My intuition comes to me in flashes of images in my mind. And sometimes it’s a feeling, a pulsating feeling, like a KNOWING in my mind and body.
Like I can sometimes tell what people are about to say before they say it. Sometimes when people make statements I can HEAR the real meaning of the statement as they speak.
Or sometimes, like recently I had this feeling, this intuition that someone was following me. I saw the car the first time, but didn’t quite make out its make and model but I saw the driver’s body. I tried to shake it off and just walk on home but the FEELING wouldn’t go away. The image of the drivers body flashed all night long. I couldn’t sleep.
For weeks every single day my eye took notice of a silver Infiniti on the road as I traveled by bus. I called my best friend and told her, “I think the Universe is about to give me a silver Infiniti, I’m seeing them everywhere.” She laughed.
Then a FLASH- and then- HIM.
Then another FLASH- the Infiniti outside my restaurant when I got off late at night.
Then another FLASH- A handsome dark skinned man in a green suit in my restaurant sitting at the bar. He wore a wedding band. He seemed preoccupied with his phone but he was there to see ME. “That’s HIS friend.” my intuition said.
Then another FLASH- Head lights following me.
People think I’m crazy already so i don’t tell them much about it. I can FEEL people’s intentions. I can feel their energy toward me.
Sometimes my intuition gives me direction; take a picture. Speak to him. Smile at her. This is your last day at this job, take your things. I don’t understand why but I follow and then LATER I see why it told me those things.
I don’t understand why it doesn’t tell me to stay away from these men, or maybe it does every time I feel uncomfortable when I’m with them but I rationalize it as my fear of being hurt and I give them a chance and end up being hurt.
Lately my intuition tells me I have to be strong because my whole life is about to change in a major way and I’ll need all the confidence to handle it.
I am getting there.