Random Chatter
c316: hello lady
ptygrneyez: hey PEACHES!!!!
ptygrneyez: what u up to?
c316: i’m actually working on the site (our old website is almost ready to reopen!!!)
ptygrneyez: yippee!
c316: yes. i’m trying to fix the forums
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: i’ve backed up of course!
ptygrneyez: crazy
c316: what are you doing?
ptygrneyez: girl im searching for God’s healing light
c316: wow. that was deep.
ptygrneyez: u know how i am
c316: yeah, you have to warn a sister
ptygrneyez: but i dont think ill find it online
c316: maybe not
c316: especially if that’s in place of doing something better
ptygrneyez: i learn daily and today i learned that
ptygrneyez: my path to inner peace is my own
ptygrneyez: and no one else’s method
ptygrneyez: will get me there
c316: that seems to be true
c316: i get confused with the “my own” part
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: wouldnt it be so much easier if it were on a map
ptygrneyez: FIND INNER PEACE—> here
c316: uh hmm
c316: i guess you have to define what inner peace is somehow
ptygrneyez: we’re having a DEEP convo, dont feel like u HAVE to indulge me my mind is all over the place tonight…as usual
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: nah, i’ll let you know when my head hurts
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: ok
ptygrneyez: for me inner peace is having that joy that only comes from being in right standing with God
c316: aha
c316: wow. that’s the kind of peace that no one can mess with
c316: yeah, it’s not on google maps
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: you should write this kind of stuff down instead of wasting it on me!
ptygrneyez: lol i am