Made for Each Other

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I just checked on my baby. Pressed my warm palm to his little forehead and smiled. I pulled the Spiderman covers up to his chin. He’ll be alright.

My baby isn’t feeling too well.

Last week the weather changed and almost everyone was affected by it. At work everyone has either a sore throat, a cough or a cold and my son didn’t escape the effects of mother nature.

His teacher called me at work yesterday to tell me that my 5 year old was very lethargic, which is unusual for my baby. I immediately told my Director that I had to go and I sped over to his elementary school.

I smiled at the receptionist at the front desk.

“May I help you?” she asked.

“I came to get my baby. He needs ALL my love.” I cooed.

She laughed and walked over to the clinic. A few seconds later my Sugarbar walked out, his head down, his arms stiff. Even though he has a solid brown complexion, his face was red. I shivered at the sight.

One quick touch to his forehead revealed that he indeed had a temperature. Instinct told me to scoop him up in my arms like a newborn and carry him to the car, but I didn’t want to embarrass him. I’d save the royal treatment for when we got home.

I couldn’t wait.

By the time we arrived at my house, his little head was resting against the back of the seat and his eyes were closed. He couldn’t even muster up the strength to unbuckle his seatbelt but I didn’t care. I wanted to do it for him anyway.

He didn’t have to walk. I carried him into the house and placed him on the couch. I removed his uniform and dressed him in a pair of sweats and a tee-shirt. After covering the couch with an extra sheet and bringing out his pillows and blanket, he snuggled into his nest. I gave him some tylenol and took his temperature. I gave him some juice and flipped through the channels until he found something he wanted to watch.

Then I sat there and I watched him breathe.

In and out.

Out and in.

What a beautiful sight.

He has my nose. ~smile~

He has my creativity too. When he learns something new he is so proud of himself and he has a passion for learning that is so remarkable to me.

My baby is so wonderful. He takes good care of his little brother. He’s a bit bossy at times, but I can’t get mad because I’m the same way.

I have a habit of blowing my nose like a trumpet and my son HATES that.

“MAMA!” he’ll say. “Don’t do that. It’s nasty.”

I always laugh and shrug my shoulders. His Daddy used to say the same thing.

Of all the frustration I have with men, Of all the dreams yet unaccomplished, Of all the hopes being reknewed in my spirit, when I see my son I KNOW that I have done something right. I KNOW that I have purpose. I was born to be a mother.

Nno one can tell me that he and I weren’t destined for each other. I know he wasn’t born under the best of circumstances and I know that while he was in my tummy I had doubts about my ability to be a good mother but now that he is here I value and appreciate the woman I have become.

I have purpose. I have excitement. I have found true love- in him.

We were made for each other.

Thank you Lord for such an AWESOME gift. I’ll treasure him forever.

My firstborn son.