Revisiting My Past

Here’s what I was doing last year on December 20th. Wow! Size 6? Those were the days….

Monday, December 20, 2004

Holiday Help

It seems as if everyone is out and about on the quest for gifts for their loved ones. I actually had a great time this weekend at Express helping all these adorable men find outfits for their girlfriends/wives.

I think men shopping for clothes for their girls is the most ADORABLE thing!

They walk into my section and just stand there, looking puzzled. I smile and greet them.

“Hi, how are you? Looking for that perfect holiday outfit?”
“Yeah, uh, I’m looking for something for my girl. I don’t know what to get but I know she likes this store.”

“Great, I’m sure we can come up with something spectacular. First tell me a little about her. Like, what size does she wear?”

“Uh, I don’t know,” the tall Hispanic gentleman says under his breath. He’s embarrassed.I twirl around showcasing my bright yellow sleeveless top with the strategically placed keyhole, bright pink form fitting pants and multicolored scarf.

“Is she my size?”

He looks at my body, then looks away. I can see the red starting to creep up into his face.”Yeah, she’s..she’s your size. But I think she’s a little shorter.”

“Good, then she’s a size 6. Were you thinking of a dress or a pants set?””Um, I want some jeans.”

“Ok, I’ll show you the different colors we have and you can decide which blue is best.”

“Yeah, but it doesnt really matter as long as it fits.”

“Ok, heres a great pair. They’re dark but they’re faded at the thighs and hips, I LOVE these!”

“Yeah, those are nice,” he says and motions for his friend to come over. “You think this is good?” He asks his friend.”I don’t know dawg. That’s your girl,” his friend responds and returns to flirt with my Panamanian co-worker.

“Let’s find a top,” I say. “Is she into prints or does she like plain tops?”

“She likes whatever. She’s really cutesy.”

“Ok, do you think this is something she’d like?” I ask while holding up a powder blue short sleeved top with an attached sash that doubles as a belt.

He eyes the top and smiles. “Yeah, she’ll really like this.”

“Medium?” I ask.

“I don’t know. I think she may be a large. Let me show you a picture of her.”

He takes out his cell phone and goes through his pictures. “Here she is,” he says and holds the phone up for me to see.”

I take a look.”She’s cuute!” I squeal. “But uh, let me tell you something about women. It’ll be a bad idea for you to go home with a large top. Always go for the smaller size, it’ll make her feel better, even if she has to exchange it.”

He laughs. “You’re right…I was thinking the same thing. Thanks so much for your help.”

“My pleasure,” I smile and tell him my name.

An older gentleman approaches me. “My niece is over there. She needs your help.”

“Hey how are you? May I help you find the perfect holiday outfit?”

“Yeah cuz I have to go to a party and my Mom is always telling me to wear more skirts and stuff cuz I don’t have any so I have to get a skirt or a dress today, but nothing too flowery or prissy, I’m not into that.”

“Ohh, so you’re an outdoors type girl. Well, I have just the thing…”

This is so much fun. My first time in retail, too. Too bad it doesn’t pay more.

Random Chatter

c316: hello lady
ptygrneyez: hey PEACHES!!!!
ptygrneyez: what u up to?
c316: i’m actually working on the site (our old website is almost ready to reopen!!!)
ptygrneyez: yippee!
c316: yes. i’m trying to fix the forums
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: i’ve backed up of course!
ptygrneyez: crazy
c316: what are you doing?
ptygrneyez: girl im searching for God’s healing light
c316: wow. that was deep.
ptygrneyez: u know how i am
c316: yeah, you have to warn a sister
ptygrneyez: but i dont think ill find it online
c316: maybe not
c316: especially if that’s in place of doing something better
ptygrneyez: i learn daily and today i learned that
ptygrneyez: my path to inner peace is my own
ptygrneyez: and no one else’s method
ptygrneyez: will get me there
c316: that seems to be true
c316: i get confused with the “my own” part
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: wouldnt it be so much easier if it were on a map
ptygrneyez: FIND INNER PEACE—> here
c316: uh hmm
c316: i guess you have to define what inner peace is somehow
ptygrneyez: we’re having a DEEP convo, dont feel like u HAVE to indulge me my mind is all over the place tonight…as usual
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: nah, i’ll let you know when my head hurts
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: ok
ptygrneyez: for me inner peace is having that joy that only comes from being in right standing with God
c316: aha
c316: wow. that’s the kind of peace that no one can mess with
c316: yeah, it’s not on google maps
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: you should write this kind of stuff down instead of wasting it on me!
ptygrneyez: lol i am

Maximum Volume

I realized yesterday that I’m friends with one of them.

Yes, my friend Tamara is a debator. I’ve written about them before. They have different views about issues and they strive to convince you to see their point or change your opinion. While I don’t think Tamara has malicious intent, it is kinda blah to have to defend every feeling you have.

I don’t really like to debate with anyone because strong opinions are based on personal experience and no matter how significant HER personal experience is, it’s not personal to me. At the end of the conversation I still walk away with my own experience and my own attitude about it. You can’t convince someone of the beauty of the love God, they have to experience it for themselves. You can’t debate someone about their emotions or attitudes, their past has shaped how they view the world and even if you think their view may be irrational, all you can do is hope for different experiences to change their opinion.

The conversation started when I told her that Sylvia has a boyfriend now. I know! I’m soo happy for her! ALL of my friends, including Sylvia have been driving me CRAZY with the desire to be married and have a family. I don’t think that’s such a bad thing to hope for, but honestly it began to annoy me after a while because I have other hopes for myself.

But my girl Sylvia, she’s so cute, she would whine, “All I want is ONE GUY to be sweet to and to have his babies and have a family. I’m loyal. I’m smart. Why can’t these guys just not cheat and be decent to me?”

It would hurt my heart to hear her say this because she’s right, but it would also re-inforce my dislike for men. A couple of months ago Sylvia met a guy. According to her, he’s amazing. She says he’s handsome, tall (6’3″) and he is so nice to her. A discussion of future goals and attitudes shows that they want the same things. He has already ASKED HER to be his girlfriend and plans for a future together. To add even more magic to the equation, her bestfriend recommended him and everyone she knows says that he is a good man. The best thing about him is, he has a stable father in his life who is dedicated to his family.

But her sudden leap of faith made me raise my eyebrow. Uh, two months ago you swore off men forever and now you’re falling in love? I’m not trying to draw her into my man-hating club, but I don’t understand why she even gave this dude a chance when she’s had so many bad experiences with men.

I tried to explain this to Tamara but she wasn’t hearing me. I’m not worried about Sylvia getting hurt at all, she knows when to walk away from a bad situation. I just don’t get how her attitude could change about men so quickly. What did this man do that made her see him differently? He is a MAN! I would never have given him a moment of my time. But she did, and surprisingly it paid off. It all seems so unreal to me.

I mean, wow. Think about it. The VERY thing you desire actually comes to pass. It seems like we hope for things but we don’t believe they will ever happen.

While most women my age are hoping for families, I already have one so my focus is now on using these gifts that God gave me, for his glory. The beautiful thing is, I know it will come to pass. I don’t have to hope for it. My desires line up with God’s word and one day it will come to fruition.

What’s funny is, I received this email the other day from a reader and old friend of mine:

“Often I ask myself why I love you, and I’ve concluded that you have to be extrodinarally crazy and a bit off the rocker to be like you. But no one is, just you and thats why I got so much undying love for ya.”

Ok, this is a compliment.

I know it is because of the rest of the letter but it made me think long and hard about myself. I guess I am a bit different, maybe even crazy. I remember my friend Anna suggested I go get myself checked out because of the intensity of my emotions and my wavering attitudes.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s okay to be so DEEP about everything. Damn, it wears me out sometimes. I cry with the force of a thunderstorm. I laugh like a toddler watching their first cartoon. I experience joy over little things and each time it’s as if I’m having my first orgasm. I love so deeply and so thoroughly that even when you walk away my love never dies. For me, everything is experienced on maximum volume.

I used to try to tone it down. I used to try to hide it. But now all I can do is celebrate the woman that is me. Because even is she thinks I’m weird, or he can’t handle my moods, THEY can and they love me because of everything that is me.

I don’t write to entertain or influence anyone. I don’t write to gain friends or foes. I write because my heart tells me to. I write because I love my growth process. I write because these stories in my head won’t go away until I put them out there. They scream to be told, competing with each other until I release them under my smooth fingertips.


Man, I really love to write.

Just Missed the Heat

I can’t believe I left work when there was so much work left to do. That’s not me. It makes me feel so irresponsible.

But forget it, it was time to go and like my sister said, “That same pile of work is gonna be there when I get back next week.” The office was empty anyway, everyone is on vacation, well almost. One of my department members was scheduled to be there but she showed up for about an hour, then she left. I don’t care. Without her there I can play my Kanye CD’s loud and rhyme along whenever I want to.

I have an hour and a half before I have to pick up my sons from daycare and I have a million things to do in preparation for a night out with my friends.. My first stop is the barber shop to get a line-up.

I arrive, out of breath and burst into the barber shop door. There’s one customer in the chair and one waiting. I smile at all of the men and sit down. The one waiting smiles back and says Hi.

“How are you?” I ask him politely.

“I’m fine, now. And I see you are too.”

He moves to the seat next to mine and I see the barber smirk.

Here we go. I roll my eyes.

“So, I’ve seen you in here before haven’t I?” he says. “By the way, my name is Chris.”

“Hey Chris. I’m Ms. Tee.”

“Ms. Who?”

“Ms. Tee.” I say pronouncing my name for him.

“Whoa. That’s very pretty.”

“Thanks.” I say and give him a genuine smile. “Maybe you have seen me in here with my sons. We just started using this barber.”

“Yeah, well he’s good. I’ve been going here a while. Um, are your boys with your man right now?”

~rolls eyes~ I look away. “No, they’re not. They’re at daycare.”

“So, do you have a boyfriend?”

I react as if he just asked me if I have herpes.

“What makes you think THAT?! Why do I have to have a boyfriend?” I frown.

He sits back in his seat, taking note of my reaction and for the first time I really take notice of him. He’s a medium brown tone, neither light nor dark with a little mustache. His clothes say ‘I’m off today but even when I’m chillin I make sure I’m fresh.’ Kinda nice-looking but definately too forward. I didn’t give him any signs that I wanted him to come talk to me.

I bet he’s one of those men who has at least 3 women at all times.

“I’m just sayin,” he says and picks up a magazine. “You’re too pretty not to have a boyfriend.”

“Well I don’t.” I say. “And I’m cool with that.”

“Well, why don’t you have a man?”

I’m trying my best to contain my annoyance and in my opinion I’m doing a great job.

I look him squarely in the eyes and respond, “Cuz I’m crazy.”

He laughs.

“You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to but um, I’m crazy.”

“Crazy how?”

“Crazy in a way you’ll never have to find out about.”

“What if I want to find out?”

“You don’t. Let’s leave it at that. Ok?”

He sits back and smiles at me. “Ok, MS. TEE.” he says making sure to pronounce my name correctly. “Green eyes, huh?” he says to himself and continues looking at the magazine.


Dudes are so funny.

I’m out of there in less than an hour and on my way to the local discount clothing store to find an accent piece to lead me in a direction of what I’m wearing. It could be a belt, some earrings or a top. I’m hoping something catches my eye because I have no clue what I will be wearing. I have been looking forward to tonight for a week. I’m going to an event put together by a luxury living magazine that promises a chance to meet and greet the Miami Heat basketball team.

I’m a Heat fan, but um, I’m not really into basketball. I’m hoping to run into someone from the magazine and get an ‘in’ so that I can freelance for the magazine.

I’m on the phone with Tamara as I step out of my car. It’s breezy and cool. Definately sweater weather. We’re discussing possible options for my outfit tonight. As soon as I close the door to my chicken nugget (my car) I hear a voice behind me.

“BEYONCE!! BEYONCE!!” he calls out.

I pause and look around, confused. Then I LAUGH!!!


“I like that,”I say to him as I walk by.

“Excuse me! Can I be Jay-Z?”


That’s classic!

I walk into the store and hang up the phone with Tamara because I need to concentrate.

I hate shopping because it just frustrates me but I have to get some kind of idea about what I should be wearing. Originally I planned to go the safe route and wear all black. You know, a true black sweater with black slacks and closed toed heels is always classy yet, understated. That outfit paired with my large black rimmed glasses would give me a mysterious look and illuminate my skin tone. But I wasn’t feeling mysterious.

After trying on a plum hooded zip-up sweater and a t-shirt that read: You Look Hotter Online, I almost gave up. As I fingered the accessories to see if anything would catch my eye I saw a creme colored corduroy jacket hanging on the wall and my mind started working.

If I wear this jacket I won’t be cold, PLUS I can wear any wild colored t-shirt underneath and a pair of jeans over heels. PERFECT!!!

The jacket only cost me $12. Merry Christmas to me!

I head on down to get my kids when my sister calls me. “Hey Tee. What time do you want me to be at your house to watch the kids because I got a flat tire?”

“Aww man. For real? Do you need help?”

“No. I just need to buy a new tire and bring it back here and put it on.”

“Well, I was trying to be at the event by 7 because I don’t want to miss anything, but just…just get to my house whenever you can.”

I call Dianna and tell her that we’ll shoot for an 8:00 arrival time at the event. I call Marsha too and tell her the same thing.

I asked Marsha and Dianna to come along with me because I knew they’d be comfortable in the atmosphere and I like hanging out with them. It doesn’t hurt that they are both tall and lean and very well dressed. Any attention they get will benefit me because while they can pull the men, I can get the info out of the men for the contacts I need to pursue my goals.

What? You don’t pimp your friends? Yeah right? Every one of us is friends with someone else because they give something that we like. It may not be money or free services, but they make us laugh, they make us feel good or they teach us things we can use to succeed. My friends pimp me too. Any damn resume or cover letter or essay or speech or any damn thing that has to do with writing or speaking definately comes my way and I help ofcourse, because that’s what I do.

I was surprised when they both said yes. It’s usually difficult as hell to get someone to come to an event with me. Everybody is so busy with their own lives.

I pick up my boys and roll on home.

“What’s for dinner Mama?”

Oh damn. “Um, hollup. Go in your room and I’ll let you know.”

I open my cabinet and sort through the contents. “Hmm. Look’s like ravioli tonight.”

I open up a can and pour it into the pot. I turn the heat up and go into he living room.

We cheated! We cheated! We opened our presents on Monday so the boys are already playing with their toys. They loved the gifts I gave them. One camping tent and one pair of bouncy balls.

When my sister asked what I got them I told her and she laughed. But I know my boys. They are forever trying to hook up the sheets to their beds so they can crawl under and play spaceship and act like it’s their clubhouse. Ofcourse the sheets are always falling down. A camping tent would be perfect because their room is big enough for it and their two beds. The two bouncy balls are perfect because they lost all of their balls and when they go outside they complain that they don’t have anymore balls. PRESTO!!! I’m Super Santa!

Now in addition to the balls and the tent I got my older son a learning toy to help him practice his spelling and I got a gift for them that was secretly for me.


When I saw it I knew I had to have it! I mean, they had to have it! ~cough~ We open our presents early because they spend Christmas with their father so I won’t see them on the actual day.

So the boys and I go into the living room where the karaoke CD player is hooked up and we all sing and dance while the ravioli is warming up. You should see my Boo-Boo singing, “Come up in the spot lookin extra fly!” LOL! He’s so cute! He even pops his collar when he sings it! I melt…

Someone rings the doorbell and it’s my sister. Dang. She finished already. Well, since I already told my girls we were shooting for 8:00 I wouldn’t push the time up.

I fed and bathed my boys and dressed them for bed. Then I changed into my outfit to model for my little sister.

“What do you think Teenie?” I asked her. I was wearing some light blue jeans, an orange shirt fitted tee with writing on it, some closed toe bronze heels, bronze earrings and bracelet and my creme jacket.

“Uh,” she said and wrinkled her face. “I thought you were going to meet the Heat. You look broke-down.”

“Stop playin! This is what I’m gonna wear!”

“Well go ahead if you want to, but, don’t call me telling me people are laughing at you. You can definately do better than that.”

“I hate you.” I tell her as I remove my clothes.

“Just blame me for everything!” she jokes. “I bet I was the one who made you have these kids too, huh?”

I laugh, “SHUT UP!!!”

Who has a closet that is superorganized? I bet all of the clothes face the same way on the hangaers. They may even be arranged by color and season.

~raises eyebrow~

Well I don’t. My shit is all outta wack! I don’t even know what I have!

So I start sorting through clothes until I find a pair of jeans that I have never worn. They are medium blue with little diamonds on the pockets and hips. Hmm. These are a possibility. I toss them onto my bed.

“I’m just going to wear a sweater and some jeans!” I yell out to my little sister who is in the living room playing video games with the boys. Yes! My boys have those little plug-n-play video games now! They’re grandparents bought them for them. It boggles my mind! My babies are playing VIDEO GAMES!! Wow! What big boys!

But I hate video games so they better not ask me to play with them. ~smile~

My sister yells back at me, “Wear that black sweater, the one with the funny neck. That was real nice.”

I pause while shuffling clothes around. Yeahhhh… The long sleeved cow-neck sweater. The texture of the material is soft like a kitten. It’s form fitting, a little sexy and I haven’t worn that since earlier this year. I hope I can find it.

Eureka! Here it is!

I pull it on and it is perfect!

Some plain black boots go along with the outfit and I’m feeling cute but a little motherly because the jeans are not too fitted, but they fit. I look very respectable.

I get a text message from Dianna. YOU HAVE TO PICK ME UP.

I get a call from Marsha. “Hello Dahling. I won’t be able to make it tonight. I’m gonna stay here with my Mama for a little longer.” Marsha’s Mom is in the hospital and her recovery has been slow. Say a prayer for Marsha’s family.

“Ok chick. I understand.”

“Say hello to some ballers for me!”

“I’ll call you and let you know how it went.”

As I’m about to walk out the door my little sister says to me, “I’m hungry.”


“I didn’t have time to go to the grocery store today. What do you want?” I’m a little annoyed.

“I want a chicken quesadilla.”

“DAMMIT!” I screech as I dash to my car and on to Taco Bell.

She’s smiling profusely when I come back. “Thanks!”

I pull out and speed up the avenue to Dianna’s house. It’s just a little after 8 but the event lasts until nine so we’ll get to have a little fun when we get there but not much.

When I see her walk out her door I giggle a little. I love my friend. She’s sooo funny and as usual she looks soo cute tonight! I haven’t seen her in so long! We don’t do anything but fight the whole time we’re with each other but it’s the fun kinda fighting so I don’t mind.

“Bitch! You betta had been lookin nice! You know I don’t play that!” I say as we drive away.

“Whatever hoe! Look, you freakin refugee! Your ass don’t know how to drive for shit! Turn this way!”

“I’m trying to go back to 125th street, we’re going to Bal Harbor.”

“Bitch I know! Just listen and I’ll tell you how to get there.”

“You get on my damn nerves!” I say.

“Whatever hoe! Yo monkey ass don’t know how to drive!”

“Whatever.” I’m waiting a stop sign and I can see she’s getting annoyed.

“GO! DAMN! What are you waiting for?” she asks me.

“Um, I’m waiting for it to be all clear. There are cars down there, don’t you see the lights coming?”

“DAMN TEE! Those cars are freakin two blocks away! It’ll take five seconds to drive through this intersection! Oh my GOD! You get on my damn nerves you freakin REFUGEE!”

She loves to call me a refugee because she says I act like I’m fresh off the boat and don’t know my way around Miami. But bump her. I’m just…a cautious driver.

After many more arguments we arrive in Bal Harbor and I slow down a bit to admire the beautiful homes on Kane Concourse. Bal Harbor is one of the nicest neighborhoods on the North Side of Miami. Actually it’s on Miami Beach. It is THE place for high-end shopping. Bal Harbor looks so different from the Miami I am used to. Miami is a totaly different place if you have money.

“My doctors office is over there,” I say to Dianna and point to an office building.

“You come all the way over here for a doctor? I bet they be taxin your ass! One time I came over here for a co-workers birthday dinner and we looked at the prices on the menu and were like, HELL NAW! We got up and went somewhere else for dinner. I mean if we’re gonna pay all that we should be eating at someplace where we know we are gonna actually LIKE the food.”

“That’s true dawg.” I agree.

We are headed for Bal Harbor Shops, I’m thinking it’s an actual mall but I’m not sure. 9700 Collins Avenue. The mapquest directions say turn left on Collins and make a quick left.

We follow directions but we seem to be in front of a parking garage that you have to PAY to get into. Before we punch the button for the ticket I step out and ask the lady in the booth if this was 9700 Collins Avenue.

“Yep, it’s the mall.” she tells us.

We drive around and find parking and step out. It’s a chilly night but the restaurant in the front of the mall is packed with white people. It looks like something straight out of a paparazzi photograph and I’m scanning faces in the crowd looking for a celebrity.

I feel like a celebrity myself. That always happens when I go out.

We fumble around and I realize that I have no idea where we’re going exactly. I call my sister and ask her to read the invitation to me. It says it’s in Saks on the first floor jewelry section.

My eyes get wide as we walk by all of the stores. Not only have I never been inside this mall. I have NEVER IN MY LIFE been anywhere near any of these high-end stores before.

I’m talking an entire store for Roberto Cavalli. The actual Louis Vuitton store! I’ve only seen those purses sold out of trunks of cars and on e-bay. I walked inside of the Fendi store and walked right out. There were more designer names that I had only seen in the high-end magazines, never so up close before.

“One day we’re gonna be able to shop here.” I tell Dianna. “Watch what I tell ya.”

We find Saks and walk inside. It’s warm and inviting. The sales people are milling about with various customers. 10% of tonight’s proceeds will go to one of the Heat’s favorite charities. I lead the way confidently as I smile at everyone who catches my eye.

In a way I feel like they are all my fans and I must show them that I appreciate their loyalty. LOL! And I’m so serious too! That’s what makes it so funny.

The DJ is playing some weird music and we give him a funny look and head for the makshift bar. We order our complimentary drinks: two apple bacardi’s with sprite and we sip and turn around to survey the crowd.

We walk a little bit. I notice two Black women with long hair eyeing us. There are lots of White people and everyone is being all happy and friendly.

As we take a spin around the store I see a guy approach us.

He walks up to me and says hello.

“Hi, how are you?” I ask him.

“I’m great. I’m Daniel and you are?”

“I’m Ms. Tee and this is my friend Dianna. Are you having a good time tonight?”

“Yes I am. I’m glad I came…” he begins to engage me in conversation.

I had forgotten all about how men are. Especially these young Black professionals. ~yawn~ Do I really want one of these types?

“So what do you do?” he asks me.


“I work in fundraising for a non-profit.”

“Oh really,” he smiles. “I’m on the Board of Directors for two non-profits but my day job is being a Mortgage Broker.”

“Sounds like you have your hands full.”

“I sure do, but I like to have fun as well. Say, have you ever heard of Jazz night at the Dictrict?”

“I have,” Dianna chimes in. “I know exactly where it is.”

“Well let me ask you something. If you had to create the perfect night spot what would it be like?”

“25 and up ONLY,” she says. “Pretty intimate. Jazz music. GROWN men. Soft lights. A place to go and meet some real people.”

“Professionals, ” I add.

“Well, you just described the parties we throw,” he says and reaches into his jacket pocket for a business card. He gives one to me and one to Dianna.

“Why don’t you stop by next week and check us out?”

As he’s handing us a business card another gentleman joins our conversation and introductions are made once again. His name is Mark. “You should definately stop by our spot,” he says adding to the extended invitation already given to us by Daniel.

“Hmm,” I tell him. “There’s only one thing wrong with the young Black professionals I’ve been meeting. None of them know how to drop it like it’s hot! I’m from Miami and I was raised on Luke so I have a lot of booty shake in me.”

They both laugh.

I smile at them.

“We guarantee you’ll have a good time.”

A third guy joins the group and Daniel excuses himself. “Hi, I’m Najim.”

“Hi Najim. I’m Ms. Tee and this is my girl Dianna.”

“You look just like Tony Parker,” Dianna tells him. I guess he’s a basketball player or something.

He smiles. “Everyone tells me that. Sometimes I just go along with it.”

I laugh. “That’s what I would do! I’d take all the free drinks I could get!”

He laughs again and stops the server passing by. He’s holding a tray of meat on a toothpick. It looks kinda weird to me so I don’t take any.

“So why did you ladies come out tonight?” he asks us.

“To do a little shopping and meet the Heat. By the way, where are they?”

“Oh, you missed them. They scooted out of here earlier. Actually it was around the same time you first walked in and we bumped into each other.”

My eyes must have said, “What?” because he smiled at me and leaned closer.

“You probably don’t remember bumping into me, but I remember the moment you walked through the door.”


“So we have to go now. We need to head on home. It was nice meeting you,” I say.

We leave and as soon as we’re out of the store Dianna spills her guts.

“Ughh. That was NOT fun at all. This whole night was soooo YOU! You handled yourself so well but I felt so out of place.”

“You did?”

“Yeah. Ughh. Look at how they talk. Those guys were too proper for me. I need a little thug in’em. As soon as they started talking I was ready to go.”

“Damn, it was like that?”

“Yeah girl but like I said, this is definately your atmosphere and they were sweating you hard.”

“They were weren’t they?” I ask and frown as I try to remember each of the guys.

Damn. Sometimes I swear I forget that I’m an attractive woman.

When I’m out and I see men do double takes when I pass by I’ll be confused. Like, What are they looking at me like that for?

Then I’ll laugh and say to myself, “They probably think you’re pretty duh!”

I usually laugh some more and walk on.

Dianna and I head home and I give my sister a call to check on her.

“Dang! You only been gone for 30 minutes!” she laughs. “This was a waste of MY time!”

“Shut up! I’ll be there in a minute.”

The Morning After

“Well look who it is!” I say aloud and click the green TALK button.

“Hello,” I say dryly.

“I’m glad you sound so excited to hear from me,” he says and pauses. “It’s good to hear your voice.

He is a guy who is sort of my friend. I met him on South Beach, or shall I say I was reaquainted with him on South Beach earlier this year when I bumped into him and we recognized each other from college.

We exchanged screen names that night and have had this sort of disloyal allegiance to each other ever since.

If you took a look at Adrian you’d probably choose him for me. His educational background is solid. He has a masters in Engineering and is working toward a doctorate in something related to that field. He’s a little on the short side which is a plus because I’ve rarely been attracted to tall men. He is also quite attractive. When I see him I am impressed, just not over the IM or telephone.

Adrian goes to school in California but he visits Miami often because he was raised here. Communication is very important and for some reason, electronically, we are not a good match for each other. In fact, he gets on my damn NERVES over the IM. I’ve taken his name off of my contacts list so many times only to re-add him after he contacts me. I’m not even trying to play games with him, but he’s a smart ass and there’s only so much I can take of that sarcasm shit.

But after a while I guess I forget all about his sassyness and he’ll call me to say Hi and I’ll laugh again and enjoy him again until he does something else that gets on my nerves.

The time he called was very typical of him. He always tries to call me just before booty call hours as if he’s gonna get some. I answer just to have the pleasure of shutting him down, but this time I was curious to see if I still found him attractive and I allowed him to come see me since my sons were with their Dad for the weekend.

He left an hour or so later, saying he was about to go get his car and come back. I told him I’d be asleep but he could try.

He rings my phone again and I’m asleep on the couch so I don’t have to reach far to get it.

“Tee,” he says. “You won’t believe this. My car won’t start.”

“Huh?” I ask and sit up.

“My friend dropped me off to pick up my car but now it won’t start and he’s gone.”

“Do you need some help?” I say absently.

“Yeah, that would be great. Could you come pick me up?”

Aww damn! I didn’t really wanna help his ass. I was just trying to be nice.

I’m in conflict now. I know for a fact that this dude wants to hit it and I’m not sure if I’m in the mood to go there with him. We’d had some pretty passionate make-out sessions which were impressive but I had already seen his ‘package’ and he wasn’t really up to par, but I guess it was manageable. Maybe that’s why we had yet to go all the way. I really don’t like to waste my time.

AND- I promised myself back in June that I wouldn’t do another nice thing for another man unless he deserved it. No going out of my way to be repaid with bull!

But I guess I can’t resist a penis in distress. “Where are you?” I ask him.

“I’m right up the street in Miramar.”

“Up the street my ass! Miramar is NOT up the street! That’s too far.”

“I always come to see you. You have never come to see me at all. It’ll take 12 minutes tops to get here on I-95.”

I sigh. Fudge! I hate this feeling. I want to do it to help him out but in my heart I know he’s going to do something that will piss me off and make me regret being nice to him.

“Ok, I’ll come.”

“Great! And I just need one more teeny tiny favor. Um, my friend who dropped me off here has my house keys. I left them in his car. Could you stop by and pick them up?”

“Damn! Where does he live?”

“He lives in your neighborhood.”

“Ok dammit!”

I pull on some jeans and a sweat shirt and climb into the car. After following his directions I see a man standing in the street wearing a wife-beater and some pajama bottoms.

I pull up alongside him and roll down my window. “Hi.” I say and reach my hand out for the key. He’s looking at me funny.

“Hi.” he says back and pauses.

“Yeah.” I say.

“You really don’t remember who I am do you?”

“Should I?” I’m confused.

“I’m Daniel. We met the other night at Bal Harbor. I invited you to the Jazz Night.”

“Ohh. Wow. So you’re Adrian’s friend?”

“Yes I am.”

I have my cell phone to my ear and I hear Adrian make a noise. “Adrian, I think I know this guy.”

“Good, but it’s kinda cold out here. We’ll talk about it when you get here.”

“Well, nice to see you again,” I say to Daniel and roll up my window.

I’m off to damn Miramar to give this idiot his keys and possibly be molested. I can’t help it. I want to be nice to men but in my heart I know that all they want to do is use me and try to make me feel bad about myself. I have a pain in my heart and it won’t go away because it’s grueling always having to be this cold and this distant when my nature is to love and be loved.

When I find him in his car, I walk up to the window and tap on it. He smiles and steps out.

“Here are your keys,” I say to him and start to walk away.

“Where are you going?” he asks.

“I’m tired and it’s too early to be playin around with you.”

He gives me a look that stops me in my tracks.

“Let’s go.” he says and walks away from me.

I smile. Hell Yeah!! I LOVE to be told what to do! I follow him inside.

Lately, I’ve been having this fantasy of a man coming up to me just like Paul Wall on that Drive Slow song and saying, “What it do?”

Ahhhh!!! ~faints~

That statement puts me in the same mindframe that I would be in if a brotha called me up and said, “I’ll be there in 15 minutes. Be ready,” and hung up. I would jump for joy! Then I’d make sure my ass was ready!

There’s nothing like a man who knows what he wants and is smooth enough to get it.

I think I wake up before he does. I nudge him and ask him to walk me to my car.

“5 more minutes,” he tells me.

5 minutes later, it’s almost noon and he’s nowhere to be found.

I check my cell phone and pull on my sneakers. I call his cell phone.

“Um, where are you?”

“I’m downstairs having breakfast.”

“Well could you come up here and get me so that I can go home?”

“Sure, I’ll be right up.”

While he’s here in South Florida he stays with his friends so we were at his friends house and I was pretty sure that by now his friends were awake.

Ugh… I hadn’t done this whole parade-the-chick-you-brought-home-to-bone thing in forever! I did NOT want to meet his friends.

“Are they down there?” I ask him in a whisper.

“Yes, they are.”

“Ugh. What do I say?”

“Say goodmorning,” he says and laughs and he descends the stairwell.

I straighten my sweat shirt and smile as I follow him. The looks on their faces were nothing compared to the look on mine.

“WHAT?!!” Mark says as he does a double take.

This is too weird.

It’s Mark and Najim. The same guys I met when I went to meet the Heat. They were the ones who came to talk to me after Daniel left. They were both sitting at the breakfast table in front of laptops with plates of pizza nearby.

Adrian looks amused.

They both stand up to give me hugs and I hug them cautiously. What’s funny is the fact that when I met all of these guys at the event I thought to myself, “They all remind me of Adrian.”

I made small talk but I really wanted to get the hell out of there!

Adrian senses this and I wave goodbye and we both leave.

“So you met them where?”

“At a Heat event on Wednesday. That was too weird.”

“Which one of them tried to holla at you?”

“None of them. But they invited me to the Jazz Night and I planned to go.”

“I invited you to that months ago.”

“Yeah but you don’t LIVE here to remind me. I think I am going to go check it out. Will you still be in town?”

“I’ll be here until after the 1st.”

“Ok, good then. It’s nice to see you. I had a good time.”

“Me too. Take some pain medicine for that headache,” he jokes.

“I don’t feel a thing,” I joke back.

Ain’t no way in hell I’m going to that Jazz Night thing. If those men want to see me again, they’ll have to just see me around.

And Adrian. He knows the routine. I’m not going to answer his calls or speak to him again for a month or so.

I gotta keep them all at a distance.

Is it Christmas for real?

It doesn’t feel like it.

I woke up this morning around 10am because of the constant ringing of my cell phone indicating that I had a new text message. Tell me something, does NO ONE CALL anymore? As soon as midnight hit last night my phone was bombarded with Merry Christmas text messages. I even got a text that read “Merry Christmas Ho!” which made me laugh out loud.

I noticed this strange phenomenon during Thanksgiving. Instead of calling all of my loved ones, I shot them all a mass text message and they replied in kind. No love lost, no hurt feelings and all parties involved were extremely satisfied. ~shakes head~ We’re turning into one lazy society.

I didn’t move from the couch all day. I watched ‘A Christmas Story’ once and then I fell asleep again ignoring the rest of the Warm Holiday Text Messages, until I woke up.

I woke up and looked around the room. Swept the floor. Scrubbed the kitchen floor. Sat down again. Hmm… Thought about the meaning of life for a minute then decided to think about the growth of my hair instead.

Another Christmas day by myself. I don’t mind. I like the quiet. The boys will be back any minute now and I’ll have them with me for an entire week and yes- they are coming to work with me all week.

How exciting…

I got a candle and a journal for Christmas. I gave the journal away because I don’t hand-write anything anymore. I gave it to my cousin who’s in jail. I sent him a box full of random stuff including the Black Men magazine with Tocarra on the cover. I hope he likes it.

Well, I think I’ll go out and buy me an icecream sundae. At least it will get me out of the house.

Merry Christmas!!!

Where to be on New Year’s Eve

Social Miami gives several options for New Year’s Eve celebrations such as:

Barton G The Restaurant
1427 West Avenue, South Beach
Unforgettable 5-course dinner, Laurent Perrier Brut N/V, dancing and entertainment by the George Tandy Band. $295 per person plus tax and gratuity. Seating begins at 8 pm.

Tuscan Steak
431 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach
Two seatings, as always, with the regular menu available from 6 to 9 pm for party-hopping revelers. The Big Party begins at 9 with a prix fixe menu, bottle of champagne per couple, premium open bar, dancing, DJ, band and entertainment. $200 per person plus tax and

The Setai South Beach
2001 Collins Avenue, South Beach
Celebrity party at 10 pm by the VMA team (Noah Tepperberg, Danny A, Jason Strauss, Nicola Siervo, Vincent Laresca, Chuck Pacheco) with premium bar and menu selections passed til 2 am. Advance tickets only – $500 per person.

Hotel Victor
1144 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach
The luxurious Hotel Victor teams up with Dom Perignon in celebration of New Year’s. Vintage champagne reception kicks off the evening at VIX, followed by a 6-course dinner prepared by Executive Chef James Wierzelewski and guest Chef de Cuisine Pascal Tingaud of Dom Perignon. A rare selection of vintage champagne accompanies each course. $2006 per couple includes VIP access to the hotel’s poolside lounge VUE for lavish NYE party.

Blue Door at Delano
1685 Collins Avenue, South Beach
People watching at its best at this legendary NYE party for 500 beautiful revelers. Jamie Foxx hosts world famous entertainment, reception, sumptuous 5-course dinner prepared by Chef Claude Troisgros, Dom Perignon, premium wines and open bar. $1500 per person plus tax and gratuity.

Now considering all of these options, I think I’m gonna stay my behind at home and watch Kanye on MTV while drinking Bacardi and coke.

Thank you very much.

On to Big Thangs

I’ve been writing this blog for about 2 years now. It has definately seen some strange emotions and circumstances. Way more than I could ever imagine when I first began writing.

I’m taking things to another level. Hey, you have to flow with the times. I’ve started a podcasting channel that you can listen to or subscribe to as I update it. I’m sure it’s going to be as often as I update my blog. I have no idea how this podcasting/RSS feed thing works but I do know that I’ll find someone who will explain it to me or I’ll cry trying. LOL!

This audio podcast will be the sister of my this blog. A little more emotional though because I’m a drama queen! If you love my blog, you’ll love listening as I recount the crazy events in my life and share my growth with you.

So here’s to round two.

Get your daily fix of Share My World by checking the blog, then checking the Podcast.

Click this link to visit my Audio Podcast

His First Crush

My 5 year old has a girlfriend.

Yeah, it surprised me too. I was kinda relieved to be honest, cuz lil dude is very emotional and overly dramatic just like me so I was prepared if he were to go either way.

I had decided that if he were gay I’d love him just the same. I wouldn’t disown him or make him feel bad about it. In most cases I don’t believe that being gay is a choice. I believe it is a spirit that is not of God and the person it inhabits has no control over it without the power of Jesus Christ. Ofcourse there are those people who are so unlucky at love that they choose to be with someone of the same sex. I have seen this happen myself which is the only reason I mention it.

But I found out about this little girl in the most interesting way.

My boys and I were in my bed just hanging out when my 3 year old says, “Sugarbear has a girlfriend.”

“Nuh, uh!” Sugarbear denies the claim.

I remain quiet.

“Yes you do! You TOLD me when we were in my room!”

Sugarbear is quiet. Then he sits up and looks at me.

“Her name is B-R-N-D-Y.” he says and smiles.

“Brandy?” I ask nonchalantly.

“Yep. She sat in my lap.”


“When we went to Ms. Smith’s class to listen to a story I went in and I sat down and she came over and sat in my lap.”

“And what did you do?”

“I told her to get off me.”

“Did she get up?”


“Was she mad you told her to get off?”

“No, she smiled. Mama can Brandy come to my house?”

“For what?”

“To, um, play?”

“I don’t think Brandy’s mom would like that. You can play at school.”

“She’s not in my class.”

“Oh well.”

This evening I am on the phone with my little sister and I begin to tell her about Brandy when she interrupts me. “You ain’t know about Brandy?”

“No, how did you know?”

“He told me last week.”

I laugh and shrug my shoulders.

“Did he tell you she was white?” she asks.



“Tee? Tee? Tee?”

I’m numb.

I thought this was going to be another cute story to tell about first crushes. In my rational mind, first crushes shape your view on relationships and gives you a glimpse into what you will like in the future.

But if that is true then, am I destined to entertain Becky’s until he meets his wife?

Now I’m trying not to pass on my prejudices and outlook on life so my son will NEVER know how Mommy feels about men. I don’t take my anger at men out on him. In my mind, the only way he’ll see that something is not quite right is the fact that he doesn’t see me interact with men AT ALL. He has asked me before, “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” I just told him it wasn’t time and that having a boyfriend isn’t anything special, marriage is what matters.

I’m trying to do the right thing and THINK the right way but it makes me mad when I think of what a good pair of boys I hope to raise. Men who respect themselves and women and love God. I would be really sad to see them marry white women because good Black men are far and few between.

I’m not talking about successful Black men. I’m talking about smart, good hearted, ethical, love their mama, love and fear God and love their families- those kind of men. Imagine if my dreams come true and I raise two boys like that and they give all of that goodness away to white chicks. ~shakes head~

I would be so hurt. But I know I wouldn’t let them know that.

I would be hurt and I would be jealous because in some way it would make me feel like something was wrong with me where I couldn’t get a Black man to behave and love me. I would be hurt for all the other Black women coming up who will have to deal with their Black men dishonoring them and turning to the white woman when they want to do right.

You love me enough to have babies but you have the white chick on your arm. Nigga I’m your backbone, I take care of home. I understand your plight. I understand your pain. In the heat of the night, you wake up screaming and call out MY name. I watch you walk away and STILL hold shit down. You call me weak, nigga please, I know who wears the crown. And the funny thing is, you see my strength too. That’s why it’s doesn’t phase you to cum and go as you do, treat me like Boo Boo, cry for me boo-hoo, you don’t care. Cuz under there, under the despair, you can tell that I…will be just fine. Handle mine, raise your seed and change the world too. Not too bad for some chick you were eager to fuck and toss to the moon. Black man I see you. Hiding under the guise of success like a fool. From these breasts you were nurtured and to mother Earth you return. I pray your safe travel and wise lessons learned. From the cradle to the grave I shed tears for you. That one day you see yourself and love will come through. Until then, it’s not a sin to get caught up in the cycle, insides lookin like Michael. Jackson but ain’t nothing happenin…until…you…learn to love God as God loves you.

Ms. Tee gets real DEEP when discussing Discovering Sexuality. Check me out on my AUDIOBLOG.


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This year is going to be the most life-altering ever. Unhealthy habits will be broken. Attitudes will be adjusted. Goals will be attained. Love will heal and bloom.

This is the year for reconciliation and re-focusing.

Be prepared for God to show off by showering you with His love.

Expect a miracle.