From Dallas to Miami- Part II

I woke up from my nap in the Wendy’s parking lot and went inside to wash my face. After glancing at the clock on my dashboard I noticed that I had only been sleeping for an hour and a half.

I jumped back on I10 and rode out!

All the way to Gainesville and straight to my little brother’s apartment.

“Hey,” he greeted me at the door and then gave me a tour of his place.

“Thanks Erick. I just need to take a shower and then I’m going to sleep.”


Curt called me to check up on me. He had just gotten back into town from his business trip but I fell asleep before being able to square things away with him.

The next morning I called Tonya and I met her at her apartment before she went to work. I laughed when i saw that she had her laptop all set up for me. She knows I need to feed my internet addiction. Instead of chatting or emailing I fell asleep and I didn’t wake up until after 1pm.

I met up with Tonya and she blessed me with a little cash and I stopped by Best Buy to buy Kanye’s CD.

As I got on the road..the last leg of my trip to Miami I turned up the speakers and fell in love all over again…with Kanye and his brand new Graduation CD.

By this time I could feel my boys presence. I was only 5 hours away from seeing them. I fantasized about touching them, kissing them and holding them again. Those fantasies kept me steady during that stretch.

It was 7pm when I finally..finally reached South Florida.

I planned to stay with my cousin but at the last minute she said her new apartment wasn’t ready so I went to my Mama’s house, said hello and was back in my car within 10 minutes.

“Um…BBDD?” I called out his name when he answered his cell phone. “I’m in Miami and I’d like to see my boys. I’m coming over.”

“Can it wait until tomorrow? They’re getting ready for bed.”

“No. I just want a hug.”

“You’re not allowed in my house,” he told me.

“Alright. I just want to see my boys.”

When I got to his house he ushered the boys outside onto the porch and I could see their faces light up under the dim street lights as they embraced me.

I couldn’t believe how HUGE they were. My little Boo Boo’s were like..BIG BOYS. My 5 year old was so yummy! I squeezed them and kissed them and promised to pick them up the next morning to spend the day.

I went back to my Mama’s house and quietly sat down on the couch.

The same couch that I had slept on for a year when I first moved back to Miami with my sons after college.

“Here’s a sheet,” my Mama said and I set myself up for the night.

And then I..slept.