My life is a miracle.
And I am blocking the miraculous events in my life by focusing on what I DON’T have versus what I WANT to happen.
I apologize for any negative vibes sent forth as I try to sway my emotions to become more aligned with my belief that God has my best interests at heart.
If I truly believe that everything has been aligned for my good then I should relax and enjoy every single day.
I’ve been neglecting my spiritual practices and I believed that has directly affected my satisfaction level. Ignoring my spiritual side is making me cranky and unnappreciative. I’m not doing what I was doing before visualization, daily readings, affirmations, meditation, positive manifestation excercises and I haven’t seen any magic happen in my life since.
I want to get back to that. I need to get back to that. Doing all those things consistently kept me floating on air. I was also better able to coach the other people in my life toward peace.
I promise I’ll get back to it, for you and for me.
Again..forgive me for losing focus.
God…I’m ready to get back to trusting you again.