Life Is A Transition

I called my sons tonight. They left earlier, around 5pm.

I missed them although they nearly drove me crazy with their wrestling and name calling. “Why do ya’ll ACT like that?” I asked them, annoyed.

“We’re just being…boys,” my younger son replied.

I laughed. I guess.

You know, sometimes I look at the mothers I know and I compare myself. Then I remind myself that I can’t do that because I’m nothing like any of the mothers I know. Then I think of my Mama and how she was nothing like what I wanted her to be and how…that’s exactly what I needed her to be.

And then I feel better. Maybe I am exactly what my sons need. Maybe who I am is what they need to be their best selves.

Hmm. I just finished watching this movie on Netflix called Rain. It was a bit on the boring side to me but I looked at it symbolically and I did get a message.

So the young lady in the movie lived in the hood and because of her sister, she got into trouble and had men trying to kill her after they killed her sister. Because her Mom was worried about her, she soon learned that she was adopted and her mother was a rich socialite. Her Mom sent her to live with her biological family so that she would be safe.

Soon after she left, her adopted Mom dies. The wealthy family embraces her and she soon is given an opportunity to study in London to enhance her musical gifts.

Ok. Now look at what happened.

1) She was an adopted child in a poor family that she loved.
2) Her sister dies and her life is in danger.
3) She finds she is adopted and moves away for her safety.
4) Her mother dies of lung cancer.
5) She goes on to live a rich, full life.

I’m feeling like, sometimes the things we feel are bad and push us to make moves we would never consider, are actually the catalyst for us to experience our best lives.

Sometimes life hurts but in the end, we are okay.

The same with me.

The same with you.

No matter what’s happening, it’s SUPPOSED to, so that you can move on and experience your best life.

If you’re being SQUEEZED just hold on.

Nothing is permanent.

Don’t try to hold on to ANYTHING.

Every situation is a transition because life itself is a transition.