Finding My Light

My birthday is 6 days away.

I’ll be 27.



Damn, that sounds old doesn’t it?

My first inclination is to crawl into a hole and cry my eyes out because I am not anywhere near where I thought I’d be when I turned 27- my magic age that I chose when I was 12.

Remember being a youngster and envisioning living the grand ole life of an adult?

By 27 I pictured myself young and fabulous, driving my Honda Accord, celebrating each byline while fighting off multiple handsome suitors.

Ahh…It ain’t happen. ~smile~

But you know what? I’m taking the ‘snap’ dance craze to a whole new level. I refuse to let life get me down. I choose to SNAP out of it.

Snap your fingers. Change your life.

Whenever I’m idle and I begin to feel sad, I ‘SNAP SNAP’ snap my fingers.

I’m over it.

There are too many people who believe in me. I can’t dissappoint them and lose faith in myself.

So for anyone who has ever reached a milestone in their life and found themselves falling short of their goals, I offer this advice: Extend your deadline.

I am.

I will not wallow in self pity over the course of this week. Everyday I will wake up and go about the business of marketing myself and my writing. If I continue to be rejected- oh well. Someone will eventually see my light. Someone who has some authority will give me a chance soon.

Let’s grow together over the next week and see where we are mentally. I will examine a few of the areas that I need to grow in and celebrate the other areas where I have matured.

SNAP out of the funk. Revisit your goals. Redefine your idea of success.

Day One

Break down the Shelf

Do you have a dream sitting on your shelf? It’s nice and shiny isn’t it? But it seems that you don’t have the tools to pull it down. You gaze lovingly at that bright box and wonder if it’s really yours. Is your name on it? Could all of that be for you?

Yes. Yes and YES!

But how do you get it?


I don’t know. I’m trying to get mine too. But it won’t float down unless you have super powers so you have to work your brain to get it.

1) Today I will think long and hard about my dream on that shelf.

2) I will research and find at least one person who has accomplished my dream. I will learn as much as I can about their life.

3) I will reach out to them by email, postal mail or fax introducing myself and acknowledging their accomplishments. I will also ask for their opinion/advice about beginning the same path to success.

I will not be afraid to ask for guidance.

Today is the beginning of laying a firm foundation for my sucess. That box is not out of reach. I must build a firm box to stand on to reach it. Educating myself about my dream is the way to achieve stability.

I will break down the shelf.

Day Two

Narrowing My Focus

Being blessed with a grand vision and plenty of talent is both a blessing and a curse for me. I’m often up and running with my wild imagination concocting great ideas and only giving them half of my effort because before I can fully develop the idea, it has been replaced by another more exciting venture. Plenty of planted seeds, but no fruit.

Today I will decide which of my talents to explore. I will decide which is the most beneficial to me at this time and I will choose wisely. I will draw out a work plan detailing each component of achieving my goal and I will set a timeline for accomplishing each task.

I will create good habits. I believe that I can be more disciplined about my goals and I can achieve what I set out to accomplish simply by sticking to the plan and cutting off all distractions. My biggest distraction right now is the uneasiness I feel because I do not have a stable income. This causes me to feel unsuccessful and therefore unworthy of attaining any goal. That is not true. This time is the time to plant seed and nurture them. This time is a gift from God to me and I am wasting it by doubting myself and Him.

Instead of using my idle time to worry about things I can not control, I will push myself to work on my plan. When I have the urge to sit and veg out, I will SNAP SNAP out of it and remember my goal.

My future is a direct reflection of the choices I make today. I will choose to be pro active and I will develop a disciplined mind.

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”


Goodbye Again

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I don’t know what’s going on with my body. This is the 3rd time in 2 months that I have felt like I was battling the flu. I woke up this morning feeling pretty crappy but I managed to get my son to finish his homework and send them off to summer camp without too many problems.

By the time I got home my friend was ringing my phone off the hook extremely upset that her guy friend hadn’t called when he said he would therefore causing her to assume that he is trying to disrespect her by calling her at the last minute to confirm their plans for this Saturday.

I let her vent a little and then told her to shut up. LOL! When it comes to men I realize that we over react because we are afraid of being taken for granted. But as she continued to share all of her insecurities about the relationship I sat in silence listening intently.

“Girl, He makes me sick! He thinks that I’m just gonna sit there and he can snap his fingers and I will come running. If he doesn’t call me by Wednesday night I’m not going out with his ass! How dare he promise to call me on a certain day and then he doesn’t do it! I’m not some 2 cent ass hoe who is sitting by the phone waiting for him to call. His ass ain’t that special. I hate his bitch ass! You don’t leave me as an afterthought. You don’t disrespect me like that! I’m not some desperate hoe. In fact, I canceled plans with someone else to make plans with him. His ass is ungrateful and If I see him I’m gonna f*** him up!”

Damn. She’s mad for real. Fellas, if you don’t call- it’s a big deal. Trust.

But as she spoke I felt like maybe God was speaking to me. As far as Dude is concerned, I am always an afterthought. I hear from him often but it’s always after he’s done everything he has to do for the day. He says he likes to relax with me but I know that if he had someone else, I wouldn’t be on the agenda. Am I a 2 cent hoe, always available and waiting for him to squeeze me in for a quick one?

That hurt my feelings. Only because I know that it is true. Because I have no desire to sleep with more than one person at a time plus the fact that I actually LIKE Dude keeps me saying YES to him during those last minute, late night phone calls. I don’t want to keep company with multiple men. But sometimes I feel like I should. Just to make sure I’m not so available all the time.

When my friend’s hair dresser called for her to get her hair washed we hung up and I knew what I had to do. Even thought it was 9am I dialed Dude’s number and he answered, “What’s up with you?”

“Nothing. What’s up with you?”

“I’m on my way to work.”

“Well, that means you’re gonna be late then.”

“Probably. What’s up?”

“Well, I was hoping today would be the day.”

“For what?”

“For us to finally stop this crap we’re doing. Come on, my birthday is coming up and I’m tired of being dissappointed. You said that when I was really ready to end this “thing” between us that all I had to do was tell you and you’d back off. I’m ready. I’m serious this time. I want us to leave this alone. You already know all the reasons why.”

He paused for a second then said, “OK. I feel you. Well, I have a lot of stuff at your house.”

“When would you like to get it?”

“How about today at lunch. I’ll come by then.”

“OK, call me to make sure I’m home.”


As soon as I hung up I began to feel numb. I wrote a little and then I went over to the couch to rest. I have had this aching pain in my left side since Friday and it’s been so bad that at times I can barely walk. I’ve also had chills and a fever and nausea and my appetite is completely gone. I don’t know what’s going on but it’s not pretty.

So there I sat on my couch freezing and feeling hot at the same time. I’m trembling from the cold feeling I have and my body is aching. I make it to my bathroom cabinet and find the Theraflu. I make some and drink it and then take a hot shower to relieve my aches.

It works for a little while. An hour later I’m back on the couch and my life is flashing before my eyes. When I get sick, I’m very dramatic. I always think that I am going to die. But since I’m usually alone during these times, it doesn’t affect anyone. I ask God to let me live because I have so much that I want to do in life.

Then I think about the past few months with Dude and all of the fun we’ve had hanging together. Then I think about how every single week we say that we are not gonna speak to each other anymore because we are on two different pages. But we always come back.

One time I asked him to leave because I was emotionally drained from dealing with him. He stood up and put his shoes back on, grabbed his hat and stood at the door. I walked over and unlocked it. But my hand brushed his arm and I felt it.


That magnetic attraction that always pulls me back in. He paused because he felt it too. Ten minutes later I’m on my stomache gripping the sheets. An hour later we’re cuddling with each other and I look up at him and whisper, “You know I can’t stand you.” He smiles and says, “I know” and we drift off to sleep.

Damn. He got me.

But this has to stop. So I decided that when he comes to pick up his stuff I would leave it outside so I wouldnt fall victim to his magnetism.

I missed his call because I was in the shower but when I called him back I told him that I would leave his stuff in a ziploc bag in my mailbox. He paused before saying, “Ok.”

I bet he doesn’t believe me.

But I am for real. I am tired. Just tired. I want to go back to how I was before when I was used to being alone all the time. I don’t want to crave the affection of a man, especially one who treats me like I’m an afterthought.


I feel better though. I sat shivering in pain for most of the day. I took some advil and drank some gatorade and that helped. By the time I had to pick up my kids I was feeling a lot better but not enough to cook them dinner so we ate fast food. I had to try that 99cent chicken sandwhich from Wendy’s. Wendy’s chicken sandwhich combo is my FAVORITE fast food so when I saw the commercial I almost flipped. And it was GOOD too!

After wrestling with my son to finish his homework, my body finally shut down on me and I passed out on the couch while my sons played nearby. When I woke up, I was relieved to feel better. I thanked my boys for being so good while Mommy rested and I got them ready for bed.

As soon as the house grew quiet my thoughts turned to him. I am going to miss his company but I’ll get over it.

I know I will.

I have to make room for the real blessings to come into my life.

And I will.

Quick Update

This morning I was rushed to the emergency room via ambulance. I just couldn’t take it anymore so I called 911, thinking they’d come by and tell me I’ll be fine. My heart rate was 155 which a bordlerline STP (whatever that is) so they made me go to the ER and after a battery of tests they told me that I have a severe kidney infection. The infection is so bad that they admitted me to the hospital and I’ve been fighting a fever of 103 and extremely violent chills all day. When my fever finally breaks I will be allowed to go home.

Ofcourse my main concern was my children. I had my kids school call their father to come pick them up and he did but later dumped them at my Mama’s house saying he had things to do. That frustrates me that his life can’t be interrupted by his own children but oh well. At least they are well taken care of.

After they admitted me and wheeled me to my room I was delighted to see a COMPUTER with internet access just 5 feet away from my bed. I knew that when I felt up to it, I would be able to feed my addiction.

Oh well…Let me go back to bed now. Being in the hospital is no fun and being too sick to write is the pits. Please take a second and claim my healing. They are giving me antibiotics and an IV to flush out my kidney but it makes me have to pee every 20 minutes and I can’t rest properly.

Ahhh..I feel so much better. I got to caress my boyfriend, THE NET.

Hopefully, I’ll be better soon.

Feeling Better

I was released from the hospital today. What a great birthday present! I’m feeling a little weak but it’s great to be free. Thanks for all of the blog love! Just a little more rest and I’ll be back…

I promise.

Marvelous Creation

Hmm…My birthdate is 7-2-79. My favorite number is 27.



Yep, I made it to 27. ~looking around~ Nothing really looks different to me. But I kinda feel like something is happening and I can’t recognize what it is. I hope it’s good. LOL!

Today is my youngest son’s birthday. He turned 4. I took cupcakes and capri sun’s to his school to celebrate and thank God, he enjoyed it and it made him feel special. I really couldn’t afford to do that, but you can’t ignore your child’s birthday. It’s a sin.

Then we all came home and hung out a bit while I battled the monster that is the after effects of a bout with my lactose intolerance. I don’t know WHY I had that bowl of icecream last night. Wait…yes I do, it was delicious. But dealing with these mind numbing cramps cancel out the pleasure of strawberry icecream. I swear this pain feels worse than child birth. The cramps I get last just as long as contractions.

My 5 year old heard me screaming and cussing during one of my cramps and he came over to me and patted my hand. “Breathe,” he told me. “Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Push. Push.”

I could barely slap his little hand away in annoyance and after a couple of seconds I began to listen to him because his coaching actually helped. ~smile~ He is so wonderful.

Oh no! Here it..comes…I am never eating fucking icecream again. This is horrible. ~crying~


Damn…I feel a little better. Where was I?

Late at night when I put them to bed I walk around my beautiful home and smile. The airconditioner feels so nice. It’s semi-clean too. I mean, if you squint your eyes. Today is the 5th and I still don’t have my rent money. I won’t even mention the other bills that have piled up while I am still searching for a job. ~sigh~

What’s going to happen to me? Will I lose it all?

I can’t help but think of Yolanda and her birthday timeline. All kind of drama happened to her during her first 36 years on earth. I’m sure there were times when she thought she wouldn’t make it through. But after reading all of that in hindsight, things don’t seem as stressful as they may have seemed while she was going through it.

That encouraged me. Even though right now things seems so harsh and scary, it will only take one moment, one phone call, one breath, for everything to change for the better. And then this heartache will be a distant memory and I will be facing the next battle with even more strength.

This is not permanent. I will find my place in this world. I will not give up. I will not shut down.

If Bobby Brown can make a come-back, so can I.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
George Bernard Shaw

Body Language

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I ended up back at the Urgent Care yesterday. Too many things were going wrong with my body and with no insurance or primary physician it was my only option.

I assumed my cramps were from the icecream I ate on the 4th of july but when I have lactose intolerant cramps they only last a few hours. My excruciating cramps had persisted for 3 days along with consistent “Dee-Area”. My body felt weak and my lips were cracked.

Soon after I arrived I was hooked up to an IV getting some fluids in my dehydrated body and I immediately felt better. When the doctor came he told me that there was still some infection in my kidneys.

“Well,” I told him as I reached into my purse. “This prescription they wrote me when I left the hospital last week, man, this stuff costs $200. I can’t afford that so I didn’t get it filled.”

“Well, the medicine you need to fight off this infection is very strong and that’s why it’s expensive. The only other alternative is to get your medicine intravenously but you’d have to stay in the hospital the full two weeks to get it.”

“Sorry. No can do. I have two small kids to take care of. You gotta think of something else. Can you give me a generic version or something? Some samples or something?”

“Yes. I can do that. I’ll send the nurse back in with your prescription.”


When they released me I went on over to Walgreens to fill my prescription. “How much is it?” I asked the pharmacy intern nervously. “Oh, the total is $33.”

Damn! From $200 to $33. This medicine shit is all about money. I would have been better by now if they had given me this prescription the first damn time.

And things have been even more hectic because as soon as I was released from the hospital I started noticing problems “down there”.

My friend Tonya calls me.

“Hey girl! Where are you?”

“Oh, I’m in Puerto Rico, on my way back,” she says.

“Ooh, any cute Puerto Ricans around?”

“Uh..No,” she says dryly. Tonya has a sarcastic twang to her speech patterns that would cause you to think she’s a bitch but she’s not. She just talks like that. You gotta love her anyway. “I’m sorry I missed your birthday.”

“Girl, forget about that. I was in the hospital for 5 days with a kidney infection.”

“Yeah. Tamara told me. How are you?”

“I’m okay girl. But now..Girl. I have this problem. It’s my….you know. Ever since I got out of the hospital it’s been burning. It’s been hot. And itchy.”

“Girl, did they give you antibiotics while you were in the hospital?”


“Girl, then that ain’t nothing but a yeast infection,” she said as if she was annoyed. “You never had one before?”

“NO!” ugh… I read about them though.

“Go to the drug store and get you some cream. In 3 days you’ll be fine. Antibiotics cause you to get them.”

As friend after friend called to chat with me I relayed the news about my new infection. It seems that everyone had already experienced it but me and everyone had their own remedy.”

Just sit in a bathtub full of warm water and swish it around down there. If you can, push your finger in there and pull the yeast out.


Girl, go get you some Summer’s Eve feminine wash and put it down there twice a day and it will stop the burning and itching.

That shit BURNED ME!

Eat some yogurt girl. My friend says she puts the yogurt inside of her too and it helps.

I got some yogurt but um…I’m not about to waste it on my….

You know what helps? S-E-C-K-S. When I have a yeast infection and I have secks it goes away immediately.

Ughh! When I think of secks I think of a 2 day old pot of oatmeal mixed with fried fish grease, soggy corn flakes and mayonaise. Yuck. Penis disgusts me.

I must be getting old. I have never had so many problems with my body before. Here are a few other home remedies…CLICK HERE.

It’s rough being a woman…


Men really underestimate our strength. Lemme go get some more yogurt.


Don’t spoil what you have by desiring what you don’t; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.
~Nycci Monique

Thanks B!

Outside Forces

I found this picture at my Mama’s house yesterday. I stared it for a quite a while. I remember that day.

I was 22. I was on my way to our college television news auditions. Even though I was a magazine journalism major (you could only choose one major) I met with the television broadcasting department heads and convinced them to allow me to audition. I told them that I was talented and eager and I would be an asset to their news team. I guess they believed me. They granted me permission to audition although broadcasting wasn’t my major.

I was very excited that day. Two of my friends Marsha and Michelle were supposed to go to the auditions with me. Both of them were actually majoring in television broadcasting but they were both a little slow in jumping into the audition process. Just before I left to pick up Michelle and head over to campus, Marsha called and canceled. It upset me a little. If this is supposed to be your lifelong dream, why are you being complacent about it? Oh well.

I remember going in to the studio and signing up for the sports anchor auditions. The teleprompter wasn’t working that day so we had to read from a hand held script. I sat down in the anchor seat, the lights blared, the camera whirred and…I nailed that shit.

As much as I love to create, as much as I love to blog and write articles and tell stories…the magic that happens when I am standing in front of a crowd or in front of a camera..well, it simply doesn’t compare. I am a much better speaker and host than I am a writer.

I never get nervous. I vibe off of the energy of a live audience. I connect with the camera. I come alive as if by some mystical force. I never worry about what the audience is going to think of me. Before I go on I make sure I look great and even when I make a mistake I have a way of making fun of myself and it doesn’t even bother me to look like a fool in front of a crowd. ~smile~

I remember once in a college production I was modeling and as soon as I hit the center of the stage, the music turned off. Everyone was staring at me and what did I do? I shook my thang! Did a lil twist! Smiled and waved. It was nothing to me.

I have always felt that even though I make a mistake in front of a crowd, I am Ms. Tee. I am still great. Who can deny it?

Well, on the day of the auditions my friend Michelle did a great job too. After the sports anchor auditions were over, the set manager came up to me and congralulated me on a job well done. I beamed but I wasn’t suprised. I had done television news since I was 8 years old. I hosted my first show in kindergarten. No big deal.

The weather auditions began and I stood by to watch my girl Michelle try out. At the time I didn’t know that there was a sort of hierarchy to being cast on the news team. You begin by being a weather anchor, then move on to sports or news anchor, then local cable anchor. The set manager asked me to sign up for the weather auditions and I did, just for fun.

But when my turn came I froze. For the first time in my life it seemed that there was a force beyond my control gluing me to my spot in the corner. Before I knew it there were tears in my eyes as I ran out of the studio. I stood outside in the warm night air trying to understand what had happened. My heart was beating wildly and my spirit seemed to scream at me: STAY AWAY.

I drove Michelle home in a daze.

When I got back to my apartment I sat there in silence for hours. A week or so later I went back to the studio to see if I made the cut.

I didn’t.

Michelle did. She was the new weather person.

I cried for a while after I saw the line up and I went home and indulged in some icecream. I cheered myself up by reminding myself that I had just completed a successful internship at the local radio station and I had been offered a summer internship at a newspaper in St. Augustine. I was also weeks away from starting an internship at a local television station thanks to some begging and pleading on my part.

The one thing I refused to allow myself to think about was the bulge in my belly.

I was pregnant again.

I already had one son who was barely a year old and as soon as my children’s father and I decided to try to be back together, it happened again. When we sat down to discuss it he convinced me that having another child was the worst decision I could make. “It’s like shooting yourself in the foot,” he said. “You have all of these opportunities lined up for you. Why would you jeopardize that? After you graduate we can get married and have another baby. Don’t do this to yourself.”

He was right. I had fought hard to get back into school and back on my feet. I decided to have the abortion. The only thing that stopped us was the cost of the procedure. We had to save up to get it.

Thank God for being broke. By the time we got the money I had changed my mind. He promptly broke up with me and I went on with my life.

It’s funny that I came across this picture just yesterday. I think about that day often. It was the day I chose my child over my career. I had to give up the internships. Now I see why things happened the way they did at the auditions. I had no idea why I froze that day but now I know why. I was going to keep my baby. I wouldn’t have time to be an anchor.

My heart still beats for mass media but I don’t have the experience necessary to get me in the door at most newspapers, magazines or TV stations. I still try. I still call and send out home made tapes and try to persuade editors to give me a chance. It’s tough without the background but I don’t think it’s impossible.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking during this down time. I’d love to say I feel better but I don’t. Hopefully soon though.

I’ve been considering leaving Miami.

I love living here. It’s a dream come true being in this kind of paradise but…the cost of living is too high for me to make it comfortably. Even when I was working my rent took up almost half of my salary and I don’t live in the greatest of neighborhoods, I live right next to one though.

Could this situation be the driving force that pushes me away from my beautiful city? A smaller town may give me a chance at pursuing my dream and finagling a job at a paper, magazine or TV station with limited experience.

I don’t know. All I know is…I don’t want to completely forget about the talent that I know I have. The drive that I have is unmatched however I have to be realistic because I am supporting a family on my own.

Yeah, I put my pride aside and I let my children’s father know about my situation and I asked for his help. He said because he is on a budget he can only give me the money he uses for the kids summer camp which means that I have to keep the kids home with me. He wrote a check for $280 and put it in their bag. Thanks so much.


I don’t want to move away from here and I have no idea how I’ll do it if I do get a job offer but sometimes situations force you to make drastic moves. My resume has been revised with a brand new Atlanta address courtesy of my friend Vicky. I’m looking there first.

Who knows…

The Alternative

I was in the hospital when she called to see how I was doing. I rattled on and on about urinating every 20 minutes and the sucky hospital food and how much I missed my kids. As soon as I took a breath for air she chimed in and said, “I have news too.”

“What news girl?”

“I’m pregnant.”

It took about 5 seconds for it to register. I put down the phone and bit my lip. I replaced the receiver and whispered, “What you gonna do?”

“What you mean what am I gonna do? I’m 27. I’m gonna have my baby.”

I released a small sigh.

Damn. I hadn’t heard those words from an unwed friend in years. My friend Dee is one of those cute chicks with a great body, beautiful personality and a bright future. While all of our friends were popping out kids at the turn of the century, she remained single and unattached.

She’s going to be a mother. Wow.

“So what happened with your boy?” I asked her. “How did he react?”

“Oh, he says he doesn’t want anymore kids and he doesn’t want me to have it. He’s serious too. I told him not to worry about it because this baby is mine and if he doesn’t want to deal with it then I won’t make him.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah girl. It’s not like I haven’t watched all of my friends raise children on their own. All of my friends did it. My sister did it. You are doing it. It’s not impossible.”

She’s having a baby.

The thought made me cry. I’ve known her since I was fourteen years old. Through no particular effort we have managed to remain close friends through all of these years and now…now…I get to be with her as she steps into the most wonderful evolution of her life. I get to see her belly swell and go to her baby shower. I get to visit her in the hospital with flowers and kiss her baby’s toes and watch as she grows.

For the first time ever I realized that Dee and I will probably be friends forever. We’ll probably be old ladies bragging on our children and sipping wine on the porch together. I’m an integral part of her life, just like she is an important part of mine. We’re sisters in a way…fighting the same battles and sincerely hoping for the best for each other.

You never think about that when you first meet someone. You don’t realize how much they will impact your life.

She called me with an interesting update on her situation. Even though she was stuck on STUPID, someone else had been stuck on her. They met a few years back and within a few months of meeting her he professed his love for her.

I remember when she first told me I laughed. She barely hung out with him, never entertained his advances and certainly never hunched him. he was sprung off of her essence, I guess. Although he knew she was seeing someone else, he still made it clear that he loved her and wanted her. She continued to be his friend but she said she didn’t want to use him. She was so sincere and she felt bad that she couldn’t return his affection.

When she told him that she was pregnant he was surprised but not dissappointed. By the end of the conversation he was elated and offered her a solution.

“Marry me. Come live with me,” he told her. “I’ll take care of you and the baby. Give the baby my last name. I love you.”

She wasn’t too surprised by his offer, he had always treated her this way. He always wanted to be her knight in shining armor.

“So what are you gonna do?” I asked her once again, my mind floating back to the man in my life who once loved me like he loves her.

“I don’t know. He’s so sincere,” she said with a sigh. “I think I may give him a chance. I don’t know. I’m just taking it one day at at time.”

Well you know me. I’m on a -Don’t believe him he’s a liar! They are all liars! He’s trying to trap you so that you can never find happiness! He’s out to run your life!- tip.

But I won’t tell her that. If I did she’d probably laugh at me.

My friend Kim always says, “Sometimes it ain’t about love dawg. Sometimes it’s about how much the man loves and respects you. If he treats you like a queen, you can learn to love him.”

Man…I think about the man in my life who offered the same thing to me. I turned him down. We’re still friends and I must admit, of every man I’ve come across in life, he has treated me the best.

I walked away from the best thing that ever happened to me, hoping for the worst thing that ever happened to me to turn into a prince. He never did.

Maybe love…that passionate, crazy, out of control feeling is under rated. Maybe love is stability and dedication despite the circumstances.

I remember this newly married woman I met in college. She moved to this country because a friend of mine loved her and wanted to marry her. In confidence she told me, “You know, I always wanted to marry someone I could be passionate about and love so much. But I told myself that if I never met that man, then I’d marry [her husband] because I know he is passionate about me and loves me so much.”

And she did.

And they are still married.

Did she settle? No, I don’t think so. I think she just wised up.

Maybe he is sincere and will treasure her as his prize for the rest of his life.
