Meet My New Boyfriend- Google Plus

I am so in love with Google Plus.

Every damn TIME I log in to my stream my body feels so good! I learn and I read and I get the latest information, interesting blog posts and cultural insights from people all over the world- the WORLD CRAIG!


I am so grateful for the women I have been meeting on there. Any random day I can just, log in and then close my eyes and POINT and then SOME CHICK on there would be PERFECT for me to profile. DAYUM!

Most of the content that people share- I would have NEVER, EVER, ever-ever-ever knew EXiSTED had it not come scrolling on my stream.

The difference between facebook and Google plus is- facebook is about daily life updates and reconnecting with people you never tried to keep in touch with. Google Plus is about sharing information and art and wisdom.

That shit feeds my soul! My SOUL-CRAIG!

I love that shit!

I can stay home all day on G+. I meet someone new and interesting EVERY DAY!


Man. I swear, if I had a boyfriend for real, he would never have to worry about me running the streets. All he’d have to do is make sure I have FIVE BARS of wi-fi, some air conditioning, some icecream and a hot meal and he can disappear for hours and I wouldn’t notice. The only thing he’d complain about is the fact that he’d have to sleep alone at night cuz I don’t sleep at night cuz- I’m online- doing my thang.

All night long!