No Mimi No Cry

You guys… I know I told you that I would tell you the story about how my friend Mimi got engaged without dating but I just can’t get it to flow from my finger tips.

Mimi is my girl. My big sister. My role model. My friend. I love her to death and I can’t believe that I am having such a hard time dealing with the fact that she is getting married this year. I literally get depressed when I think about it. My heart aches.

I’m not jealous. I want her to be happy, she deserves that but I feel like I’m losing her. It brings tears to my eyes even now.

And everything is changing so fast for everyone. Racole is going to California. Kenya and Kwame are settled in Brooklyn. Marsha and Anna are in Miami. Tamara just started a job in Tally. It seems like everyone is moving on and doing their thing and I’m standing in the middle of the road, waving goodbye to everyone and going back to my little apartment.

I know I need to grow up and let go and focus on my future. But the future is so uncertain and my present is so uncomfortable and not even remotely as comforting as the past.

Mimi is getting married in October. The last constant I had in my life is going away.