A Whole New World

A few weeks ago I was in the fleamarket buying some mango salad for me and my Mama when my cell rings.

I recognize the number. It’s the temp agency. I roll my eyes.
These chicks havent called me in forever! What do they want now?

“Hello.” I answer stoically.
“Hi Tee, this is Carmen from the temp agency.”
“I have an assignment for you. Are you available?”
“Good, the assignment starts on Monday, the hours are 9-5 and the position is Assistant to the Headmaster at —, a private school.”
I raise my eyebrow.

Well, this is exactly the type of position I had been looking for. I accept the assignment and ask her to email me the details.

On Monday morning I head over to the school. I had heard about this school before. It was close to my house and I knew it was a fancy private school for rich kids. The tuition is ridiculous but the school was beautiful. Olympic sized swimming pool, armed guards and all.

I met my supervisor in the parking lot. She was surprised to see me there 30 minutes early. I’m always punctual, or rather, always early. I hate late people and I’ll do anything not to be one of them.

She is very pleasant to me as we walk through the school and reach Primary Hall where I’ll be working. She shows me my office and I sit down and get comfy. The Headmaster comes in and he too is surprised to see me there early.

Being his assistant was great. There was nothing difficult about the job at all. He asks me to do something, I do it. Quickly. No big deal. The main reason why I am such a fast worker is because I want to be free to have fun on the internet. If I’m done with all of my projects I can chat online and on the phone all day with my girls. CHAT CHAT CHAT CHAT! This job allowed me to do just that. I’m loving it!

As I meet people I am impressed by how welcoming they are. They are patient and kind to me and I explain to them that I am only temporary but they give me secret smiles as if they think that I’ll stick around.

I’m in administrative heaven. Especially as I talk to people and I hear that there is very little turnover in this school. Most people have been there for 10 years and never plan to leave.

As the days go by I’m falling in love. The main reason is that I feel so welcomed by everyone. I’m also very happy to be having such a positive experience with white people. Did I mention that black faces are a rarity around this place? There are only a few, but they are just as friendly as the others.

Everyday I go in and I smile to myself. I began to hope that they will hire me permanently. I later learn that I was only called in to fill the position until the new assistant is able to start so there’s no chance of me getting the job. I don’t care. I love being there, I love looking at all of the nice cars and fat wedding rings and chit chatting with Miami’s elite. A lot of Miami’s big business owners send their kids to school there. And a few well known celebrities have enrolled their children as well.

The business manager informs me that the new assistant will be starting the next Monday. I sigh. So much for a good thing. She smiles and tells me she doesn’t want me to leave. There is another position opening in the Upper School that she thinks I would be great for and she asks if she can forward my resume to the Director. Uh, yeah…

When I go to meet him he’s very nice. He says he’s heard all about my outstanding work ethic and endearing personality. He asks for my references and promises to let me know something soon.

While I’m there I’m invited to a faculty party. It’s supposed to be a luau at the school’s pool and we’re all instructed to dress in Hawaiian attire.

I’m excited about going because I want to see how the other half parties. When I arrive I get butterflies in my stomache. I call Anna and she tells me to just calm down and try to find any other Black ppl and sit with them.

I hang up with her and walk up to the greeting table. Hand shakes all around and the Headmaster’s wife tells me that she’s heard great things about me. They give me a lai, (sp) and I walk into the pool area. It’s late, around 8pm, the sky is dark but teh pool area is beautifully decorated with torches and the pool is filled with lit candles. There’s a mechanical surf board set up in one corner and tables set up for everyone to sit down with little fish bowls with real fish swimming in them. I don’t really know anyone well so I’m wondering who I can sit with when I walk by this guy who looks up at me and says, “Well, well, I don’t know who you are but you have to come and sit with us. This table is the shit.”

I laugh and respond. “Let me go get a drink and I’ll be right back.” I’m so grateful for his invitation. If he turns out to be an idiot I don’t care, at least I won’t have to sit alone. I’m soaking in the atmosphere as I spie servants walking around in bow-ties serving champagne and appetizers on silver trays. Wow, just like in the movies. I walk up to the open bar and the set up is so beautiful. There is a waterfall and plenty of fruit and loads of liquor. I order a strawberry daquiri and head back to the table and the gentleman who invited me to sit with him.

When I get there he’s smiling at me and offers me his seat. “You’re beautiful,” he tells me. “I’ve never seen you before.”

“Well, I’m temping in the Headmasters office. I’m his temporary assistant.”

“I’m doing the same thing in the Lower School. It’s a great job. This is a great school.”

“I’ve realized that.”

“Then we have to get you here permanently.”

I laugh.

As the night goes on I am simply amazed. I spend time meeting the other teachers and finding out about their lives and their interests. One couple owns their own jewelry company. His wife is a designer while he handles the business portion. They invite me to their studio and gives me a card.

The DJ breaks in and announces that the show is about to begin. Ooh, real Polynesian dancers! Real fire-eaters and everything.

The food is excellent! I’m drooling over the seafood and delicious appetizers. I look up and I see a Black man walk in. Finally. I was the only Black person there until he arrived.

Someone whispers, “Have you met Randall yet? He’s the middle school PE teacher. He’s single.”

“No,” I reply as I give Randall the once over. He’s tall, about 6’4″ and well built. Chocolate with a nice smile. But the funny thing is, the man standing next to him is who really caught my eye. To his right was a wide eyed Purchasing assistant I would later meet named Steve.

Steve is a little shorter, probably around 6 feet tall. Sandy blonde hair and electric green eyes. I smile at him and he waves at me and mouths hello.

“Ooh, look at me, checking out white men. Let me get outta here.”I think and laugh at myself.

The next Monday I’m on my way to the cafeteria for lunch. This is no typical school cafeteria. They hire caterers to provide lunch for the students at a whopping cost of $350 per semester for each student. The salad bar and sandwhich bar are great, but they also serve hot food like fajitas and other stuff I can’t even pronounce.

I get my lunch, a chicken fajita and some fruit and I walk outside. It’s a beautiful day so I figure I’ll eat in the garden. The garden looks like something out of a magazine. The flowers are flourishing, there are trees that offer just the right amount of shade and I don’t feel like I’m at a school at all. I feel like I’m at a romantic getaway.

I hear the grass rustling next to me and I look up. Oh my gosh, it’s Steve.

“Hi,” he smiles down at me. “Do you mind if I sit down?”

“Uh, no,” I stammer. “Go ahead.”

We talk and I find out that he works in purchasing and he loves working there. I tell him about my time at UF and that I’m loving my time at this school. His cell phone rings and he tells me he has to go but he hopes he’ll see me around.

Damn, that man has some pretty eyes. I laugh and return to my office to chat with my friend Dianna and tell her all about him.

I don’t know, I guess it’s the change in environment but these people at this school are loving me. I get compliments everyday from the women who work there. They love my haircut, they love my smile, they love my personality. They think I’m great. It’s hard not to get a big head when so many people are telling you how much they appreciate you being there.

I was even fascinated by meeting one of the parents. He came into the office and sat down. I greeted him and asked him to wait until the person he needed to see was available. We started chatting and I found out that he was a photographer named Brett. His crazy hair and eccentric dress reinforced his creative career. He also had some sort of accent indicating that he was not from this country. He told me he traveled to Europe about 10 times a year and he did fashion shoots as well as books and other odd jobs. His favorite was the time he spent in Africa photographing the African tribes. “I am very much interested in the beauty of the Africans.” he said and smiled at me. Look at this white man, flirting with me. LOL!

Last week he called my office and greeted me by name. I didn’t quite remember him but after a couple of seconds it clicked.

“Oh.. heyyy. How are you? Any exciting assignments come up?” I asked, excited to hear about his extravagant world.
“Yeah, actually I’m on my way to Spain for 10 days to do a shoot. And I was wondering, uh, if you some time when I get back, could I take you out for some coffee?”
I’m shocked. I pause.
“Uh, sure. That would be great.”
“Really? Well, can I have your phone number so that I can call you when I get back?”
“Nice talking to you. You’ll hear from me soon.”

Over the past few days I have received a few text messages from him. The latest one came this morning: Hi Tee, Have a great week. I’ll talk to you soon. Brett

Oh my gosh. I don’t even drink coffee. I wonder what I’m going to say to this man when we go out. On the real, I’m looking for some work on the side. He may need a writer or have the hook-up. You never know. I’ll never know unless I go.

My assignment is not over yet. They have moved me to the receptionist desk, meaning EVEN more time to chat and still earn some good money. I love being there.

Sometimes I swear that saying is so true, everything happens for a reason.