It’s Over Now
~singing~ Let me see you pop that thang, shake them titties DOO DOO BROWN!!!
There’s no better way to start a Friday morning than with some Miami BASS! My sons were so mad at me because after we arrived at their summer program I made them wait in the car through TWO SONGS because I just couldn’t miss out on shaking my ass! “Come on MAMA! Stop dancing!”
Ahh.. The weekend. What a great feeling. Especially since MY BOYS WILL BE WITH THEIR DADDY! ~sigh~ It’s times like this when I truly love that man. LOL!
So you know what I’m about to be doing right? I will be transforming. From a booty-wipin-ravioli makin-fight breakin-bedtime enforcer- into…Ms. Sexy Hotness-Do-No-Good.
Yep, straight loungin and gettin LOOOOOSE!
Starting with a wine tasting tonight then heading over to Ft. Lauderdale cuz Sylvia wants to check out some place she has heard about.
“I want to meet HOT GUYS!” No, I didn’t say that. Sylvia did. She’s on a mission and I’m along for the ride. I don’t really want to meet anyone. ~rolls eyes~ Because you know how THEY are.. and I’m not in the mood.
But I have to get something off my chest.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who I am as a person. I realize that I have this thing, this weakness or this inability to deal with certain types of people, namely IMMATURE people. Now I’m no gramma. I can be a bit silly at times, alright, all the time. Love to munch on cereal, tell my friends how ugly they are and watch cartoons, but there are some things that cross the line.
Case in point: I’m at my mother’s house visiting with my sons when my Mama says I have a phone call. Phone call? I dont live here… Hmm?
“Yes is this Ms. Tee?”
“Well I wondering why your information was all up in my fiancee’s phone?”
WHAT! “And who is this and who is your man?”
“This is Kimberly and his name is Michael?”
~now ain’t this some s***.
I’m not dating anyone right now.
oh no. not again. ~breathe~
Now when I got the phone call I was like, WTF? This woman even called out my address and told me she’d be there in 25 minutes to deal with me and then hung up. Now, anyone who knows me knows I don’t fight. I don’t confront women. In fact, if I wouldn’t even surround myself with people who would resort to physical altercations because- shit- I’m too grown and too cute to be fighting. But I know a bunch of bitches who ain’t. My cousins. I called them and they were all too eager to get it jumpin. Off I went to my house to let my peeps handle business for me. Call me scary if you want? This is just not my thing.
While some would have taken this threat lightly, I didn’t. Simply because I have children in my home and well, you know I have been dealing with women and men playing on my phone and that does not sit well with me. I don’t fight and don’t play around with men who have girls, and my home is my son’s safe haven. How dare someone threaten that!
But guess what? My friend, excuse me, X friend knows this and decided that while sitting around with his girls, he’d play a joke on me by having one of his girls call me and threaten me. The joke backfired because not only did I have a bunch of chicks at my house waiting for some action, I called my Mom’s house to ask her to look on the caller ID for the number and when she gave it to me I realized it was him.
Why would a grown man and his grown ass friends play on my phone like that? What kind of a woman would even participate in such a dumb prank? And why would he think I would find it funny? I mean, even if it was a joke, shouldn’t he have called me five minutes later and let me know he was behind it? You don’t call someone and threaten them and then hang up and laugh about it!
So, in typical Ms. Tee fashion I cursed his ass out and told him: (radio version) never to call me again. Now if he had left it alone, I would have felt bad, seeing as how I know I’m uptight and take things too personally. I would have probably called him the next day and apologized for over reacting. But he didn’t leave it alone.
He proceeded to call me and text message me calling me all kinds of bitches and hoes and stupid ass and saying things like, “THAT’S WHY YO BABY DADDY DON’T WANT YOU!” and “You ain’t shit and you ain’t gonna never be shit! That’s why yo baby daddy hate you and I can see why cuz you a bitch!” And I can hear his girls in the background ampin him up. I shake my head.
Dude is wildin out. I mean, I really got like, 7 text messages from him cursing me out. I’m wondering, what kind of man is this.
See, because he and I have been friends for 8 years he knows my heart and he knows my insecurities. He knows the hurt the men in my life have passed on to me and he has always said, “No one deserves to be spoken to in that way Tee. You are a human being and a mother and that should get you a certain amount of respect right there.”
But no, he decides to try to hurt me just like the rest of them. He tried to use all of the information I entrusted him with-as my friend- against me. But it didn’t work. He didn’t hurt my feelings because I know who I am and I am tight work. I know him. And that is not his character. He is a professional man, very clean cut, very precise, very polished. And even though he was screaming into my voice mail multiple times using all kinds of insults and elementary school obscenities, I knew that he was doing it because he was hurt. Probably because I told him that I never wanted to speak to him again and maybe he figured I should have laughed at his joke. Hurting people try to hurt people. And the amount of passion he displayed showed me how much he was hurting.
Now we could have reconciled had he not taken it to a level where he was INTENTIONALLY trying to hurt my feelings, but after he did all that-acting like a donkey- things will never be the same.
I may be a punk sometims when it comes to the verbal abuse by my children’s father (I’m working on that) but I will not tolerate it from anyone else. I can’t have two Baby Daddy’s in my life.
I have zero tolerance for immature people.
And that is how you lose my friendship, people. Intentionally try to hurt me when you KNOW I’m sensitive as hell.
Ahh well. I feel kinda bad, but not really, He is a man. They are capable of anything. I should have never put it past him.
But sorry, gotta go, this chick HAS to go back to work to wrap up some things before zooming to Carol City to get my haircut and back to North Miami for the wine tasting.
I hope I have some adventures to share.
Have a great weekend everyone!