I got my nails DID! LOL
So now I’m having trouble typing. Lets see what happens.
So….School is going just fine! A month left before summer break! Blah blah blah…
I’m watching The L Word as I type this and there’s a sex scene on and Im like…ughhhh…
I dont know what the fuck anymore…i suck at this lesbian thing. I don’t want to touch another woman’s vagina man… But I still think girls are way sexier than men. I dont get it… Im a little sad…I was very hopeful thinking about being a lesbian…
But wait…the reason why I have fake nails….
See what had happened was….I met an older man and I kinda liked him so we started talking and I liked him a little bit more…and we actually get along quite well….So you know me..I cussed him out and pushed him away.
But then a week later he calls me back anyway trying to calm me down and I told him that I never want to see him again. But he talks me out of it…and I talk to him again…cuz I like talking to him actually. He’s very calm and smart and we read all the same types of books.
So…the other day he calls me early and asks me out. Ofcourse I tell him no. “You got on my nerves and I don’t want to see you,” I tell him.
He tells me that he will talk to me later. I hang up and tell Tamara the story and she asks me to give him another chance. “Tee, he may not be trying to hurt you. Just see what he’s about.”
So I text him: I would like to spend time with you today.
Him: What would you like to do?
Me: Go to the mall, get my mani & pedi and go to lunch.
Him: Get ready.
He arrives on time and I’m looking great even though I’m wearing a shirt that someone was gonna throw AWAY! LOL but i can make it look hot. He’s super impressed with me and I can tell he’s like…captivated by my looks and shit. Which I don’t mind at all…especially from someone who I find attractive as well.
The whole day feels like a dream. We arrive at the nail shop (He chose) and walk in and I ask for a pedicure and a full set because he says he likes fake nails. As I’m getting my feet scrubbed he’s smiling at me and even snapped a few pictures with his camera phone. He is so funny!
It felt so good to be the girl at the nail shop with the handsome man waiting on me in the lobby. He didn’t even mind waiting in fact he looked excited as hell! While I was getting these fake shits on my fingers he stood over the nail tech…watching and smiling and describing how he wants me to get my nails done.
“Don’t forget your eyebrows,” he reminds me and I smile.
After getting my eyebrows waxed…he was beaming as he paid the bill. The lady who did my eyebrows comes up to me and says, “You’re very pretty. Prettier than the other girls he’s brought in here.”
I was in shock. “What?” I asked her.
“Oh. Don’t worry,” she said. “It’s been a long time. At least 3 or 4 months.”
We both laughed about it in the car on the way to the mall. I didn’t care that he took other women there- if that’s how he treats his girls…I’m all for it.
On the way there he explained to me that there are four crucial areas a woman ALWAYS has to have groomed; her eyebrows, nails, feet and cootchie. “It’s a part of hygiene,” he explained then added. “I love it when I see that on a woman! And I’m willing to take care of it for you because that’s what I like to see.”
Our conversations are so smooth. He reminds me to be patient and trust in the Universe. Sometimes when I’m with people, I’ll get quiet and zone out for a minute, lost in my own little universe. Most people get upset when they see me do that…they want all the attention to themselves…but him.
I guess he caught me zoning out and instead of trying to shake me out of it I heard him say, “Let me put on some thinking music for you. He reached down by my feet to grab his CD case and put on the sweetest, most soothing New Age music I have ever heard! We were both smiling and vibing to the great energy music. It was like heaven.
Once we reached the mall we went straight to the Cheescake Factory to eat. Our booth was situated right near the door but it was still private. We had a great view of the entrance to the restaurant and he asked me to come sit next to him on his side of the booth.
We’re talking and sitting there holding hands when right outside our window a white girl falls to the ground. Moments later a hostess runs out and starts checking her pulse. Then she starts CPR on the lady, her eyes turning black as people stop and stare.
Our food arrives at the table and my date is looking so concerned about the lady on the ground that he asks, “Should I be eating while this is happening?!”
The police show up. Then the paramedics and all of this happening less than 3 feet away from us on the opposite side of the window! When they carry her away on the stretcher we’re both pretty shook up.
“Did we just watch someone almost die?” He asks.
“No. She’s okay. Let’s eat so we can go.”
We walked into the mall and had a great time. ~wink~ Now that I’m thinking back on it, he’s very affectionate. He likes to be touched. He likes to hold hands… WHERE DID THIS DUDE COME FROM? It’s like he thinks I’m a shining star and he’s so glad to have caught me.
I’m not used to this…
I keep trying not to think about all the crazy things that he could do wrong…or how he could be lieing about who he is but honestly…this dude hasn’t even tried to have secks with me. I asked him why and he said he wants to be sure its right when we decide to do it.
This man is 40 years old. Like…really…what’s happening here?
Anyway…we walk hand in hand through the mall like we’re a couple and I’m freaked out a little by this. It feels good…too good to be true.
After we shop for minor things for me…we head back to my place and talk a bit on the drive. I’m still feeling weird because we ran into his cousin at the mall and when he introduced me he said, “This is my girl…”
I gotta figure out what’s wrong with this dude. Why is he so into me like this? I know we connect on a mental level but he’s way too fresh and way too handsome to be all goo goo over me like that. No one ever is.
Something must be wrong… Wait. Maybe something isn’t wrong.. Maybe he’s JUST THAT INTO ME.
I’m scared…
And these fake nails sure do look pretty…but they are gonna take time getting used to….just like him.