My Own Time Zone

I just got home from class and I realized that… I LOVE MY NEW PLACE! LOL
I love living alone..No one knocking at my door. no one listening at my door. no one coming to my door. no one to speak to when I get home.. No one to eat my food. No one to tell me to clean up. No one to get mad when I don’t wanna do anything I don’t want to do. No socializing. Just ME!
Close my door and no one can bother me. GRATEFUL! YEAH YEAH YEAH!
Anyway…I also noticed that…when I’m in class (or at work) I tend to tune everyone out. Like today in class I knew the professor was speaking but i didn’t hear him. I accepted the handouts with a smile but tucked them away in my notebook while I finished writing my own creative project. I could feel the vibrations of people laughing and participating and a couple of times I saw the guy next to me looking at me and his lips were moving. I just nodded and smiled and he would laugh and motion toward the professor. Maybe he was talking to me. Maybe not. I don’t know. I don’t really care.
I can tune out the whole world around me sometimes. Its weird because I don’t CHOOSE to do just happens. People could be fighting, talking about me or even having a fit and i wouldn’t notice because…if you’re not speaking directly to me…I completely tune you out.
Weird…really weird…but my days go smoother that I’m not really interested in other people’s lives unless they share with me directly. But if you do decide to share…i want every last detail…. gimme the juice.. lol
It’s raining outside and all i want is my windows movie maker program to act right so I wont have to learn a completely new program in order to make this video i planned…. A nice rainy night like this…some cookies…some milk…and a vision that is already mapped out.. oh boy… thats creative orgasm material… I would love to finish this tonight and upload it by tomorrow. It’s gonna be so much fun…Damn I’m getting aroused just thinking about it.
My topic: What’s Wrong With Her? Why Did She Become a Lesbian?
~sigh~ It’s gonna be so good and so inspirational… Oooh…Lemme see if I can find the program on another sight so i can download it. Later!