I Believe I Can Fly
I’m so happy!
Please stop calling me bi-polar! LOL!
I actually did a little digging to read about the disease and ~cough~ it kinda sounds like me. haha! The part about being “extremely creative” and “driven” and “goal oriented” and “moody”, yeah that fits me. But not all the depressed crap. I have too much to accomplish to think about killing myself. My life has purpose.
Call it what you want, I call it CREATIVE GENIUS, FEARLESS and DESTINED FOR SUCCESS.
I’m not gonna run out to the doctor for an evaluation because I believe they will just try to get me hooked on their damn drugs. The pharmaceutical industry is a MONEY MAKING SCHEME! Yeah..I said it.
I’m okay.
My emotions were all over the place today. I don’t know why I was feeling uneasy about my new apartment. Isn’t that crazy? Anyway…I will walk in peace and know that God won’t put me in danger and He won’t allow me to make a bad decision when I’m consistently communicating with Him and putting Him first in all of my decisions. I TRUST YOU LORD!
I think God is always laughing at me. I’m sure He thinks I’m so silly.
So this morning I went to the post office to send off the copies of THE GAME OF LIFE that I ordered for my friends. I also sent a going away gift to Kim since this is her last week in Atlanta. She’s going to love it! It’s a little candle in a powder blue vase that reads: BELIEVE, Miracles happen to those who believe.
I love my friend and I’m excited about the next phase of her journey.
When I got back to the office we had a team meeting about the next step in our vision as a paper. That’s right, we’re expanding to the web. You know I LOVE the internet like I love a good meal and I can’t imagine my life without it.
It’s funny cuz…the first time I was introduced to the internet I was in Tallahassee visiting Tamara at FSU and her friend Melissa was sitting at the computer.
“What are you doing?” I asked her.
“I’m on the internet.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s called Google. It’s a search engine.”
“What’s it for?”
“It’s..Um… You type in whatever you want to read about in the box and then you can read it.”
“What?” I didn’t get it.
She demonstrated it for me.
“That’s boring,” I said and turned around to watch TV.
Now I can’t get enough!
I want to be the editor of an online magazine. I’d really like to get my old website JUSTSAVED.COM up and running again. I love sharing testimonies.
Speaking of…I finally have peace about not getting any -censored- I guess I’ll just have to wait until I meet my dazzling multi- millionaire genius of a man. In the meantime I’ll just have to masterbate more (as if that’s possible). Pretty soon I’ll meet him and his quivering hands will replace mine.
When I tell people that I believe I’m going to be with a CEO they laugh. “Girl….Aren’t you aiming a little bit too high.
When I hear that I raise my eyebrow because…the person obviously doesn’t know me well.
Bitch…I’m a SUPERSTAR!
And like R. Kelly said I BELIEVE I CAN FLY.
If I can see it
Then I can BE it
If I just BELIEVE it
There’s nothing to it!
That’s right.
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and FLY AWAY
My favorite part is
There are miracles in life I must achieve
But first I know it starts inside of MEEEEEEEEEEE!
It all starts inside of me.
Besides, if I hear one more man tell me he thinks I deserve better than him I’m going to SCREAM! A CEO would be too busy building his dream to be that damn insecure.