Day Two

Narrowing My Focus

Being blessed with a grand vision and plenty of talent is both a blessing and a curse for me. I’m often up and running with my wild imagination concocting great ideas and only giving them half of my effort because before I can fully develop the idea, it has been replaced by another more exciting venture. Plenty of planted seeds, but no fruit.

Today I will decide which of my talents to explore. I will decide which is the most beneficial to me at this time and I will choose wisely. I will draw out a work plan detailing each component of achieving my goal and I will set a timeline for accomplishing each task.

I will create good habits. I believe that I can be more disciplined about my goals and I can achieve what I set out to accomplish simply by sticking to the plan and cutting off all distractions. My biggest distraction right now is the uneasiness I feel because I do not have a stable income. This causes me to feel unsuccessful and therefore unworthy of attaining any goal. That is not true. This time is the time to plant seed and nurture them. This time is a gift from God to me and I am wasting it by doubting myself and Him.

Instead of using my idle time to worry about things I can not control, I will push myself to work on my plan. When I have the urge to sit and veg out, I will SNAP SNAP out of it and remember my goal.

My future is a direct reflection of the choices I make today. I will choose to be pro active and I will develop a disciplined mind.

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”
