Embracing Your Inner Guidance

My life is a miracle.

Today I submitted an essay to a website that gives advice and personal accounts to readers who are considering going to grad school. Although you know I love to share my testimonies, the featured essays get $50. ~smile~ Gotta love compensation, right?

So I wrote my essay about my first few weeks in grad school and when I was done I sat back in awe because…Damn…I can really see how this degree will help me in my career as a writer.

Think about it…my portfolio has stories from topics across the board. Although they are mostly related to Black people, there’s no real niche to my writing with the exception of the subtle undertones of inspiration.

When I get this degree, (and who know’s I may even keep going and get a PhD.) I’ll be somewhat of an expert on developing healthy relationships. I can focus my writing on that. Wouldn’t it be cool if I could offer beautiful love stories, relationship advice and inspiration all at the same time?


Check this out…I can’t even remember when this idea came to me, but I think it was sometime while I was in undergrad. I got this idea for a book/biography of a well known celebrity but the book would require me to do a study on a particular pool of women, gather the results, analyze the data and offer advice on how to help create more healthy relationships for these women. At the time I had no idea how I could ever be qualified to write this book.

And look where I am right now…I’m actually in the position to develop the skills to make this book come to life.

Isn’t this wild?

I read this post on one of my favorite websites called Do You Want Guidance Or A Guarantee. It really blew my mind because it explained that when we ask God for guidance, He sends it, but it’s not in a big-picture type of way. Guidance simply means holding our hand and walking step by step with us toward our desired end.

Guidance from God isn’t a giant leap toward our destinies. It’s a step by step process that will involve many seemingly small pieces that make up the bigger picture.

You may pray and ask God to help you buy a house. You then feel an urge to contact an old friend that you got into a fight with years ago. But this has nothing to do with buying a house, right? Well, that friend could have a friend that is foreclosing and needs a quick buyer. You never know.

That’s guidance. It’s being obedient to the little urges that spring up in your spirit. Don’t ignore them, act on them, you never know how that one insignificant act could place you right where you need to be to embrace your blessing.

Although grad school has caused me some stress and distress, I can see the bigger picture now. I asked for this long ago. I envisioned it and got excited about it. In fact this book, in my mind, is the key to my successful future as a self help writer. I always referred to it as my secret weapon and I’ve told only a handful of friends about it.

It’s going to happen. And that’s because I didn’t ignore the little urgings that tapped my spirit. I left Dallas and my dream job. I applied to grad school and I am still hanging in there even though it’s been a rocky ride so far.

I do have guidance and I am listening. I already have the guarantee.

Ahhh….I feel great knowing that the guarantee comes with trusting God and the guidance comes with listening to your inner being and acting on what it tells you.

I am proud of myself because I know that I can listen to the divine spirit within and make sense of the twists and turns that come with being fully aligned with my true destiny.