So this year is almost over and it has definitely been a challenging one for me. The great thing is, I survived every bit of it. Although there are some things I regret, I can’t focus on those because there are so many other things I admire about myself.
This year I challenged myself wholeheartedly to face my fears concerning my history with men. And I did…and I was attracted to one and I didn’t run away from it, although I wanted to so badly. But I didn’t.
And I started performing poetry, to a grand reception. After I perform I hear things like, “You are so real and raw” “You add something to the poetry game that was missing” and “You are AMAZING!”
I love those quotes! LOL
Next Monday I will be participating in my first poetry slam. The winner gets to compete for a spot on the S. Florida Slam Team which competes against other cities for a spot on the regional team. Who knows, I may just make the cut.
My biggest challenge with poetry is interacting socially. I find it difficult to have general conversation and to hang out even though everyone is so nice. I’m working on it.
I’m getting better. Everyday.
Happy New Year!
May the days that follow this one, surpass even your greatest expectations!