Coming Out Of The Closet

I have to admit, I’m afraid.

I’ve only been holding on this secret because I didn’t want to look like a coward if I changed my mind. Now I know I’m ready. Now i know it’s time.

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Yolie: hey, lady
Yolie: everything going okay>?
ptygrneyez: yes, thanks
Yolie: you said you had a room in vinings–is it just a room?
Yolie: you still looking for something else?
ptygrneyez: im renting a room, its nice
Yolie: cooooool
Yolie: how’s the j-o-b?
ptygrneyez: im abot to write to my email list about it and then i’ll blog about it cuz its JUICY
Yolie: really
Yolie: how juicy?
Yolie: lol
ptygrneyez: very juicy
Yolie: juicy as in you get a raise juicy?
Yolie: lol
ptygrneyez: ull see
Yolie: ok, now, you know cancers, being one yourself, and you know we like to KNOW
ptygrneyez: a raise? LOL, Yolanda…you KNOW u know better than that
ptygrneyez: a raise isnt exciting
ptygrneyez: its standard
Yolie: hehehe
ptygrneyez: ok dammit- u know ima tell u
Yolie: well, a better position would also do it for me
Yolie: lol
ptygrneyez: ok, here goes
ptygrneyez: Yolanda…i want u to think about something
Yolie: ok, i’m thinking
Yolie: i’m thinking she bedda go ahead and spill
ptygrneyez: i never dream of promotions, raises
ptygrneyez: cuz when i go to a company i never think i will stay long
Yolie: same here
ptygrneyez: cuz i dont have the spirit to wrk for someone else
Yolie: but i thought maybe you had did a 360
ptygrneyez: lol
Yolie: you darn skippy
ptygrneyez: so heres what happened
ptygrneyez: my editor has it in for me, feels threatened, bla bla
Yolie: they always do when your talent can uproot them
Yolie: keep going
ptygrneyez: i work my best, my hardest and everyone recognizes it
ptygrneyez: last saturday i took the day off cuz my bestfriend was sick needed to go to ER
ptygrneyez: i took her
ptygrneyez: i called in
ptygrneyez: that afternoon i had this sense of urgency
ptygrneyez: to complete my business plan
ptygrneyez: for my non profit
Yolie: keep going
ptygrneyez: i invited a friend over
ptygrneyez: to help me bounce ideas and I declared THIS IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF MY LIFE
ptygrneyez: i declared that I would find a way to quit my job and work full time on my non profit idea
Yolie: i’m loving it
Yolie: keep going
ptygrneyez: i went in to work early on Monday
ptygrneyez: doing my thing as usual
ptygrneyez: my editor had me traiining the other guy
ptygrneyez: she hired me in my position
Yolie: i’m listening, i mean, reading
Yolie: keep going
ptygrneyez: oh sorry
ptygrneyez: so im being cool
ptygrneyez: training him, editing stories for the copy editors and filling calendars and stuff
ptygrneyez: i send out an email to my publisher, CEO and editor asking if we could meet to discuss how my role and the new guy’s role will work together
ptygrneyez: cuz i have some ideas how to make it successful
ptygrneyez: they say SURE, they will meet with me at 4:30
Yolie: keep going
ptygrneyez: so i go into the meeting with my notes
ptygrneyez: all ready
Yolie: type faster
ptygrneyez: and i say, “Before I begin, I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to me.”
ptygrneyez: u crazy!
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: and they say, “No problem.”
ptygrneyez: And im like, “Before I start is there anything you want to say to me?”
Yolie: faster, faster
ptygrneyez: ANd they say, “Well actually there is…I don’t think this position is working out with you. We’re gonna have to let you go.”
ptygrneyez: Im like…
ptygrneyez: “Are you serious?”
Yolie: so, they had you train your replacement?
ptygrneyez: And they hand me a seperation paper and ask me to leave.
ptygrneyez: Yes.
Yolie: wtf?
ptygrneyez: not the end
ptygrneyez: cuz get this
Yolie: keep going
ptygrneyez: i had just sent out an email that morning to my friends
ptygrneyez: telling them that this company was the last company I was ever going to work for
ptygrneyez: I spoke it
ptygrneyez: so i was about to move into my apartment that evening
Yolie: yes, you did
ptygrneyez: and i wasn’t sad
ptygrneyez: cuz I knew that i had a contract on the table for my side job
ptygrneyez: to do extensive PR for him
ptygrneyez: i figured that this was my time to start my own thing
Yolie: everything for a reason and in its season
ptygrneyez: so i sat home on Tuesday trying to pray and figure out what I would do
ptygrneyez: and something said,
ptygrneyez: you interviewed a man last week
ptygrneyez: from Houston who started his own non profit 5 years ago
ptygrneyez: and now its worth millions
ptygrneyez: and helps so many ppl
ptygrneyez: maybe if you called him he could give u some pointers
ptygrneyez: but i didnt have his number
Yolie: this is getting good
ptygrneyez: so anyway…
ptygrneyez: i called and said, “This is Ms. Tee from **********.”
ptygrneyez: He was happy to hear from me.
ptygrneyez: “This isnt a business call. This is personal,” I told him.
ptygrneyez: “Ok.” he said.
Yolie: yayyyyyyyyyyyy
Yolie: ok, keep going
ptygrneyez: “The interview I did with you last week was so inspiring that I had to call you and tell u that I listened to it several times.”
ptygrneyez: “I have similar goals of wanting to start a non profit…”
Yolie: rapidamente
ptygrneyez: “And I was wondering if you could offer some advice or words of encouragement”
ptygrneyez: “All i need is a few minutes of your time.” I told him.
ptygrneyez: “Let me tell YOU a story,” he began.
ptygrneyez: “Last week I was watching Oprah. And I NEVER watch Oprah.”
ptygrneyez: “She had the guy from the movie Pursuit of Happyness on there.”
Yolie: *sitting back as this gets better and better*
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: “Its a story about a man who kept getting fired from jobs so he was forced to start his own company and now he’s a millionaire. He went from being homeless to millionaire status.”
Yolie: yeah, i’m familiar with it
ptygrneyez: “During that show Oprah says there is someone who wants to see the man. A lady walks out and she is crying. She tells the man that many years ago she was looking for someone to mentor her and teach her to be successful and no one would pay her any attention.
ptygrneyez: But HE did. He offered her an internship. He even paid for her college education and now she was wildly successful. Both she and the man were crying. It was very moving.”
ptygrneyez: I’m like, “OK.”
Yolie: keep going
ptygrneyez: He continues, “After I saw that I prayed. I told God that I wanted to be able to help someone like that one day. I want to be the one who would help someone else build their fortune but I didn’t want to force my help on anyone…”
ptygrneyez: “God please send me someone who wanted my help and would ASK for it. And I will do anything in my power to make them accomplish their biggest dreams.”
ptygrneyez: “This phone call is an answered prayer” he said to me.
Yolie: yesssssssssssssssss ssss
ptygrneyez: So we continued to talk and we outlined my business plan. He offered his expertise and my little baby idea turned into a MILLION DOLLAR idea.
Yolie: keep typing
Yolie: i am so loving it
ptygrneyez: He Kept fine tuning it
ptygrneyez: until I was about to cry.
ptygrneyez: So then he asked, “So now you have to contact as many business leaders as you can and ask them if they would consider it.”
ptygrneyez: “I don’t know many here,” I told him.
ptygrneyez: “Where do you know a lot?”
ptygrneyez: “Um…Nowhere. ” I replied sadly.
ptygrneyez: “Well, you know some in Houston. I can get 10 leaders who would be willing to help you.”
ptygrneyez: “In fact… Would you ever consider relocating?”
ptygrneyez: “Well…I have nothing holding me back here. I just lost my job yesterday and I am not in a lease. Im renting month to month.”
ptygrneyez: “REALLY?” he asked surprised.
ptygrneyez: “Yes. Thats where I am right now.”
Yolie: everything for a reason and in its own seasomn
Yolie: season*
ptygrneyez: “Well…if you are serious. If you’re really serious. If you want to move to Houston you can come work for my company. I’ll give you a position that will be enough to pay your bills. It will be flexible too so you can work on your own non profit and we can develop that. What do you say?”
ptygrneyez: Everyday since we have had phone meetings and we outline my business goals. He has taught me so much in these few days.Yolie: i say do it
ptygrneyez: He gives me ideas and I improve upon them and he admits I am a much better communicator than he is and he needs those skills.
Yolie: you’re in the perfect place to do it
ptygrneyez: My going away dinner is January 3rd. I hope you and HH will come.
Yolie: you know i’m all for stepping out
ptygrneyez: I leave on January 4th.
Yolie: hell, yeah, i’m coming
Yolie: wouldn’t miss it for the world
ptygrneyez: wow
ptygrneyez: im moving to Houston to start my non profit!
ptygrneyez: my dream come true!
Yolie: were you able to get unemployment from the others who “thought they could slow your roll to your destiny?”
ptygrneyez: i didnt even try…
ptygrneyez: no one will ever fire me again!
Yolie: and that’s exactly how you should see it
Yolie: from here on out
Just think… Seven days ago, I sat down and prayed. I declared that my life would change forever as I outlined my vision for my non profit organization. Seven days later it’s all settled. My old job is gone, I met a great mentor and now I’m moving toward accomplishing all that is in my heart to accomplish.

I’m MOVING TO HOUSTON in 3 weeks!!!!!

Thank you for believing with me!