The internet is buzzing with millions mourning the loss of Apple CEO Steve Jobs. This reminds me of when Michael Jackson died. Some writers describe Jobs as a rockstar of technology attesting to the fact that everyone in the world has, at some point, owned a product created and marketed by the innovative force behind the billion dollar brand name.
Personally, I had just begun to study the personal philosophy that Jobs shared that he claims led him to his current success. Offhand, the things that stood out to me moreso that his innovations were his quest for peace of mind. Did you know that Jobs went to India for a spiritual retreat or that he used LSD and said that it was a very important part of his development as a creative thinker? He was also adopted and refused to even speak to his birth parents.
I don’t know. There’s so much out there about his life but what really shook me was his message about intuition and risk taking. He failed so much. He had ideas that no one believed in. He tried and tried again.
What led to his success, according to the man himself, was not his ability to be the superstar, but his ability to attract other superstars to work with him.
I’m trying to figure out how to do that. I attract people, but they mainly want to have sex with me. I want to meet business minded people who want to make money with me. If I could throw some sex in there that would be great but I can not get a single business man to approach me with anything but offers of a stiff penis.
Like, who wants to make some MONEY off of me? Who cares to invest in me? No one. Yet I’m constantly hearing how remarkable I am and what a breath of fresh air I am (when I’m not speaking-ouch!).
I don’t know what to do. I need a team.
I need someone who is passionate about marketing.
Someone who loves organizational structure and leading a company.
Someone who can financially back the visions I create.
Someone who is well connected in the media to help publicize my efforts.
Someone who knows a future superstar when they see one and has studied success stories of the past so they KNOW what should happen next and are willing to put their name on the line.
All this that I want, I don’t know how to get it. I feel like I suck sometimes because I am constantly surrounded by people who just want, to keep their jobs and that’s that.
I want to meet people who believe they can change the world and make it a better place. Sounds crazy, huh?
Yeah. I felt the same way but then I think about Harriet Tubman and how she helped so many people who didn’t have a concept of the freedom she was leading them towards.
I don’t desire to be a leader of a big corporation. I just want to be able to meet women’s needs and to show them sincere love by providing for them and encouraging them in their efforts. Like, how can I do this all by myself?
I can’t.
And no one I’ve ever met has been willing to share wisdom or stand behind me and it’s because, well, I think it’s because there has to be something WRONG with me or WRONG with them or maybe it’s because I have a vagina and that’s more important to them or maybe it’s just that it’s not my time.
Regardless, Steve Jobs is important to me because I feel he is the only one I’ve ever studied who could understand how a little chick from Liberty City could feel like she’s supposed to help humanity and take significant strides to do so, yet, feel so small but continues to try anyway.
When he narrated this video it gave me hope that maybe, one day I can, you know, impact the world. Only because I believe I can.