Top Ten Reasons Why


1. Everybody who smiles at me at work makes me want to bite their damn lips off.

2. I think I may disintegrate at any moment.

3. If The Prez walks by my office one more time I’m gonna tackle him.

4. I see depression on the horizon.

5. Charlotte is spinning a web “down there.”

6. I’ve used up all my masterbation fantasies.

7. I feel like the tin man…need..oil..change… ~squeak~

8. I may rape someone soon.

9. My Mama would approve.

10. I need to stay in shape.

If I don’t blog again…it’s because I exploded from lack of affection…

I leave you all with these words of wisdom– Get all the dick you can, while you can…

It’s hard out here…

I loved you.