I Love It When…

Now that I’ve released the fears, doubts and criticisms from my heart I can now focus on things that bring a smile to my face.

I love it when:

My sons run to me and call me Mommy.

My friends forward me a love letter from their boyfriends or share a story of how their boyfriends made them feel good.

I’m in the zone and writing a research paper and I’m learning a lot from the topic.

I receive a paycheck from an article I wrote.

I think about my sons and how wonderful they are and how happy they are.

I can buy gifts for my sons.

I find a good book.

I’m driving my car. My car is such a blessing to me and I am grateful everyday for every cent I spend on gas.

I get an email from a reader of my blog. Knowing that people still read and still care and still learn really brightens my day.

I figure out a computer program that had been previously unknown to me.

I come up with a new idea on how to expand my journalism portfolio.

I am able to pay others to help further my vision for my creative projects.

I have an excitement in my soul that great things are about to happen in my life.

I take a nice, warm shower.

My Mama is happy.

I see a handsome man and he smiles at me.

I read an inspirational phrase like, “your imagination is the preview of your life’s coming attractions” because I KNOW i have a healthy imagination and the visions I see are splendid!

I recognize that, my life is a miracle.