Always On Time

I slept so hard last night.

I’m sure it was due to the two glasses of wine that I downed in celebration of my life’s turn around. Dang…Life changes so quickly. If you had told me last Saturday morning that just one week later I would no longer be working at the website I would have slapped you for being blasphemous. ~SMACK~

I do miss it. I miss every single detail of every single part of my job. Yep, those duties I created for myself and those that were actually assigned were my complete joy. For God to lead me away from there only assures me that He has something greater in mind for me. And guess what? I know what it is! But I’ll tell you all about it another time.

This week held a period of serious low points for me following the demise of my cell phone. Without my lifeline to my cheerleaders and support group I was beaten down by negativity and doubt and fear. I had no food, except for the donation that someone gave me. I had no money to even go buy bread to make a pb&j sandwhich. And then my friend called me a QUITTER when I told her I left my job. That hurt so much. When I confronted her about it she said, “I was just telling you what everyone else is going to think.”

When did you or I ever care about what anyone else thinks? What matters is what we think of each other.

But I brushed her statement off because my other friends were celebrating my bold move.

“Tee,” Kenya told me. “For you to walk away from that job shows that you know what you are worth. It inspired me.”

But what could have stopped me from leaving once I knew that it wasn’t an environment that would be a positive support system for my growth?


Fear of what?

Fear of homelessness? Sorry…I’ve done that already.

Fear of embarrassment? Wha? I have no shame.

Fear of starting over again? ~yawn~ I’m a pro at that. Each time I go right back at it armed with even more knowledge than before.

The Game of Life teaches that all fear is equated to faith in evil instead of good.

I remember how I used to have all kinds of nightmares about what my BBDD would do to hurt me and how he could plot schemes to see my destruction. My friends would propagate those fears by giving me warnings and scenarios, “Girl, watch out, he could be planning to…” Listening to them had me all wound up, giving him full power over my thoughts and affecting my reality.

Child please…My BBDD has no power over me. Even if he IS trying to hurt me in some way, God’s protection over my life won’t allow it and every harmful wish he sends my way will be hurled back into his own life with just as much venom. I took my power back when I stood up to the worriers in my life and told them, ” My BBDD has no power over me. PLEASE stop trying to warn me to watch our for what he can do. He can’t do anything without God’s permission.”

And they stopped. Which allowed me to place my faith in God’s divine favor instead of having faith that the evil of this world will overcome me.

I want a barbecue sandwhich.

Hey? Where did that come from? But doesn’t that sound nice?

God gave me the sweetest blessing yesterday as He assured me that He will grant every desire of my heart if I will only have unshakeable faith in Him. When I woke up yesterday morning, I woke up with a praise in my heart and thanked God for his provision.

I stayed up late the night before doing my budget and paying bills, paying off old speeding tickets and so forth. By the time I was done, I shook my head at what was left. I can either buy groceries or buy gas, either or.

But I smiled and reminded myself that God is my supply.

So I hopped on my computer to commence planning for the next leg of my journey. I was into it, loving every minute of tweaking the vision and preparing for success. I got an email from a homegirl in Ocala, she told me that her friend in Dallas had asked if I was doing okay.

“Tell him I’m hungry,” I wrote back quickly.

She wrote back, “If you’re serious I’ll call you and call him 3 way.”

“Hell yeah I’m serious.”

So they called and we chatted and I told him what area I lived in. We agreed to meet at a nearby restaurant. While I got dressed I said to myself and God, “I wish I didn’t have to sit with this man just to fill my belly. I wish he would just take me to the grocery store, that way I’ll have food for later.”

But I prepared to entertain the man and went to meet him. When he got out of his car I smiled because he looked like an older version of Kanye West. He walked over to me, gave me a quick hug and handed me his business card and two crisp bills. I looked at him in surprise.

“What’s this?”
“Bren said you needed food. I figured you could go to the grocery store.”

I grinned. THANKS GOD!

I LOVE when men give me money! Ooooh! There’s nothing like the feeling of walking away from a man who is completely satisfied by the fact that he was able to be a source of provision in my life. That is so sexy to me! It’s like he wants nothing in return but to make sure that I am smiling and I have what I want. He wears this look of pride that is well deserved.

I thanked him and walked back to my car. WOW! God gave me EXACTLY what I wanted and needed! As I sat in my car and buckled up, my eye caught sight of a piece on paper on the floor of the passenger side. I reached over to pick it up and saw that it was an old check for $15! I cashed that sucker and headed straight to Walmart for groceries!

Little by little. Bit by bit. But always right on time.

If you choose to place your trust in Him regardless of what your friends, or the rest of the world says, you will ALWAYS come out on top.

I’m expecting many more miracles! I can’t wait to share them with you.
