I cured my son’s fear of dogs!
No, I’m not a magician, I’m just a mindframe adjuster and I shared a simple exercise with my son. As we were walking down the street I said, “Hey. I’m studying this new philosophy I found called A Course In Miracles and one of the lessons it taught me was- Everything we see is the past. What this means is in every thing we encounter, we remember our last interaction with it. If we see a chair, subconsciously we remember that we sit in the chair. If we see a particular type of person then we remember our last interaction with that type of person.”
My son seemed to be listenting, so I continued.
“Well, that made me think of you and your fear of dogs. You haven’t had a bad experience with a dog have you?”
He shook his head.
“Well then why do you jump when you see dogs?”
He didn’t answer.
“Oh! I know!” I said emphatically. “It’s my fault. Sometimes fear is a learned behaviour. When you were young you saw me jump when I saw a dog so you imitated me and you fear dogs because I do. I’m sorry about that.”
He was quiet. Two minutes later we were walking up to the very spot where we usually pass by a dog tied to a post. When we got there, the dog wasn’t there.
“Oh my gosh!” I exclaimed. “Look what happened! It’s just like that. When we finally agree to face our fears, its most likely that they disappear.”
He smiled up at me.
The next day when we were taking a walk, we passed a man walking his dog. My son didn’t flinch or bat an eye.
I gave him a high five.
He smiled up at me.
His fear is GONE.
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