
I was chatting with this chick the other night and she was sharing with me about how much of a blessing her husband is to her.

She said that no one has ever loved her the way he loves her, wholely and completely and she is amazed at his kindness and caring nature for her and their children. She said that her own mother never loved her so much.

I told her I understood how she felt because I feel the same way about my children’s love for me and she said it’s not exactly the same because her husband is not related and didn’t have to love her.

This caused me to sit back and think about if there were people in my life who loved me but weren’t related to me. People who loved me completely and without reservation, without harsh judgement or conditions.

After just a moment’s pause, face after face appeared in my mind.

Plenty of people love me. I have so many wonderful girlfriends.

Not girlfriends like friends who are good as shopping partners or gossip partners. Or girls to take up my time when I don’t have a man. I mean girls who are there for me like my future husband will be. Women who speak into my life as God would. Who encourage me like a mother or father should. Women who know the deep recesses of my being and help me celebrate those things.

There’s nothing like hearing my friends voices on the phone. I feel so lucky, they’re calling ME. They want MY opinion. They want ME to share in their joy. With a past filled with so much rejection there are a group of chicks in this world who not only think I’m great, they genuinely respect me as much as I respect them.

The love my friends show me is the same kind of love I hope to have with a man one day. I often tell my friends, “If I’m lucky enough to have a man love me half as much as you do, I’ll be one blessed woman.”

They accept me. Completely. Ride with me. Listen to my drama. Take me shopping cuz they know I hate to shop. Help me clean my house. Help me do my hair. Call me when they’re happy. Call me when they’re sad. Include me in their life decisions. Value my opinion. Trust me with their kids, their cars and around their men knowing that I’d never do anything to harm them.

They bare their souls to me. Sometimes that’s a bit scary but I do the same. We never hide or fake the funk. We get krunk. Get lifted off of each other’s company.

If any of them had a penis I’d propose tomorrow.

I love my girls. And I’m so happy that one by one they’re finding happiness and success. They’re taking steps toward big things and I feel so honored to be able to share in their joy.

Thank you for thinking of me. It makes my day to know that you want me there to cry with you in pure bliss as you receive all of the blessings that you deserve.