
I had a heart to heart with my friend Tonya last night.

What am I saying? Most of my conversations are heart to heart convos. But this one was different because she was cussing me out about something I did/said to another friend of mine. When I say “cussing me out” I only mean getting on my case because she didn’t agree with my actions. It’s funny how I’m the one who told her the story. Most people will retell a story and flower it to make themselves look good but I try to be as accurate as I can.

After the convo with her I was upset and my mind wondered to 2005 and how I lost two friends of mine. No, they didn’t die, I just lost respect for them because of their actions and decided that it was no longer beneficial to be in their company. The sad part is, I miss the fun we had together but once trust is gone from a friendship, there’s really nothing left.

You have to be smart enough to move on at that point. If not, all you have is a phony relationship where both of you are always on the defense and waiting for each other to mess up. That’s not a friendship, that’s a war. We war with ourselves enough that we don’t need the same with our friends.

Then I started to think about who I am today and I must admit I’m very judgemental. I SAY I’m not but I really am. I have this strict system of right and wrong and if you cross those lines, well, I can’t really be friends with you. I lose respect for you and you can’t gain it back.

In my mind I can hear my sister saying, “What about forgiveness, Tee?”

Well, what about forgiveness?

I think I forgive the people who lose my respect but I won’t trust them again. Does my mistrust cancel out my forgiveness? Maybe. Maybe not. But that’s my heart right now and I’m sad to say that recently a few of my friends have crossed the line with me, not by doing me dirty, but by being themselves.

I had noticed these little idiosyncracies before but because I know I’m slightly crazy and messy and possessive and rude sometimes and annoying, I decided that I had to overlook them because I’m sure they forgive me on many occasions.

Now it seems like I don’t want to forgive. I’m like, “leave me alone, go find someone with limited dreams like you have and who won’t care that you lie sometimes and cheat sometimes and don’t value yourself.” When you have people around you who settle for less, they encourage you to settle for less too.

I don’t want people like that around me anymore.

So what do I do? Stop speaking to friends that I’ve had for years and years? Naw. I still love them, just like I still love the friends I lost last year due to mistrust. I’ll just love them from a distance.

Speaking of distance, Sylvia is leaving Miami. Yep, the chick met her a guy a while back and she’s in love and she’s moving to the city where he is so they can live together and have babies and stuff. I’d be a little more sad about her leaving if I wasn’t so busy. I haven’t seen Sylvia in months because I don’t have time to just parlay like we used to. I’m always writing or trying to make connections. Plus, every weekend she was traveling to see her man. Things shifted at the same time for us, which was a good thing. Neither one of us had time to miss each other.

I wonder what the future will bring. She was the only chick in Miami that I hung out with just doing nothing but watching TV. I don’t really watch TV though, but I wonder if there will be someone new in my life if I ever get some downtime.

Hopefully I won’t get any down time. Hopefully I’ll be so busy that hanging with friends or getting felt up by a man never crosses my mind.

Tomorrow is a really big day for me. I can’t believe I’m this nervous. I’m doing a trial run as a host for a digital network show. It’ll be me doing a Q&A with an industry leader. I drafted the script today and submitted it for approval. Tomorrow morning I do a dry-run and if she likes me I’ll tape the 5 minute episode in the afternoon.

I’m so scared. So scared. This is all happening so fast! It’s freaking me out. I sell myself a lot in life and on this blog and… on the real, I always deliver. But what if this time I’m not good enough?

Umm… yeah right. This is Ms. Tee. I can’t lose at this type of stuff. ~shrugs~ Well, I don’t understand why I’m so nervous then. If I KNOW I’m gonna be great because this is what I was born to do, then why am I freaking out? I keep expecting something bad to happen, but it hasn’t.

Today the VP of my division and I had a chat and she asked me how things were going. I told her that I am fine and that I am trying to be an asset to the company. She told me that she was impressed by the positive comments about my work that she saw consistently from our company president.

I shrugged and said, “I thought those were standard. I mean, I thought she says that to everybody.”

She raised her eyebrow and said, “No she doesn’t. Believe me. She doesn’t.”

I seem to be on a winning streak. But when you feel like you deserve to lose, it can be a hard pill to swallow.

I’m still healing ya’ll… I’ll be alright.

For All My RidersI started a yahoo group for all those riding with me. This group was designed to be my own Dream Advisory Group as I pursue my goal of becoming a World Inspiration Leader and bestselling author.You’ve walked with me so far, why not join me all the way. Anyone who joins this group should be willing to:a) assist me in developing story ideas for publicationsb) be interviewed as an opinion leader for my stories c) inform me about the important issues that are close to your heartI’m always looking for a good story idea and what better way to get them then to have a trusted group of people who don’t mind voicing their opinions or concerns.Members of this group will also receive discounts to my conferences and advance notice of my book sales and speaking engagements. These people who have chosen to “ride” will be the first to hear the good news as God positions me where He wants me to be.So come on, sign up. Share My Dream, by becoming an opinion leader in your city. I’ll need your help to impact the masses. I’m looking for opinionated people from all walks of life who are POSITIVE and HOPEFUL about the future. Negativity on any level will not be tolerated. I want this to be a group that uplifts each other as I strive to grow and uplift the nation.Any race, age, gender or sexual orientation welcome.I want to hear from you!Let’s RIDE!!!

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I woke up early this morning, grabbed the kids and ran to the store to pick up 4 copies of today’s Miami Herald. I sped home and flopped down on my living room floor while my kids watched curiously wondering what I was doing. Then I saw it: MY STORY, the one about the club I went to that you can take your kids is on the front page of the Tropical Life section.

My writing has been published in one of the country’s BIGGEST newspapers in a MAJOR market!

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Shake that thang! Work it, Work it!

I’m so happy!

Pop it, Pop it!

I’m Really Okay

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I was on the phone with a guy friend of mine when he casually mentioned that I reminded him of his mother.

Later in the conversation he mentioned that he had once made the mistake of calling his mother neurotic and she kept bothering him about it afterwards, playing jokes on him.

From that point on I didn’t pay attention to the rest of our conversation. I mean, what was he implying? Why did he mention that I reminded him of his mother and THEN say, in the same conversation that his mother was neurotic? What’s so wrong with me where he would think I was neurotic? I don’t get it. I thought we were friends. Why does he hate me so much? I can’t believe him!

Neurotic? Me? I thought he liked me.

I decided to look up the word to make sure I understood what he was saying to me.

A person prone to excessive anxiety and emotional upset.
An emotionally unstable individual.

What did he MEAN? Why was he treating me like this?!

All my life I just tried to be nice to people and encourage them and this is what I get?! Dude wanna call me neurotic on the sly!

I hate him! I decided right then and there that I would never speak to him again. He’ll never get the chance to be so rude to me ever again in LIFE. HIS BAD for trying to be all smarty tarty! ~rolls eyes~

I decided to do a little more research on my condition.

I found this quiz and took it hoping for favorable results. Alas, the quiz gods have smiled on me this time. I only scored a 65% which means I am only partially neurotic which they say can be quite endearing.


I’m okay.

I knew I was all along.

I’m smart, pretty, talented and my life is going so well. I have so much love inside to give. I just wanna hug and squeeze everyone until they burst with candy coated goodness.

Now let me call my friend and see how he’s doing today.

One Letter, BIG difference…

As I walked away from the courtroom with the no contact order in my hand, barring my children’s father from any further harassment, I knew I was a changed woman.

A FREE woman.

I can tell that a lot of my progress as a person began with the removal of the constant source of negativity and disparagement.

I made more than a few changes in my life since then but one in particular I have neglected to mention; I changed my name.

When my Mama saw my name on the article I wrote last weekend she said, “That’s not the name I gave you.” I shrugged and laughed saying, “Ma, I TOLD you at the end of January that for professional writing and speaking purposes I am changing the way I spell my name.”

I saw an article online about Numerology and how the stars or whatever dictate how your name is perceived. So I did a reading of my name and it had a lot of good qualities but also a few bad ones that were quite characteristic of my life BEFORE I got rid of THE MONSTER.

When I analyzed a variation of my name by removing one letter the entire vibe, meaning and perception of my name changed. I liked reading the words conqueror, winner, potential for greatness. I decided I wanted to be associated with those characteristics alone, shedding the stigma of being weak minded and easily swayed by emotions.

I removed one MONSTER and one letter from my name and I feel like a new person.

A Superstar is born!!!

Watch out for the NEW ME!

Thank you all for the love and encouraging words. You mean so much to me! You have no idea how much you inspire and encourage ME!

God bless you in all that you do!

Ms. Tee

Creative Wishes

My 3 year old is sick today. I missed work to take him to the doctor. He hasn’t eaten anything all day and can’t keep his fluids down. The doctor prescribed 3 different medicines.

He just threw up a few minutes ago. I wiped him down and replaced his clothes. He’s in the bed laying motionless. It looks like I’ll be missing another day of work tomorrow, which wouldn’t be so bad except I make JUST enough money to make my bills so this will be a big blow to my paycheck.

Man…I need a breakthrough. I know I’m not ungrateful but I’m already getting bored with my job. It’s routine writing and routine work and it feels like a job now.

I look around at all the people in their cubicles, typing away and trying to get promoted. I don’t want to get promoted. There is no other job there that I would like to do. I have a grand idea though. There’s a position that I’d like to have that hasn’t been created yet. I see an unfulfilled need and I have expressed a desire to fill it. My company president says we will talk about it later.

Still, after such a let down this just reconfirms that I can never do routine work for a living. And I need to be fulfilled in my work to be happy. Ofcourse I’m responsible and I won’t quit, but I’m also wasting my time and my talent. I absolutely love the company, the people I work with and my company president is HOT! But——– I have not found my place at this company yet.

And so I lift this up to God.

You gave me this amazing gift of seeing things in people and situations that no one else sees. You gave me this incredible way of expressing myself. I get excited when I get an idea and I have to start from scratch with research, planning and executing the idea. There’s got to be a happy medium in my career. I need to be able to create and inspire, feeding my expressive nature and nurturing others. At the same time I need to be able to take care of my family financially while not feeling like I’m letting my company down or taking a huge hit to my income when I have to miss a day because of my children.

I’m obedient. I’m driven. I will excel and work extra hard at any given task. I just need financial security and an outlet to be creative.

Am I asking for too much?

I like this Meme

From Teleza’s spot

Name- Ms. Tee

Childhood Ambition- To be a TV reporter/author and rich and famous and date all the celebrities and be fabulous

Fondest Memory- Hearing my name announced as I walked across the stage to receive my degree in journalism. I cried and cried and cried like I had just won Miss America. I believe that there is NOTHING that I can’t accomplish, but honestly, I did not believe I would finish college. Setback after setback happened. I felt so dumb and so low most of the time. That entire period of time was my life trial and I hope I never have to go through anything like that again! BUT I GRADUATED! AMEN!

Soundtrack- The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill and of course Late Registration

Retreat- My house (when it’s clean), The bookstore (when my house is messy)

Proudest Moment- I’m always superproud when I go and pick up my sons and all of their friends bum rush me to give me hugs. My son still holds my hand wherever we go. I make sure I’m extra pretty when I go out with them. I think they are proud of me.

Biggest Challenge- Keeping my house neat.

Alarm Clock- I’m a light sleeper. I wake up every hour to check the time. I never oversleep.

Perfect Day- No kids, lots of good food to eat in the fridge, a clean house and lots of great IM convo’s.

First Job- I was a receptionist at an Engineering Firm. I was 16 and they paid me $5 an hour. ~shakes head~

Indulgence- Cable, Taking my kids out to eat on the weekend, all the popular snacks so they can be “cool” at school.

Last Purchase- $85 worth of medicine for my son and a new inhaler for me.

Favorite Movie- Love Actually- It makes me feel so good!

Inspiration- I read an inspiration book everyday that inspires me. It’s called Think and Grow Rich; A Black Choice. This book gets me SUPERCHARGED for my day!

My Life- Is on a path for greatness. I’ve already been bruised and beaten and dismissed, now it’s time for some Karma to kick in. I’m WAITING KARMA! It’s my turn!

Blessed Guidance

I’ve had 2 mentors in my life.

The first one I met at my first job at the Engineering Firm. The second one was my boss at the TV station I worked for while I was in college. She’s now the CEO of PBS in Texas (GO GIRL!) I gotta email her and say wuzzup..

I think that I am so responsive to mentors because I crave direction and correction. I feel like I’m all over the place. I have so many ideas and so many talents and no one to make me focus and point out my inconsistencies. Well, I have people who point out my inconsistencies but they aren’t even as far into their careers as I am so it’s kinda hard to look up to someone who is still fumbling like you are.

I want a mentor dammit! I want someone who I can look up to and emulate. A LIVE person who is doing big thangs and wants to help a sista do big thangs too! I want a big sister to tell me right from wrong and a professional who is spiritually strong who will encourage me in my career choices, hook me up with her CEO friends and clap for me during my successes.

I’ve always felt like I was winging it with no guidance, all my life. Every goal I’ve achieved has been because I WANTED TO. No one encouraged me or showed me the way.

I’m always wondering if I’m saying the right thing or behaving in the right manner. I wonder if my presence projects the image I want it to.

Man, it’s tough paving the way.

But I promise that some very blessed young woman won’t have to do the guess work that I had to do. Whoever enters into my life will reap all of the benefits of my bumps and bruises. I will give away my knowledge freely.

I will become the woman that I always wanted to mentor me.

He Knows What To Do

My Sugarbear is going on a field trip today.

As soon as he woke up he asked, “Is it March 2nd?”


“Yayyy! I’m ready to go on my fieldtrip!”

“Brush your teeth first.”

After he gets dressed and has his lunch packed I give him some money to take with him for a souvenir. I give him the speech about staying with his class and not wandering off. I remind him that if someone grabs him, he should kick and scream and yell and run away.

He listens intently while fingering the money I gave him.

“So what do you do with this money?” I ask him.

“Put it in my pocket.”

“And what do you say if someone comes up to you and tries to take your money?”

He pauses.


A Gooey Gift

I’m typing away on the IM with Cymple when the door to my room creaks open and my 3 year old’s head pops out.

“Look Mama,” he says and extends his hand to me.

“What is it boy?”

“Look at this.” He walks toward me with a silly look on his face, closely studying the thing in his hand.

He takes it out of his hand and places it in mine. I examine it. It is purplish and brown. Is it a bug? It feels soft. I don’t get it.

“What is this?” I ask him.

He shrugs his shoulders and looks at my hand.

“Where did you get it?”

“Out of my nose.”