oh boy…just got in from a wonderful night out with my girl…But lemme back up and entertain you for a minute.
It was Xmas eve and I went in to Denny’s ready to make that paper. On the way there I’m talking on the phone with a new guy I met who I’ll call Deep. Now apparently Deep and I met when I went to that DJ networking event, the same event where I met Rick Ross. Since then I have been receiving these spam text messages about various DJ’s and artists that are performing and that shit was really annoying me. I sent a text to the number asking the person to identify themselves but they never did. One night I was in a bad mood and I got this text from the Spam person so I called the number to tell him not to text me anymore.
When I listened to the voice mail, I changed my mind. His message went something like, “What’s the deal yo? I’m here to tell you that no matter what the situation is, the Universe always works things out for your benefit. Trust that.”
I was impressed by the message so I told him that I liked his message and wondered where I know him from. He called me back within 5 minutes and we spoke on the phone for over an hour. We only hung up because I had to take another call. And we got back on the phone afterwards and have only taken breaks to sleep and attend to other responsibilities. I love talking to him because spiritually, he’s open minded. He has studied a lot of different philosophies and is into metaphysics and meditation and other things that I’m into. I was shocked when he told me that he was learning how to do Reiki. I’m just now studying on that too! That’s a plus.
But we vibe like crazy over the phone and he’s the one who set me up to go see that internet show being produced. He thinks I would do well with my own show. He also introduced me to another DJ who asked me to come by and help host with him on his show.
I think I’ll try it though I’m a little nervous because these are REAL DJ’s who get paid money to play music and I’m just a beginner. So…Deep has been helping me make connections and the only reason I haven’t met him yet is because we were both sick with the flu.
So Deep texts me when I’m at Denny’s and writes: I call upon the turquoise ray of prosperity to to downpour through your chakras in the name of infinity.
Basically, he was sending out positive energy so that I would make good money in tips. I appreciated that. It worked. I made excellent money and met some really cool people.
After I got home I went to sleep and woke up to a million Merry Christmas text messages. I returned some of them, others I just let go. I don’t like sending texts on holidays because it’s so impersonal.
My stomache alerted me to its need for food so I called Tamara and she said they were just leaving to go to their family’s holiday party so I asked for directions and met her over there. I love her family! They’re Trinidadian so they always have food I can’t pronounce but it’s always so good! I wish I could have packed a plate but her family doesn’t use paper plates or forks and they ALWAYS dress up. ~shakes head~ And they’re all beautiful!

We kicked it, we vibed..we ate, we drank. Tamara’s family is ALWAYS taking groups shots- and I do mean LIQUOR! We vibed to the Soca music and I stayed there while Tamara went home to put her kids to sleep.
So I’m vibin with her cousin and her friends and just feelin nice as we all sit, sip and puff next to the lake. I gotta go back over there!
There’s this one dude there who is trying to get at me but…nah…I don’t like dudes who try to holla at me. It’s an immediate turn off. Even when I do give them a chance, I am turned off. I prefer more quiet types that I have to go after because they would be way too scared to talk to me. They often end up scared of me because I’m so…umm…direct and aggressive about what I want but they like that cuz they are not direct and aggressive, they don’t have to risk rejection and they like to be told what to do. Anyway…
I don’t like him but he’s coming hard. I’m not giving him any energy back though and when he calls himself trying to massage my neck I had to give him the “I don’t even know you like that to let you touch me!” speech. LOL!
He was embarrassed and normally I don’t like to embarrass men because I know it takes a lot to walk up to a woman and try to holla but…I had to put him in his place. There were too many guys there and you don’t mark me as your territory by putting your hands on me in front of everyone. You ain’t even workin with nothing… I mean, he was really cute but…nah man…I wasn’t impressed by anything but his dimples and his cute face. No resume. Anyway..
So I’m texting/flirting with Deep just to make his day go better because I’m feeling better but he’s still sick. Poor baby. I get this call from an old friend from highschool and I chat with him a little and he says, “Somebody here wants to talk to you.”
He puts the guy on the phone and the guy is like, “What’s up Ms. Tee. This is Reagan from back in the day. With the white cadillac.”
White cadillac?
Ohhh… I start LAUGHING! LOL!
Hell naw!
Reagan used to be my boyfriend in highschool. LOL! Let me tell you about him….