Today I picked my boys up from school, my eyes lit up as they walked toward my car.
There’s something about them….
We could not figure out what we wanted to eat so we just went to the chinese place and picked up some wings and rice and shrimp & lobster sauce and then we grabbed milkshakes from Burger King and then..on our last stop at the gas station..i realized that I didn’t have any money. I had lost my money.
Instead of having a fit and a pity party for myself, my son Sai said, “It’s okay Mama.” and I agreed. Although that was the last of my money…I just felt it would be alright.
“It’ll be alright,” I said to my boys as I climbed into the car. “It’ll come back.”
As soon as I started the car and put it in drive…I turned the wheel and noticed something…it was my money, on the ground. It must have fallen and floated beneath the car. I smiled, stopped the car and quickly retrieved it.
I smiled at my boys and said, “See what happens when you stay calm and believe the best? What if I had been crying and frustrated and sending out negative vibes? If i had been crying, my eyes would have been closed and I wouldn’t have been able to see the money on the ground.”
After the food was long gone and the homework was done, we sat on the bed together. I talk to them like they’re my friends…
“You know, I’m glad you guys get to see me grow as a person,” I told them. “I’m different than I was before.”
“Well, I used to be sad all the time. I used to be so sad.”
“Cuz I had a person in my life who constantly told me that I was nothing and worthless and a loser and dumb and no one would ever love me. And I believed them and it made me sad all the time. But now I’ve learned that if someone says something bad about you…don’t believe them, just don’t be their friend. It’s a lie. So now I don’t listen to anyone but me.”
“Why would they say that? You’re not dumb,” my younger son said. “You’re…brilliant Mama.”
I almost cried.
“I know,”I said. “But I’m glad someone else notices it besides me. Thanks baby…”