Keeping the Goodies To Myself

Have you ever been reading a really good book and when people call to ask what’s going on with you, you share with them certain parts of the book that really moved you? After a while, do these people get tired of hearing about the book when it’s really the most fascinating thing in your life at the time…way more fascinating than work or whatever your boyfriend is doing?

What do you do?

Stop sharing and continue enjoying your book, right?

That’s kind of how I feel about Second Life (SL).

Yeah, I know it’s still new and fascinating to me so as I have new experiences I’ll be wowed and want to share, but if ONE MORE PERSON says to me, “You need to get a REAL life instead of a SECOND LIFE” I think I’m going to remove myself completely from my real life.

Yo, I don’t see the problem. I’ve been giddy and happy and I’m having fun enjoying learning about the virtual world. I’m meeting people, but not really making friends because I don’t make friends easily..STILL…having these experiences makes me happy as hell and I don’t have to worry about the drama associated with men in real life or BBDD girlfriends or school or anything else.

I really, really enjoy Second Life. Everytime I get a chance to pop in I laugh and have a good experience and I don’t regret a minute of my time there.

I guess since I’m all about allowing others to live their lives the way they want, it bothers me that I receive judgement for how I choose to live mine. But oh well.. Serenity now…

Maybe I’m still riled up over the drama with my BBDD this weekend…I need to calm down.

Raycita called me tonight asking me to go out with her sometime. I’m like, “Ehh..I don’t want to go out.”

She’s like, “Come on.. we’ve been living here for how many months and we haven’t gone out yet.”

I sigh and think to myself, wait, this chick just passed the bar exam, we DO need to celebrate. So, I’ll drag my anti social ass out for an evening to pass the blessing on to my friend.


I don’t know why but…I like to stay at home and play on the computer more than going out on the town. I really don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.

And for the record, why do people look at me crazy when I tell them that I do not have a hankering for a romantic relationship? It’s as though they think I’m lieing about not being pressed for male companionship. I’m way too busy for that right now. ~sigh~

During my last session my therapist and I discussed it and I told him that I’d have to give up too many of my creative projects to entertain a man and you know what he said? He said that maybe one day I’ll meet a man who I’ll WANT to give up my projects for. Maybe the projects won’t be as important then.

I was like, WHAT! Are you kidding me?

He’s crazy…