun at all. Who cares what someone else wears? How does that affect me or him? And…I figure if he criticizes others then eventually he’ll get around to criticizing me and I’m not going to let that happen.”

“Well, would you consider that sometimes people do things outside of their character every once in a while? I mean…some people who don’t usually curse may just say a curse word and if you heard them would you think they did it all the time?”


“Sometimes you have to wait and get the whole picture. What if that was just a one time thing for him and you dismissed him for no reason?”

“Wow. Never considered that.”

“Do you date other men?”

“No, but I do have an imaginary boyfriend,” I told him.

I’m sorry—I LOVE telling people that just to see their reaction!

“You do? Ummm..When did he come into the picture and why?”

“We met this year. All of my friends are in romantic relationships and I’m the only one that’s not so I made him up. It’s been fun too! We do lots of things together.”

“But do you think you’ll actually meet a man like that?”

“I could.”

“But how? He’s perfect. No one’s perfect.”

“Oh Steve is NOT perfect. He has flaws. I’m not sure what they are yet but I’ll think of some and I’ll have to figure out if or how I’ll deal with them.”

“Well, how about if you hear him criticize someone? Would you break up with him even though he has lots of other great qualities?”

“No. I don’t think so. I’d tell him to not to do it again though.”

I left his office wearing a smile. I bet that man thinks I’m nuts! LOL!

I’m taking notes of how he is treating me. I like the way he greets me with a smile and his eyes smile when he speaks to me. The other lady was grumpy. I’ll remember when I have my own clients, I should always greet them with love. He made me take a written assessment of my emotions and he says I’ll take more as time goes on to gauge my progress. I like that.

Tamara called me to check up on my progress with my paper and I told her that I was all done and the topic of Gender Identity Disorder wasn’t so disgusting to me anymore.

“Now I can see why there are cross dressers and transsexuals. I used to think it was sick and perverted and demonic but now I don’t. They are people who feel like they are trapped in a body that they don’t belong in.”

Tamara was soooo not feeling me. She has always had a hang up about homosexuals. She even told me once that if I turned out to be a lesbian we couldn’t be friends anymore. Now she says, we could still be friends but she wouldn’t want to hear about my relationship.

“So you’re telling me that if after all this time and heartache i found someone that truly loved me and cared about me, you wouldn’t want to know?”

“I’d want to know if you’re okay and if everything was going fine but I wouldn’t want the details. I just hate picturing that Tee. I’m not okay with that.”

Well I wasn’t okay with it either, until I took this class. I don’t believe I have a right to tell someone how they should live their life. That’s between them and the God they serve. I’m not in a position to judge.

Steve and my Late Night Surprise

Steve and I left his brother’s house immediately after dinner was over. I wasn’t interested in dealing with his brother’s wife.

Since it was still early, around 11 pm I asked Steve what he wanted to do.

“We can go out if you want to? What’s your favorite spot?”

My eyes lit up. I’ve always wanted to try this, let’s see if he’s down.

“We can go get some drinks at this spot. But only if you’re adventurous. Are you down?”

He laughed. “Whatever you wanna do.”

I drove us back up to North Miami and then over to Biscayne Boulevard. When we got out of the car Steve looked puzzled.

“What’s this?” he asked me.

“You’ll see.”

We walked inside and the lady at the front greeted us. He paid for our admission and we walked through an entrance into….


Steve couldn’t stop smiling. I was so glad because of that. I hoped he wouldn’t be offended. We made a beeline for the bar and ordered two drinks before choosing a seat just outside of the mainstage.

The place wasn’t too busy yet so we had time to take in the scenery and check out the women, walking around half naked and flirting with the men. After laughing, talking and ordering our second drink, I leaned over to Steve and asked, “Are you ready for a dance?”


“I want to buy you a dance…” I said and winked.

“You want to watch me get a dance from one of these women?”

“I sure do.”

He paused. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, I am. Let me pick one for you.”

I scanned the room looking for a nice one. Their well designed costumes and firm bodies made me smile. Steve watched me with a fascinated expression.

“You’re a trip, you know that?” he whispered in my ear. For the first time since we met, I felt a sexual tension between us. I backed away and noticed this dark skinned chick walk by and smile at us.

As she walked away I had this feeling..Call it attraction or whatever but from the way she walked, her swagger. I knew she was the one.

“I’ll be back,” I told Steve and followed the woman.

“Hi,” I said and smiled at her. “I brought my boyfriend here for a dance. Would you dance for him?”

She looked me up and down and smiled at me.

“Sure, where is he?”

“He’s over there but I’d like a private dance upstairs. I’d like to join you. What’s your name?”

She grinned and blushed, “CoCo” she replied, her dark brown eyes shining. Her body glitter was on point and her Wonder Woman costume fit just right. Mmm…She smells like vanilla.

We both walked over to Steve and I could see him shift uncomfortably in his chair.

“Steve this is CoCo. Do you like her? She’s going to dance for you.”

Steve cleared his throat and stood up. His eyes spoke to me. “Are you serious?” I grinned.

We walked up the staircase and pass the bouncer in front of the private rooms. We chose a booth near the back and I stepped aside and pushed Steve down into the black leather seat.

Keith Sweat’s sexy single NOBODY drifted from hidden speakers and CoCo began her seduction of Steve. I stood by and watched as she rolled her body for Steve, his eyes darting back and forth between me and her cleavage as she moved closer and closer to him.

With one precise movement, she removed her top, exposing herself to him.

“Relax,” I whispered to him. “Enjoy yourself.”

CoCo whined her body in a way that I never could and I could see why this was her profession. She climbed onto his lap and began to grind her pelvis on him. Every so often I could hear soft murmurs escaping her lips as she continued to provoke an erection. His hands twitched before grabbing onto her bodacious booty…

( HOB details *Circa Brown Suga 2005*. This isn’t an erotic blog)

Outside of the club, we walked in silence back to my car.

“Did you like that?” I asked cautiously, silently hoping for a positive response.

He stopped and grabbed my arm, pulling me to him in a tight embrace.

“Let’s go back to my place,” he whispered in my ear.

“Yes…let’s do that,” I agreed.

Sad News

My guyfriend called me today asking me about the guy from last weekend. I told him that I hadn’t spoken to him on purpose but that I kinda regretted deleting his number because we had fun together.

My guyfriend then told me, “Tee. I like you. I try to tell you that all the time but I know you don’t feel the same way. I…I love you. I’d do anything for you. How about we could get a place together and just pretend we’re married or something?”

“How about you get a bigger place and I’ll just come to visit?” I said.


So sad.

The ones who love you are never the ones you really want.

I’m going to slow down on talking to him. I don’t want to get his hopes up.

Indecent Proposals

My life is a miracle.

I had a great time last night. I was feeling antsy so I was excited when I received an invitation to meet up at a club. I got dressed and went over there and danced and danced. Ahh…I needed that.

On the real, there’s something therapeutic about being on the dance floor. The DJ is playing all your favorites from highschool, the crowd is just pumping and enjoying themselves. Nobody’s stressing, nobody’s tripping out; everyone is just…letting loose and having fun.

On my way out to the car a man stopped me and asked, “Is your name Tee?”

I looked at him but didn’t recognize him so I said, “Yes. Who are you?”

“I’m Curtis S. We went to middle school together.”

We both smiled and hugged each other and sat down to catch up before hitting the dance floor. Turns out he had been married for 10 years and is recently divorced with 4 children. Wow. I remembered him from back in the day. Back then he was just super quiet old Curtis with the braces. He was in the art program while I was in the creative writing program but we had mutual friends and he was always nice to me.

He told me that he was headed to Ft. Lauderdale to hit a spot on Las Olas and invited me to join him. I was game so I followed him to his house and parked my car and we rode up there together.

I learned that he is now in school and majoring in psychology so we had a nice chat about what we’re both learning. He was even interested to hear about the different types of therapy that I’m learning about.

“So, what were you doing in there?” he asked referring to the club and the guy he saw me with.

“Oh, just having a drink. Nothing big.”

“Are you with him?”

“No. I’ve been exploring my options a bit, I guess. You know..”

“What are you looking for?”

“Companionship I guess.”

“That’s what I’m looking for too. Someone to hang with and do things with. No drama, just phone calls and quality time.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. I mean, look…we seem to be looking for the same thing so we can just cut out the middle man and do this together.”


“Yeah. We know each other already. We come from the same place. If you’re as attracted to me as I am to you, then we don’t have to look any further.”

“Ummm…Well…Let’s see how tonight goes and we can talk later,” I told him.

“Cool, the only thing is, I hope you’re not the jealous type when we go out. Women try to talk to me and I do have fun…”

I laughed. “Definitely not the jealous type,” I assured him. “Do your thang. Have fun.”

When we reached Ft. Lauderdale and found a parking garage we walked down the street and I was able to have my first glimpse of this street called Las Olas where everyone goes to party. It was just as crowded as South Beach but the people weren’t as glamorous. There weren’t any “pay to get in” type clubs. There were just a whole bunch of bars with a club type atmosphere.

As we walked toward the club where he was meeting some of his friends, I had to ask him to slow down his pace. That’s kind of why I don’t like being with tall men, they walk so fast and my little legs can’t keep up. I often feel like I’m running after them.

When we got to the spot we went in and met his friends and I stood to the side, nursing a Long Island Iced Tea and watching everyone dance as Curtis dissappeared into the crowd. Before I could blink I spotted this really handsome guy eyeing me. He was simply beautiful but I couldn’t place which country his facial features came from.

He walked over to me and introduced himself. “Are you Dominican?” I asked him.

“No, I’m from Trinidad and you?”

“I’m from the hood,” I laughed.

We made small talk for a little while but I could hardly hear him over the music. He asked me to dance but I declined and he went on to the dance floor.

Not even a minute later, a man standing near me came over and introduced himself. “Was that your dude?” he asked.

“No. Some guy.”

“Well, his shirt was so tight, if he sneezes it’ll pop!”

I laughed at his joke and he chatted me up for a while telling me that he’s Jamaican and 22 and lives in Opa Locka. This dude didn’t ask me to dance, he pulled me onto the dance floor and I laughed as he started doing some kind of crazy ass bird thing.

My phone rang and I walked outside to answer it. On the way to the club, Curtis called another one of our old middle school classmates Kim G. and invited her to join us so I waited for her to show up and enjoyed being outside in the warm night air.

When I saw her I tripped out. She looked exactly the same as she did when we were 12 except with a more curvaceous figure. We hugged and she followed me inside as we giggled about being almost 30 and being grown amd her being a corrections officer.

I spotted Curtis on the dance floor dancing with two women and I walked up to him and pulled him away. He shook his head at me and laughed, hugged Kim and went back to dance with the ladies.

I hit the dance floor once again but this time I sense something crazy about to happen. I’m twirling by myself when I see Curtis walking toward me. I also see the Trinidad guy walking toward me and the Jamaican guy walking toward me too.

Oh shit…I remember the last time this happened. I was a freshman in college and I was at a club and the DJ switched it up to a slow jam. As I stood by myself I saw two men approaching me from opposite directions and I froze. One of them was cute as hell, the other was my friend’s big brother visiting from Miami. I shrugged and said to myself, “Whoever gets here first…”

The cute guy got to me first and extended his hand for me to join him. The other guy was so upset that he began cursing at me and calling me all types of bitches and hoes. Yeah…DRAMA!

This time I froze again and the Jamaican guy made it to me first so I danced with him for one song and then went over to sit down on the floor speakers.

There was a couple sitting there already but i didn’t care, i squeezed in and kinda pushed them over a little. They smiled at me as the chick continued to grind on her boyfriend’s lap. He looked like he was Haitian. He was tall and slim and well dressed. She was very thin too, dark skinned with really long hair and a FIRE ass handbag!

“I’m not trying to join ya’ll,” I joked and scooted away from them when I noticed they were looking at me. To my surprise he whispered in my ear, “Why not? We’re game.”

I laughed and looked away but I could sense that they were both still checking me out. He whispered something to her and she whispered something back and he moved closer to me and said, “You like Slim?” referring to his girl.

Ahhhh…I was dieing laughing on the inside. “She’s nice. You’re lucky,” I said, playing it cool.

“We’d be even luckier if you’d come home with us tonight,” he replied.

My eyes got wide and I looked at the chick who was still dancing on his lap. She smiled at me and looked away.

“See those girls right there,” the guy continued to engage me in conversation. I looked over to where he was motioning and noticed the girls.

“They’re nice right?” he asked.

I wrinkled my nose. “Not as nice as the one you got.”

My old classmate Kim came over and asked, “Girl, what is going on?”

I laughed. “This couple wants to play tonight…”

She laughed and shook her head. “Tell them no because you’re already here with us,” she said.

By this time it was getting late so we decided to leave. We all drove back to Curtis’ house and he gave us a tour and introduced us to his brother and his friends who were playing poker. We sat in his room and reminisced about our pre-teens and gave updates on the people from middle school that we still kept in contact with.

I didn’t even notice Curtis had slipped away as Kim and I talked. “Where’s Curtis?” I asked Kim.

“Oh he said he had to make a run.”

“Ughh.. how rude. I’m leaving,” I announced.

“Are you okay to drive?” she asked.

“Yeah. I’m fine. I only had one drink. I’m cool.”

As I drove home I couldn’t stop smiling. Everytime I go out and have a good time, I feel so lucky to be living here.. For real, most people who visit here say that they couldn’t live here all the time and I feel them…Miami is a bit much if you’re not from here.

But since I was born and raised in the county of Dade, it’s like magic to me. It really is a beautiful place with such a wonderful mixture of cultures. If only I could speak Spanish fluently, I’d probably be able to land a job to enable me to pay these high ass prices for rent…

Another thing that amazed me about tonight was getting that offer for a 3some. I can’t say it was my first offer. For some reason, people approach me like that quite often. Sometimes it’s strangers. Sometimes it’s acquaintances who want to try something new.

At first it confused me because I thought, “Damn, do I look like the resident slut? Why do these people feel like I’m not gonna be offended when they ask me to do that?”

One of my friends told me that I’m just…non judgemental so people don’t worry about me looking at them funny and they know they can be themselves.

One of my guyfriends said, “You should take it as a compliment. There aren’t too many people who get proposals like that. You’re just hella sexy.”


Too damn sexy for my own good.

Simple Judgements

My life is a miracle.

I just got home from Human Growth & Development class. We’re studying the physiological and psychological development of humans from conception to death. Right now we’re up to adolescence so tonight’s class was filled with personal stories from everyone about things like peer pressure, fighting in school and getting your period.

I’ve never really had a fight in school, I was way too scared to do it. Once in 4th grade, these girls were trying to lure me into the bathroom to fight me. They were the new girls in school and since I had been the head honcho from 2nd and 3rd grades they had to beat me up to prove they were now running things.

Guess what I did?

I ran my ass straight home! I wasn’t about to fight them! They were wayy bigger than I was and mean looking and rowdy. I let them take over the class and I assumed my role as the teachers pet.

Also in 4th grade I was on the playground near the monkey bars when my supposed “bestfriend” yelled out my telephone number in front of all the boys. I was scared as hell! If any boys called my house, I KNEW I would get into trouble. I walked up to Yolanda and punched her in the face. She started crying. That was my only fight.

In 6th grade one of my closest friends Meka got mad at me for some reason. She walked up to me, pounded her fist and mouthed the words THREE O’CLOCK. Meka was like 5’5″ at that time and I was barely 4 1/2 feet tall.

AFter school she was waiting for me and she walked up to me. “Meka,” I said calmly. “Look how little I am. We can’t fight. It won’t be fair. We’re supposed to be friends.” She calmed down and said, “You’re right. I’m mad at you though.” We walked home together and had frozen cups.

The next time I almost got into a fight was in middle school. I had a “serious” boyfriend for about 6 weeks and he broke up with me to go with this really mannish chick. I was hurt but I got over it. But for some reason, the chick started to hate me. I never said anything to her at all and I didn’t know what was going on when she sent her friend to tell me that she would be waiting for me after school.

Shit! I was in a panic. Before the school bell rang I spotted my friend Jann. Jann was tough, equally as mannish and tall as hell. I explained the situation and Jann said, “Let’s go.”

We walked out of the school together and I saw the mean girls looking at me. Jann grimaced and yelled out, “Ain’t NOBODY FUCKING WITH TEE TODAY!” She walked me all the way home too. They never bothered with me after that.


Man…I had an interesting conversation with Tamara last night. I mentioned it to my therapist when I saw him today.

“I met a man last weekend,” I told him. “But he’s really young and doesn’t have his life together yet but he treats me so good and really makes me smile. When I told my bestfriend about it she said ‘Tee, you shouldn’t judge people by what they have, you should judge them by their heart.'”

When she said that I was blowed. Wait…you mean I shouldn’t decide which men I love by their resume and credentials? If that’s so..then…

“Yeah Tee,” Tamara said. “Maybe that’s why you’re so hard on yourself. You’re judging yourself by what you HAVE rather than the kind of person you are.”

That statement made me pause and I felt as though the lights came on…

If I don’t judge myself by what I have or by where I think I should be professionally then…Damn…I’m a really good person.

A really good person.

A really great person.

We talked about my Catch 22 of my promise to my sons that I would have a home for them and knowing that right now, it’s best for them to be with their dad. My therapist led me to realize that I’m building my worth by the quickness in which I accomplish my goals. He also made a statement that made me cry.

“You’re judging yourself as worthless because you don’t have your sons with you.”


My therapist ended our session by giving me some homework. I am supposed to write a paragraph about why I am so great. Nothing in the paragraph should be related to any outside achievements.

On the subject of my anxiety I learned that, I become anxious when I’m meeting people because I’m afraid they will ask me about myself and I’m ashamed of my circumstances so I feel that I don’t have anything good to say about myself.

We talked about ways that I can manage my schoolwork and have more income but none of them seem appealing to me. I’m in a tough spot because all I can see is me getting a full-time job so that I can afford the high ass rent here. But then I’d have to give up my career as a journalist so that I can focus on school, Especially if I want to have my sons with me. But I need to keep my journalism up to speed because my plan is to use this degree I’m earning to add value to my writing and I want to stay connected to the field.

I don’t know what to do.

I’m also supposed to practice these breathing excercises he taught me.

“What does this have to do with my anxiety?” I asked him.

“Once you learn how to do this breathing technique, when you find yourself anxious you can do it. It’s physically impossible to be anxious and do this breathing. The excercise will override the anxiety.”

On the way back to my car I rode the campus trolley and chatted with the driver. He had me cracking up talking about how this campus should be painted with a big giant rainbow because “there are so many of us here.”

Us? Ohhh..he means gays. I laughed and laughed. He thinks I’m gay…

I’m over that. I know I’m not gay but it’s cool to be accepted by both sexual orientations. I guess that makes me more…versatile.

I’m proud of myself because I’m learning so much valuable information about who I am and I am not afraid to dig deep and cleanse my spirit.

Blogging DOES pay!

My life is a miracle.

And I guess others think so too.

I mentioned a while back that during one of my most frustrating days I decided to curb my frustration and manifest something. I asked God for a creative opportunity to come to me quickly and easily.

By that afternoon I checked my email and found that someone from our city’s newspaper had invited me to apply for a position as a blogger on the newspaper’s new parenting website.

I never applied for this position or knew it existed. I still don’t know how they found my blog either. The editor wrote that she loved my writing style and would be hiring 10 people to be the featured bloggers in this new community. All I had to do was provide a brief bio of my family situation and a couple of writing samples and I would be considered for one of the positions.

I’ll admit, I hesitated at first because my parenting role in not traditional and I’m not too proud of being a non custodial parent. I also didn’t want to have to blog about the drama between my children’s father and I and of course his [delete adjective] girlfriend. I didn’t want to blog about drama and struggle and yearning for more. And..this isn’t an anonymous blog. I’d have to use my pen name and my real picture. Yikes!

But I decided to apply anyway and I sent in the requested items asking God to please give me more success stories to write about.

Today I received my audio books in the mail. I ordered Ask & It Is Given by Jerry & Esther Hicks and started listening right away. Most of the things in that book I had already heard before because I study their work intensely but it was a nice reminder and having it being spoken out loud for me as I relaxed was a very soothing touch.

I fell asleep and as soon as I woke up my phone rang. It was the editor of the parenting website asking me if I had recieved the invitation to become one of their featured bloggers.

I hadn’t. So she forwarded me the information again and we arranged a time to stop by her office for training and a photo.

The pay is barely enough to cover my phone bill but I consider this to be a ‘sign of land’. You know, when you pray for something and then a small bit of it appears, letting you know that God heard you and He’s on His way. I picture these small blessings as the wind that precedes His walk toward me.

I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story with an even larger audience and maybe..just maybe this is a sign that things are about to become a whole lot better.

I’m The One Who’s Blessed

I enjoyed spending time with my sons this weekend. We didn’t do much..lots of cuddling, lots of food and we played American Idol on the Wii. My 5 year old got mad because the lyrics on the screen were moving too fast for him to read. But I was so excited because my baby can READ!

Yay! He’s so wonderful. They both are! And handsome too..Mmmm…mmmm…Two young women are going to be so lucky in the future. The DISTANT future. ~cough~

Why are my sons so interested in secks? They always bring it up and tell me the wildest stories about finding their Dad’s stash of skin magazines and what their friends at school have to say about the topic. I always tell them, “Your body is a treasure. If you find a treasure box filled with millions of dollars and diamonds and other valuable stuff, you wouldn’t just share with anyone who walked by. You’d give it to those you love and trust, right?”


“Well, that’s how you should treat your body too. Don’t share it with just anyone. Wait until you find someone who is worthy. You have plenty of time. Everyone is going to have a chance to do it eventually.”


“Yes, everyone. There’s no rush. Just enjoy being young and having fun. It’s not a big mystery. It’s not a competition. You’ll grow up and you’ll know when it’s the right time.”

I sure wish someone had told me that when I was younger…


We went to the park before I took them back to their Dad’s house. We played “that’s my car”, swung on the tire swing and they had me climbing up the rock climbing wall again. I led them in a rousing game of affirmations when my turn came to be the leader during ‘follow the leader.’

“I am a miracle,” I said as we duck walked through the grass.
I am a miracle. They repeated.
“I am a treasure.”
I am a treasure.
“I love myself everyday.”
I love myself everyday.
“Because I am GREAT!”
Because I am GREAT!

Yeah. I know..corny..but, they are used to it by now. I have them affirm themselves all the time and I make sure to affirm them as well. I can’t allow them to grow up questioning whether they deserve love like I did. I won’t let that happen.

Then we all sat on the big orange blanket and played hand games and “i spy” for a little while.

As we drove back to the their Dad’s house we all sat in silence listening to my new audiobook. The man mentioned appreciation and I asked my boys, “Can we name a few things we appreciate?”

“What’s appreciate?”

“It means to be grateful for. What are you grateful for?”

“You,” they said in unison. “We’re grateful for you. And Daddy. And all of our family. And the Universe. And the trees. We are blessed.”

“Yes you are,” I said as I peeked at them through the rear view mirror.

“No,” I whispered to myself. “I am the one who’s blessed.”