I had a phone interview today with a company that was interested in my web content development services. The interview was not ordinary because I didn’t take the standpoint of “I need a job sooo bad!” I interviewed him just as much as he interviewed me.
By the end of the conversation we decided that we were not a good fit for each other because the type of writing he needed, I had no experience doing. I could have flipped my acting skills and persuaded him otherwise but I had no interest in doing that.
I’m not sure if the true message of the lesson I learned about seeing the big picture of a business situation was relayed properly. For me, seeing the big picture does NOT mean taking any job that comes my way. Though most of my friends would disagree, I choose to stand firm in my belief that the right opportunity for longevity and satisfaction in the workplace will come to pass. Though my situation may seem desperate since I currently have no income and no means to support myself, my spirit is not desperate. I believe in my dream and I am willing to wait on it.
The lesson I learned will be used when I do come to that next place of blessing. I will not give up on that opportunity because I will recognize it as an important part of my journey. But until then, my goal is to sacrifice as much as I believe is neccesary until I find that place.
I interviewed Ross, the photographer, about his pursuit of his dream and one of the statements that he made encourages me in my journey.
He said: “I think some people let their dreams falter because society places stereotypes on dreamers and even visionaries, as if appropriate fantasies cannot be manifested. The opposite is true,” Ross says. “The major difference between those who live out their fantasies and those who don’t is a direct matter of willpower. What is one willing to sacrifice to succeed? Comfort? Stability? Food? Sleep? Criticism? It is those that persevere through adversity with the mind set that failure is not an option who find the keys to self-fulfillment. Even in failure, true perseverance will prevail as a stepping stone to one’s impending success.”
So what am I willing to sacrifice as I hold steady to my desire to use my gift to support myself? I am willing to sacrifice comfort, stability and the support of those I love.
I’ve been on this journey armed with nothing but my faith and the belief that my gift of writing and speaking will be appreciated one day. I’ve forged ahead safely and quickly so far, this is not the time to turn back, simply because it seems as though things aren’t going my way.
I’m already out on a limb. I’ve left every comfort behind. I’ve made my choice and I’m going to stick to it. No eviction, no lack of food or no one’s opposing opinion will make me change my mind. There’s no coercing me to stop here and go back.
Whether I seem to lose or to win, I’ll keep writing and sharing the lessons I’ve learned. I’m finally coming into my own as I learn to trust my own judgement and vision for my life over everyone else’s.
It is this truth being spoken into my soul, that allows me to soar above the criticism and the aggressiveness of those who think I’m on the wrong path. No one has to answer to God but me for my faith. No one has to feel the hunger pains that I experience. No one has to confront the loneliness of climbing to the mountain top that I encounter on a daily basis.
But then again…no one I know is going where I’m going, so I don’t expect anyone to understand or approve.
Watch me fumble, watch me fall, watch me soar, watch me fly…But keep watching because perseverance is my middle name and I WILL NOT STOP until I reach that place that I know that I deserve.