Inspiration for Your Day– By Ms. Tee
They’re Called Dream Killers
When I wake up in a fantastic mood like I did today I can pretty much expect that someone, somehow will try to steal my joy. My friend Kim calls them Dream Killers. They come in many different forms.
They could be the chick at work who for some reason has decided that she doesn’t like you. You haven’t dated her boyfriend, talked about her Mama or been rude to her at all, but still, she can’t even look you in the face when she talks to you. When you’re in a team meeting and its your turn to speak, you see her face scrunch up and she turns away. She tries to get as many people as she can to join her in her disgust for you. She’s on a mission to come up with reasons why she should dislike you.
I used to be very hurt because I expected to receive the same energy and respect that I put out, but then I realized something very important: she feels threatened.
In some way she has allowed you to make her feel as though she is not up to par. That’s why she criticizes all of your ideas and smirks when you are corrected by your boss. She yearns for the day when you fall on your butt because that is where she is and she wants you to join her in her misery. Don’t fall victim to her plot. Keep it happy! Keep it smiling! Keep it positive! And continue to be nice to her.
Have you ever heard the saying, “Hurting people hurt people?” It’s true. Anytime someone is rude to me, I automatically know it is because they are lacking in some area of their life. People project what they are being fed and if someone has a bad attitude it’s primarily because those close to them are not treating them well and in turn they have lost their love for themselves.
The Dream Killer can come in another form. More subtle but just as deadly. Ever reached a point of dissatisfaction in your life? A point where you KNOW you could have more but are trying to decide if you should do something about it? The Dream Killer will come along and listen to your dilemma then they will advise you that you should be content where you are. They will try to make you feel ungrateful for not being satisfied with your current position. “You’re surviving! You have food! You have a place to live! You should be happy with what you have!”
No, no, no honey…
YOU should happy with what YOU have. I’m not.
So many people are focused on surviving that they can’t even imagine the SURPLUS!
I’m not trying to live a macaroni and cheese life. I’m not just trying to SURVIVE!
I want more! In all areas of my life!
I want MORE from my career! I will not settle for a job that is not fulfilling.
I want MORE from my relationships! I will not settle for booty call status when I want the ring. I’m worth more than that.
I want MORE from my relationship with God! I love Him, but do I TRUST HIM with everything in me? Am I really modeling myself after the love He has shown me or are their alterior motives in my heart?
I want MORE!
I won’t settle for mediocre, half hearted friends who scheme, lie and steal.
I’m not interested in fellowship with a person who is waiting for someone to come and give them their next promotion.
Take a look at the people who are criticizing you. Where are they in their lives? What are they settling for? Before you take anything they say to heart ask yourself, “Are they someone I want to be like in the future?”
Most often they are not.
They’re hurting and they don’t believe in their dream. That is why they try to kill yours too.
But they can’t stop God’s plan for me.
I’m focused and all obstacles fall by the wayside.
I’m gonna get it! And I’m gonna do it RIGHT, with a sincere heart and a love for others that many do not even have for themselves.
Best of luck to you as you face the Dream Killers.
The only power they have, is the power you give them.