It’s raining here. There’s nothing like Miami rain. It sort of comforts me, except now that I live alone it makes me feel kinda lonely.
I have been all over the place mentally and physically. I am so worn out and so tired from trying to maintain BOTH of my shows AND be consistent in doing my relationship presentations at the Cafe.
Man! I heard this interview with this woman who has won every contest she has ever entered. She explains how she does it and it is phenomenal. Her name is Helen Hadsell and she teaches a method that she calls SPEC.
1) SELECTs what she wants. She makes a firm decision. This is what I want to happen.
2) PROJECTs the vision of what she wants. She imagines herself having what she wants with strong emotions attached to the vision. She sends out a strong emotional word to the people in charge of what she wants that lets them know that they should give her what she wants. ie; CHOOSE ME.
3) EXPECTs what she wants. She doesn’t doubt that she can and WILL have what she wants. She prepares for having it, clears away the space for it if she has to. Waits with palms outstretched.
4) COLLECTs what she wants. She takes action without fear to get what she wants. It belongs to her. She simply, go gets it.
Powerful stuff! So powerful!
I’ve been studying up on projection as well. It is basically pushing out a strong emotion about something that you want. Now you have to understand that even if you’re having strong emotion about something negative, you’re still projecting for it. So its important to think about what you want instead of what you don’t want.
This projection stuff works great when you want to communicate with someone without words. you probably do it all the time but are unaware. After reading this you will begin to notice it more blatantly in your life.
Have you ever been thinking of someone so HARD and within the hour you get a call from them? That’s projection. Have you ever been singing a song in your head and minutes later its on the radio? That’s projection. Have you ever looked at a friend of yours and just nodded your head while thinking about something and they understood exactly what you meant by that nod? That’s projection.
The other night I was at work and I was eating a sandwhich and my thoughts turned to what it’s going to be like when I visit Tamara in Atlanta this week. I laughed as I imagined myself picking up my bags from the baggage claim and then walking up to her car singing, “It’s yo birthday! It’s yo birthday!”
Not even a minute later my phone rings and I pick up. It’s Tamara.
“Hello,” I say and smile.
“It’s my birthday! It’s my birthday!” she sings.
My eyes get wide. “Dawg, I was JUST singing that song and thinking of you!”
“Wow! I was just sitting here all quiet and calm and then that song popped into my head and I thought of you.”
Let’s practice….
I’m sitting here right now and I’m thinking of a single phrase. I’m smiling as I type and sending out energy behind what I’m thinking. I’m sending this energy out to you.
Can you FEEL what I’m thinking?