You ever see those women who look like they are about to go on a photo shoot and they’re just headed to the grocery store to pick up some eggs and milk?
They could wear a sweat suit and flip flops and make that shit look glam. You go into their closet and all their clothes are hung up so precisely, color coded and facing in one direction. Their manicures and pedicures are always on point, professionally waxed vaginas, arched eyebrows, make up on point, Prada sunglasses, Prada bag, jeans looking like they were just steamed and pressed. Hair always looked salon fresh.

They look like they smell like some exotic flower…
~double sigh~
I want to be like that so badly…
I’m so grunge it’s a shame. I don’t even carry a purse.
I never iron my jeans and I don’t care. I have like…5 pairs of shoes. My clothes don’t even match. I don’t look a mess but…I don’t put effort into being stylish either.
But I want to…
I want to look like a grown woman…
Sophisticated, well-maintained, classy, mature.
Maybe I can manifest the ends to make all of this happen. It’s been a year since I’ve purchased any clothing at all. All I know is…when I look in the mirror I see more than just this ol’ chubby looking chick with the wrinkled t-shirt and the uneven afro…
I see this beautiful woman who wants to come out…this well put together woman who is consistently stunning.
Come on out girl…
I’m ready for a change.