I’m feeling a lot better! I had a revelation today after asking for help to really change my perception about what I believe i deserve. It was so simple when it hit me that I had to laugh…
I am a great person inside and out. I treat other with kindness and I uplift everyone that I come into contact with. I AM A GOOD PERSON THEREFORE I DESERVE EVERY GOOD THING THAT I WANT FOR MY LIFE AND I WILL HAVE IT!
That phrase played itself over and over in my mind while i waited tables at Denny’s. I laughed to myself over and over again and realized, why would I expect bad things to come into my life when i only give GOOD THINGS out to the world?
Everything I give will be returned to me times ten. So I’m expecting such a brilliant series of miracles that it will make me nauseas! The perfect home for me and my sons. The perfect man for me. The perfect opportunity now flows my way for my divine abundance. I can FEEL it now… All it took was one shift of my brain and I got it! I am so grateful that I listen to the LIGHT instead of the darkness that tries to convince me I am a failure and a loser. NO I’M NOT!
I am who I say I am!
No one can define me but me!
Define yourself until you believe it. Expect what you deserve and delight in it today! It’s really on its way. don’t waste time being fearful…there is nothing to fear. You are on a marvelous journey towards greatness that first begins in your own mind.
Cultivate and embrace that!
Love, Tee