Tasting My Dreams

I heard about a great success story today. Tyler Perry opened his movie production studios earlier this month and I saw pictures of old school celebrities weeping at the celebration. I am so proud of him and I have followed his story from the time I first heard his name when he released the Madea DVD’s.

I’m not too keen on Madea’s plays although I think she’s a cool character. I love the movies though and I’m glad he fired the writers for his TV show House Of Payne. I feel bad for them, they seemed to be standing up for their rights when he released them but truth be told, that show needed a vast makeover. I thought the storylines were passe’ and the jokes were not funny to me.

Much respect to the man who said he was “trying to find the opposite of homeless”. I think he’s done it and I could not be more happy for anyone.

These days I’m reactivating the vibe I get when I read biographies and study different models for success. Because studying success stories is my pleasure, I get to pass on all of the techniques and pathways to Donovan. There’s something to this obsession I have with accomplishing dreams. Those that I have studied have all kind of accepted that the person who they “feel like” is who they really are, despite the circumstances. They then act upon that dream as though it is promised to them, forsaking everything else to make it happen.

I mean, what is being uncomfortable for a few months compared the grand success you will achieve if you put your heart and soul into what you KNOW you can do? So many people hide behind their lifestyles, their jobs and their fear of other’s opinions of them and they never make a move in life, they never take a risk. Life IS a risk, so it’s best if you would grasp that dream you have and try to fly with it.

A guyfriend asked me today, “It’s funny how someone else would PAY you for your knowledge and trust you to guide them to success when you haven’t achieved it for yourself yet.”

That reminds me of the sarcastic remark made by one of my friends when she learned that I was going back to school to become a Relationship Therapist yet I have not had a romantic relationship in forever.

To both of them I say: Whatever hoe!

Look, it takes a smart person to recognize that my obsession with achieving dreams would benefit them. The fact that I don’t hesitate when I see a vision for my life astounds most people. Most people would come up with an idea, a fantasy for their life, and then sit around and think about it and then think some more asking others if they believe they can do it, needing approval.
I don’t need shit. I just need the idea. Once I have the idea, I do it. That’s it. I don’t care if I’m not “qualified” to write that book or experienced enough to lead that organization. If I believe I can do it, I do it. And I don’t fail.

Because I am now operating as a consultant/success coach I feel like my life’s dream has come true. For real ya’ll. I remember one time Donovan asked me what my dream was and I told him that I wished that I could be a genie and go around and make people’s wishes come true.

This role I’m playing with Donovan’s business is exactly that. I come up with creative ideas for branding him as an individual and I help him develop his literature.

I came up with a cool name for what I do. Ready?

I am now an Individual Brand Developer and Success Coach.

I take someone with a dream and map out the steps it will take for them to achieve it. Those with BIG dreams are the ones I am excited about working with. I build their online presence, create all marketing materials and create unique marketing opportunities for them to sell themselves. Everyday I paint a picture of their dream for them and I only speak to them as though their dream is waiting down the street. I never doubt. I never hesitate and I PUSH them toward it, organizing them along the way and teaching them how to operate on their own.

If I had the resources to do this for myself, I would. That is the only thing that Donovan has on me. He has invested time into a company and reaps the benefit of having a very nice salary which allows him to be able to invest in himself. In an effort to turn him into a master speaker, philosopher and leader I’m sending him to Toastmasters. I’m signing him up for the Speakers Association. I’m creating a unique education program for him to gather clients and coach them. He’s getting a REAL website. Man! I have so many ideas and HE has the resources to actually DO them. ~sigh~ When I’m working on his plan I feel like I feel right before penetration.

I have committed myself to Donovan for a 2 year period but I do plan to leave when I see that he is up and functioning successfully. The way our contract is negotiated I get a nice percentage of any profits made from any books that he sells (from those that I edit and co write) for the duration of their printing and a percentage from any speaking engagements that I book for him, or he books for himself for the time that I am working with him. So, hopefully I’ll still be making money with him even after I’ve moved on to help others achieve their dreams.

Ahh…I’m trying to paint an accurate picture of my business relationship with Donovan because I can not get caught up in his dream although it ties so closely to mine. I mean, I don’t believe I should work so consistently with him like that when everyday I’m interacting with him and I’m thinking, “Wow, this is the role I wanted to play for my husband.”

I won’t give anyone all of me like that until I meet a man who wants to completely split profits with me or a man who is bringing all of the money back to our family. I’ll continue to consult, attract more clients and help them become the person they believe they are inside. Then I’ll set up their business for them and point them in the right direction and then I’ll move on to someone else.

I can’t wait to see which people get to benefit from my desire to help others achieve their dreams. Who’s my next client? Hmm?

I may get to become a genie after all!