I’m starting to get it now.
People are just, hurting and fearful and don’t believe that there is enough abundance to go around. No one has taught them that they don’t have to sabotage others to get what they want in life. They don’t understand that applauding the efforts of others will eventually lead to their peace of mind in life.
After dealing with my co worker the other night, something clicked. I tend to believe the best in people, allowing them to take advantage of me because I trust that they don’t have any bad motives. They must turn away and laugh at me like, “Look at this fool, she’s so stupid.”
I do fall for it. But then one day it clicks. Now this particular chick loves to ask me to take her turn when we’re in rotation at work. You know, when customers come in the door we take turns taking the tables but for some reason, when it’s a black family or person, she’ll come to me and say “I have to go pee can you take this table?” or “Go ahead and take it, I’m tired.” She has done this numerous times and usually I wonder why she’s adjusting the rotation but I’m easy going so I just go with the flow.
but the other night, when she did it and I realized after the table left me no tip- that she was actually pushing the tables on me that she thought wouldn’t tip her. Wow. So make sure I don’t make any money? Wow.
But then, I thought to myself, maybe she doesn’t have faith in her ability to give them such good service that they tip her anyway. As a waitress, you have to take the good with the bad. It’s a gamble everytime you show up to work but intentionally trying to sabotage someone else for your benefit- well, I’ve learned that most people are like that.
That’s how people are. No one is 100% good, not even me. I’m not saint. I mess up. I never try to hurt others for my benefit though. In fact, I’d rather see you succeed before me because I know how to survive and thrive through any loss and the things I’ve been through would break a person’s spirit completely so I’d never want you to go through that shit.
Man. Most people are competitive. Most people are insincere. Most people want to find things about you so that they can use it to hurt you later. Most people are afraid that you are having a better life than they are so they take their anger out on you and try to put you down so that you’ll feel like them.
I don’t know how I can affect this woman’s behavior besides calling her out on it, which I did. I said, “So you gave me that table cuz you knew they wouldn’t tip?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Ok,” I said and walked away.
She came back and said, “I would never do that, Tee.”
“Yeah right,” I said. I had to. Then she got super emotional and loud and rude. This was a clear indication that she was guilty. If you did nothing wrong, you have no reason to defend yourself. It doesn’t mean she’s a bad person, it just means she is afraid that she can’t prosper the right way.
I believed that at one point but I’ll never do it again, not on purpose. I still haven’t forgiven myself for that indiscretion that happened a few years ago. No one knows except my sister and one of my good friends. I still feel guilty.
I just know that, no matter the day, no matter the shift, no matter the place of employment or my relationship status I’ll be okay.
after talking to my friend about my recent blessing of a huge tip and the fact that another server told me that she had never gotten a big tip like that in all her years of serving my heart went out to her and I felt bad. I wanted to send someone over there to give her a big tip too but I’m trying to save for a car and the amount of money I wanted to give her would set me back, so I stalled.
My friend told me, “Tee. You have no one to help you financially. Your blessings have to come some way. Other people have families they can depend on, husbands and boyfriends to help them when they are in need. You don’t have any of that. You don’t have anyone. Your blessings have to come like this, don’t feel bad.”
She’s right.
I don’t know. I just want people to feel secure enough in themselves not to feel like life is a competition and try to hurt others to prosper. When I mentor women or reply to emails I don’t hold back. I don’t try to keep my secrets to success to myself. I tell women the real deal and I volunteer to help them to prosper by giving away my hard earned secrets and volunteering my time.
No one does that shit.
I feel like a fool sometimes but I still do it, just because I feel like that’s what I was born to do. Maybe this is holding ME back. Maybe I’ll never prosper because I keep giving all my shit away.
I don’t know. It sure feels good to know that I don’t think any woman could outdo me and I am not in competition with anyone.
Makes me feel free.