I’m just tired.
When I have days off like today I find myself sleeping all day. My body just says, “rest”. I have a lot to do. I could be doing research, I could be planning my next initiative but my body says REST and I listen because I need to.
I’m just tired.
All the time. And I’m kinda feeling like my efforts are going in vain. I make BIG plans, BIG ONES to help change the world. When I decide to do something it’s not on a small scale yet, nothing ever comes of it. I’m laying a foundation, yes, I know, yet, I’m just tired.
Being a server takes so much out of me physically. Constantly caring for others at work, sincerely, and then coming home and trying to care for others through my creative work too.
Now do you see why I just wish I had one person to care for me?
It doesn’t matter, I care for myself pretty well. I just wish that something I do could actually work, but you know what, it’s fun to try new things and different ways to try to give.
I’m not afraid of failure, I know it well. I’m just ready for a new experience.