Are You Passionate?

Kim and I were discussing a mutual friend today. This friend is trying to start a business however, he knows absolutely nothing about business or even the business he’s trying to start.

This annoys me because I feel like when he asks me questions they are such basic questions that he should already have the answer to since he claims to be so passionate about his goal.

See…When you have a passion for something, no one should have to hold your hand to motivate you to do it. I write because I love to write. I write for free, just because I love to do it. I research all day and night, reading about people who have become successful doing what I want to do and learning about different ways that people achieved success.

I ask myself, “What was their mindset? How did they overcome obstacles? What was it that drove them to keep running toward their goal?”

I often write to people that I admire and ask for their advice or at least tell them my goals and ask for feedback for how to get there. For me, becoming an inspirational journalist, author, therapist and television personality is not a goal. It’s more like…well, like a passion.

I’ll spend hours and hours reading what other well known authors have to say about relationships, self improvement and becoming an author. When I spend money, it’s not on a pedicure or clothes, it’s for books and audio tapes that will help to improve my mental state and increase my knowledge of the field I’m trying to excel in.

It’s not about being disciplined to do things like that. I need no discipline because it’s fun for me. When you’re doing something that you are really passionate about, you don’t need discipline, because it is your greatest joy to do it.

I know some people may look at me and think, “What a nerd! She knows all the interesting websites, has all these bookmarks of self help websites and spends so much time on the internet reading and learning. Why doesn’t she get a life?”

Well, I do have a life. My life is my passion for encouraging others and improving myself. I literally have FUN when I’m researching and I learn something new.

I daydream about meeting my favorite authors and sitting beside them on a panel. I fantasize about winning my Pulitzer and the TV show that I’m going to have.

I can see it!

I really can!

I’m going to be so helpful to people because I’m healing myself and being honest about the things that have caused me to stagnate in relationships and life.

I am sooo into the internet and I truly believe that the internet is going to be a strong part of my future.

No one had to tell me to log on this morning. No one had to force me to read articles written by self improvement teachers. No one made me sign up for various ecourses and online classes to improve my writing. I do it because I love what I do and I want to be among the best at it. I’ll do anything that it takes to become a better writer and speaker.

I believe I will get there if I keep trying.

I can already see my name on Hallmark cards like Maya Angelou.

And I can see the words Pulitzer Prize winning author next to my name.

I can feel the hugs that I will get from the women who will say that my books have changed their lives.

It’s almost like being in love…

That’s how I feel about the path I’m taking.

My classes are delicious and tasty. Every article I write is becoming better and better. I’m branching out into new areas of media and I am amazed by the opportunities that come my way.

No..I may not be there yet…but right here is nice.

Right here I am enjoying laying the foundation for my life’s passion to encourage others… feels so good!

I love you!