Wait a minute…
Excuse me for being ignorant because I don’t watch the news. We’re in the middle of Hurricane Season and there is actually a hurricane that is headed our way. For those of you who have never experienced a hurricane, you are blessed. So many lives taken, so much damage, lives destroyed. They have already canceled schools near where I live. They have us designated to go to a shelter.
I’m real non chalant about it cuz I’ve been away for the past six years and it didn’t really affect us in North Central Florida. And since I dont watch the news I’m not getting scared by the minute by minute tracking that all the news channels are doing. I went hurricane shopping and the stores were packed. No water left on the shelves. People are boarding up their houses and I heard ppl in the store saying they were leaving town.
I experienced several storms in my day, but none was worse than Hurricane Andrew back in 92. We had never seen a storm do so much damage. Imagine driving around your neighborhood seeing roofs torn off, huge trees uprooted like twigs thrown on the ground. School was canceled for weeks. There was no electricity, no hot water. It was so hot!
On top of all that, the job offer that I got has not contacted me to start yet. I called them up today to see what was going on and they said the HR manager needed to speak with me about my background check. I’m confused. I never even got a ticket before. I had been arrested for being in a fight before but that was expunged because I took some classes. I can’t imagine what the problem is.
I’m staying hopeful despite the difficult circumstances. I believe its all a part of my testimony. No one can minister to those in pain better than someone who has actually been through pain. That’s why God sent His son Jesus to earth; to actually feel our pain so when we come to him with our troubles He would understand and empathize. Every breaking point you’ve been through Jesus has felt it, ten times worse. So, He knows and hurts with you, but promises that if you abide in Him and His word lives within you, you will be okay.
So, be comforted that since the day you gave your life to Him, He took over and will be carrying you through.
Much Love.