I was 16 when I met him. It was a warm Spring day and my girl Anna and I were walking up 17th avenue back to my house after school. All of a sudden this white cadillac pulls up. Anna goes over and speaks to the driver and then she comes to me and says, “Come on and get in.”
I trust my dawg 100% so I hop into the car with her and as she chats with the driver and we drive around the block, the passenger is trying to talk to me. I’m not paying him any attention at all because at the time I was deeply in love with my highschool sweetheart and no one could ever tell me anything different.
“I have a boyfriend,” I told the passenger repeatedly but he didn’t care. I didn’t give him my number after we were done with our joyride. I got out and walked home.
A few hours later Anna calls me and is like, “Passenger wants your number. What do you want me to say?”
“Ok, give it to him. But I’m just gonna say the same thing. I told him I have a boyfriend.”
He pages me and I call him back. The first thing I say is, “I told you I have a boyfriend. What’s up?”
“You ain’t even gonna give me a chance?” he asks.
“You’ll see.”
And boy did he show me…
The next morning he paged me and said he was outside my apartment building. I walked out and got in his car (turns out that his friend was driving HIS car and the caddy was his) and he picked Anna up and took us to breakfast and then dropped us to school. See..since he was 18 and out of school already with a job this was a whole new experience for me.
At lunchtime he was right there to pick me and my friends up and take us to lunch and bring us back. After school was the same thing. And this was at the same time that the song- Do You Wanna Ride In the Backseat of My Caddy by Do Or Die had just came out. So I was like super impressed by him and his white cadillac with the white leather interior.
After hanging with him I began to look at my boyfriend differently. He was always broke and I always had more money than him. He was always acting sad like his life wasn’t where he wanted it. That sad shit got annoying real quick, especially with this dude breaking bread and making sure me and my friends had a good time.
I went to my boyfriend and…I broke up with him. Yep, this dude snatched me away from my first love.
I remember the first time I let Reagan come on campus with me. People would stop and stare when he came to school to pick me up but when he actually got out and we hung out in the halls one day, I wasn’t prepared for the reaction.
The next day my friend Dianna came up to me. “Who the HELL was that you was with yesterday, Tee?”
“Oh, that’s my new boyfriend, Reagan. Why?”
“Everybody was sweatin his ass! Look at his car! Damn Tee, you upgraded for real!”
I didn’t even think of him as fine at all. He just had a nice personality and I liked the attention he gave me.
~Back to the present~
So Reagan is on the phone with me and I’m chillin at Tamara’s aunt’s house waiting for her to get back. He says he wants to see me and I give him directions.
I’m standing outside when a car pulls up and since its dark I couldn’t quite make out the model. As he pulled closer my mouth dropped open. Is Reagan really pushing a…Bentley?
He got out of the car looking like he just stepped out of a magazine or a music video. He looked somewhat the same as when were kids just..more fine and more manly. I gave him a big hug and we stood outside talking for an hour and he asked me why we broke up.
I reminded him that he was too sarcastic and I didn’t like that.
“Remember I told you that the way you talked sometimes made me feel inadequate?”
“Oh yeah!” he stared off into space. “You know..You were the only girl in history to dump me.”
“I wouldn’t call it dumped,” I said. “I mean, we were kids. You were just a boyfriend and I didn’t like the way you made me feel. Are you still like that?”
“Basically, yeah. I’m the same. You were just so sensitive.”
“I still am.”
“I can tell. Well, I still wanna get to know you again. See what’s up with you. See if there’s anything I can do to help you.”
He told me that he runs his own business and has two sons who are near my sons ages. He lives out in Plantation but has a condo on the beach that he stays in when he’s handling business in Miami. “I’d like you to see how I’m livin now,” he said.
“I’m sure it’s nice. You were always a step above the dudes our age.”
“Make sure you call me…”
“I will,” I promised.
As I gave him another hug there were some people standing out there and they started sweating him and his car and giving him props. When he left they applauded me literally and I was like, “He’s just a friend.”
When he called me he said, “You saw those people sweatin my shit?”
I laughed. “Yeah.”
“Reminded you of high school didn’t it?”
“I was your trophy, wasn’t I?”
“Yeah, for a little while.”
So I got off the phone with him and called Tamara to see where she was at. She came and picked me up and we headed to Hollywood to a Soca club where we danced and whined and I couldn’t understand anything the artists were saying. Tamara looked GREAT and all those guys were sweating her and her lil sis HARD! It was so funny! Her lil sis is the type to turn a bunch of dudes down when they ask her to dance but Tamara and I are more open- hey it’s just a dance.
This one dude came over to me and stood there. I could feel that he wanted to talk to me and was getting up the nerve. I like it when I see that dudes are nervous. I didn’t help him at all, I ignored him until he said Hi and asked me to dance. I danced with him for two songs and then told him to catch me later.
Outside the club we talked a little bit and he told me he was 23.. ~rolls eyes~ But something said, “Talk to him,” so when he asked for my number I gave it to him. He was fresh to death in his outfit and walked like a man who took good care of himself.
After the club my homeboy called me to see what I was doing but Tamara was too tired to hang out more so we called it a night…
I’m about to go pick up my boys and take them to see a movie..Mimi’s here so I can’t wait to go by and see her!
Let’s just say…I had a very merry Christmas!