Reminisce On the Days We Had
My younger sons birthday is coming in about two weeks. Just 3 days after mine. He’ll be 5 years old. Today I went out to pick out a book to send him for his birthday. I picked up one for his brother too. I never send just ONE gift because I don’t want either of my sons to feel left out.
I couldn’t help but think about the last time I saw my boys. They are so thick and juicy. They are turning into wonderful little boys. It’s their CHARACTER. They truly care about each other and me. They are so patient and smart too.
The last time I went to Miami, I had spent so much time fantasizing about what I would do when I saw them that I created this vision for our time together and I was dead set on making every last detail happen.
I flew into Miami on Thursday evening, picked up my rental car and drove up to my Mama’s house. My Mama is not the type to give you a hug, but I could tell she was happy to see me. We had a drink and smoked a Black together before I went to bed.
I woke up early the next morning and got dressed in some shorts and t-shirt, ready to give love and receive love from my boys.
I drove down to their Daddy’s house and I pulled up at 7:31am. I called their Daddy from the car and told him to bring the boys out, and when he opened the door all I heard was, “MAMA!!!”
My Boo Boo’s ran out to give me a hug and I cried.
We hopped into my car and they asked, “Where are we going?”
“We’re going to have fun all day,” I replied.
“No school?” my older son asked.
“No school.”
“That’s AWESOME! No spelling test!”
I laughed at him.
We went to a nearby Burger King to have breakfast and I couldn’t believe my good fortune as I sat and chatted with my boys.
After our bellies were full, I texted Dianna to ask if I could stop by to see her and her new baby. She hit me back, “Come on over!”
So my boys and I went to North Miami to see Dianna and her newborn daughter, Zaria. We had a great time hanging with Dianna. I can’t believe that trick is a Mama now. She’s loving every minute of it.
Soon it was time to head to Carol City. “Mama needs a haircut,” I told my boys and they laughed. I always take them with me to see Jonathon, my barber at the Carol City Flea Market.

While we were there I called my little sister and she met us at the Flea Market. I invited her to hang out with us because part of my vision was to go to South Beach and eat pizza with my Boo Boo’s. But first we had another stop to make. Mama needed a pedicure.

My boys took turns sitting in my lap while we were at MP Nails on 125th and Biscayne. The nail technician was annoyed by their intense questioning but I wasn’t. If they are inquisitive enough to ask, I’m gonna give them an honest answer. I don’t lie to my children about anything, not even Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. In the pic above, my Boo Boo is doing his sad face because his brother was taking a turn in my lap. He is such an actor! He knows I can’t resist his sad face too…ugh…He wins everytime.

Then we made the 15 minute drive down to South Beach. I try to take my boys there every chance I get because even though I was born and raised in the county of Dade, I had never been to South Beach until I was in college. It just wasn’t on my parent’s agenda. I could understand, mostly tourists hang out there. It’s not the REAL Miami. My boys were hot so my sister encouraged them to empty their water bottles on top of each other’s heads. They enjoyed getting all wet and sticky.

I was worn out by the end of out day on the Beach but my boys weren’t. My sister invited us to go up to Miramar to her place and we took the drive up and went swimming in her pool.

Afterwards, we took a shower and sat down to a great dinner. Then my boys and I cuddled up in my sister’s bed and watche a little TV before heading back out into the streets. My sister joined us as we went to Miami Beach to sit in the sand under the stars. We had a long talk as I explained to them that I was working hard in Texas and I wanted them to know that I’m doing it for them. They didn’t really want to talk about that so I led them in foot races along the shore.
The next morning we woke up early and I went into my Mama’s room. “Mama, we’re hungry,” I told her.
She came over and we headed out to Walgreens where I spent all the money Lem had given me on water guns and beach towels and other toys for the boys to play with at the beach. Then Marsha wanted a smoothie so we stopped at her favorite smoothie shop and she treated the boys to their first smoothie.

After a fun day at the beach the boys and I grabbed lunch and went back to Marsha’s house. She always blesses me with clothes when I go over there. She says she needs to make room for new clothes in her closet because her closet is stuffed like a size22 chick in some size 12 jeans. Her Mama was there shaking her head at Marsha and saying, “It’s a sin. It’s a sin Marsha. It’s a sin to shop like you do. You need to give these clothes to the needy or something.”