Chain of Fools
So I know I have short hair, a relatively deep voice and a sex appeal that is unmatched by most. And I know, I’m guilty, I check women out on a regular basis.
But dammit I am not gay!
I am so embarrassed, humiliated and perculated.
This BITCH felt me up last night…
I feel violated.
For real ya’ll. I know I talk a lot of mess. I know I act like I’m all superfreaky but with women, it’s look but don’t touch. I am disgusted. Utterly. I honestly didn’t know I’d react like this but man, I feel like crap.
~shakes head~
And to those I drunk-called late last night, I’m sorry. I just had some things I really needed to say. Now I’m wondering, uh, what exactly DID I say?
Damnnnn…I’m such an idiot.