When It Hurts So Bad

Sometimes things happen and you don’t know why.

I will admit, I’ve been over here crying my eyes out over the loss of my best friend. But somehow, on the inside, I feel like it’s for the best but I don’t know why I feel like that.

In between crying, I’m working diligently on developing my site. I am not a designer but I designed a new header in MS Word and I invested in an email gathering tool because I need to create an email list in order to produce launches of my future endeavors. At least, that’s what the online business development gurus say.

I’ve been studying different writing techniques and lots of stuff. Trying to stay busy so I won’t think about this life change so much. I AM living my dream yet, so much had to die to make it happen that its kinda bittersweet.

I guess I’ll learn to stand on my own more and that is my one wish for Tamara. She was very much dependent on me and I hope that with this new season of our lives she learns to trust herself more and begins to understand her worth.

I would have never guessed that this is what 2011 would bring.

What the fuck else is going to happen?

2 Replies to “When It Hurts So Bad”

  1. I'm sure this cannot be the end of your friendship with Tamara. Things may evolve, but you have been through too much together. Life is too short to stand on principle with a true friend.

    Oh, and check out babble.com – I don't know a lot about the site but I know they are looking for writers. You could send the content that you are already writing their way. Just a thought!

  2. I hope that we can reconnect sometime in the future, but THIS shift will affect our friendship forever. I feel it. I will always love her and wish her the best. Still sad and crying though.

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