I’m here!

I made it safely yesterday afternoon. The ride from Miami wasn’t so bad this time considering that I get lost on the 285 so much I feel like over 90% of my time in Atlanta has been spent on the damn expressway. I stopped in Gainesville and was able to see my girl Tonya and my sorority sister Kim, who both look great! We enjoyed appetizers at Chili’s and talked about the current state of our sisterhood on campus.

I also enjoyed a stress free ride because while I was in Miami I was able to free my mind from several worries including:

1) Whether or not I would be able to see my sons.—-I saw them! We cuddled. I woke up with them in my arms on Sunday morning. I almost melted. They miss me but they are having fun with their Daddy. I told them they would be joing me in Georgia soon.

2) How I would be able to clean out my apartment in 2 days.—I didn’t have to. I gave everything to my lil sister and as a blessing she said she would clean the apartment out for me. All I had to do was pack up my car and leave everything I didn’t want inside. She is putting all of my furniture in storage so that when she gets her new place, she will have everything she needs.

3) My traffic court date to fight my ticket.—Case dismissed. Peace of cake.

4) My old hooptie of a car dilemma. I didn’t know what I would do for transportation.—When I got down there I hopped in my car and it wouldn’t even crank. ~sigh~ So I went to a car dealership recommended by my girl Tamara and drove away in style- I HAVE A NEW CAR!!! It’s my first car with payments ya’ll but I am so grateful because God sent an angel my way to give me a down payment for it and my payments are actually afforable. Now I have to save, save, SAVE so that I can be ahead of myself before my boys come to stay with me. ****As an added blessing I was able to fulfill my heart’s desire by turning over my old car to my cousin so she can fix it up and have reliable transportation.


Everything works out.. I have no reason to worry myself sick like I did last week.

Everything works itself out as long as you don’t give up.

I will have regular internet access soon. Be patient with me ok? I’ll be back to updating regularly in no time.