Yep, I write almost everyday. I have to. I can’t NOT write. It’s what I do. You know you love it!
Today was the first day in seven weeks that I had some time away from my sons. I really needed it too. Their paternal grandmother picked them up for church and they didn’t come home until 6pm. So I was able to get a good nap before I heard the knock at the door announcing their arrival.
I went to the grocery store before church and I didnt even have to think twice about the route I would take. I’m learning, I’m learning.
I went to church with my baby mama Racole and I flipped out over the role she plays in this church. Racole truly has a servants heart in her church. Homegirl was leading praise and worship, put the mike down and played the drums, put the drums down and was working the speaker system and still gave the scriptural reading for the day. And she wonders why people get upset when she goes away for a weekend, homegirl runs that church! I wouldnt want her to leave either.
She takes ownership of her duties. I respect her so much because she doesnt wait for someone to tell her what to do. She sees a need and she fills it.
You don’t have to wait until someone else tells you to serve. You dont have to wait for God to speak a word to your heart. The need is the call.
If you see a need and you can do something about it then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Don’t just sit up and complain and talk about the problem, SOLVE the problem or make an effort to find someone who can.
I love you so much. You have no idea. You are already a part of me.