Hoping For a Byline

I got a reply back today from a writer who has a LONG list of credits on the net. She is a full-time freelancer and can SELL her shit across the board. She gave me specific advice about two publications that she has worked with, how to pitch them, what they are looking for, how other writers have gotten on.

As I did my research to become more familiar with the current topics that are being delivered, my confidence deflated a bit. I mean, I can write these little 3 sources, quotes drive the piece, type of stories, but I’ve never written a REAL story before. I mean one where it’s mostly MY voice explaining what’s going on and painting a picture. Sure, I’ve come up with creative leads and nice little anecdotes but I’ve yet to write a REAL story.

So I’m not sure how I can pitch myself. This is real writing. This isn’t the play play stuff I usually do.

I want to get my name on Salon.com It’s kind of a pinnacle for freelace writers.

I want to be on staff or a regular contributor to sites like MSN.com or About.com

These Black owned websites aren’t feeling me, they won’t give me a shot. I’m gonna try to break out of my mold and use my voice elsewhere and see how it goes. The caliber of writing is so much different and the subject matter is not so focused on the struggle of the Black community. Can I really do this?

We’ll see…

I mean, all I can do is try.

I need those bylines man.