I always wanted a house with a red front door.
Behind that door would be all the treasures of life. Happy, healthy kids. Nice food smells cooked by someone other than me. A nice cool breeze. Cozy furnishings.
Late at night I’d sit on the patio. It would be an upstairs patio close to the sky. No mosquitoes. Just a few candles and a bottle of wine and some snacks. My laptop and me. No one can hear me because I don’t live so close that I can hear forks scraping on plates downstairs.
I’d sit there and smile thinking of all the adventures I had in life. I’d smile and I’d laugh and I’d smile and I’d laugh.
And my phone would ring because somebody loves me and wants to laugh with me.
And then if I’m lucky, someone would peek out the patio door and join me. And we’d get tipsy together under the stars.
And hold each other close and fall asleep.
I’d feel safe. And comforted. And alive and free.
Behind that red door.